Pre-Teaser Monday



Oh yeah!   Monday rolls around yet again and I have to remind EVERYBODY that tomorrow the Teaser will “come to town”…………that’s right and I believe we will be having a GUEST TEASER but until I confirm that, I can’t say for sure……….so stand by – no matter if it’s a “home grown” Teaser or a guest, you can be you’ll be agonizing over it before you know it!

The Silver Briefcase will be loaded up on peeking!

The Silver Briefcase will be loaded up on Monday……no peeking!

Remember if you think you have a photo that will FOOL everybody on one of my upcoming Tuesday Teasers, just email it to me……………we’ll let you know ahead of time that your Teaser photo will be used.   Just send the photo AND some “details” to me and you just might find yourself giggling along with all the wacky comments one Tuesday as people try to figure out where YOUR photo was taken!!!

Meanwhile, I have to report that Fall is beginning to fall here.  Leaves coming down………..crispy mornings and evenings…………Mom is making Dad start the annual hunt for someone who will deliver firewood to us……..that means I’d better enjoy my sunny front porch as much as possible before the real COLD arrives.   Mom will be putting out the two comfy spots for the wandering kitties in the neighborhood – one of them heated and the other well-insulated………they go up on the sheltered porch and we ALWAYS have occupants.   Even the kitties who have homes occasionally decide to spend the night on the wild side (aka my front porch).   This is “frequent visitor” Stevie enjoying the heated house last winter.

Nice and TOASTY!!

Nice and TOASTY!!

SO, be on the lookout for the Teaser tomorrow – I can’t tell you what time you’ll see it arrive but it will be there…………probably when you least expect it – WHAM BAM THANK YOU SAM – there it is ready to stump and confound you!


King of Teasers, Sammy



55 responses »

    • It really DOES make me feel that way…..especially since I do know what it’s like to be on my own and scared. Remember I was found abandoned by my cat Mom under an old house that nobody lived in! I was lucky to wind up in a shelter and even LUCKIER when Mom and Dad adopted me!

      Hugs, sammy


  1. That’s so special that your mom takes care of the “wild” kitties in the neighbohoood. My pawrents have some strays behind their shop that they feed everyday. They’re thinking of getting a heated kitty house for them for the winter.
    Love, Sundae


  2. So great Sammy that you and your Mom provide a warm shelter for the other kitties. We would try that too, but we would have every skunk in the woods fighting over it… pew! I will be here tomorrow, more than likely clueless but here!


    • I’m sure ferals all appreciate it a LOT when they find a warm spot to spend some RESTFUL time. They’re so busy just finding food and staying alive normally you just KNOW a warm safe spot to rest is SUPER welcome!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Squeals – I can’t wait for the teaser. I’ve been watching the Travel channel all weekend in my bedroom. Snorts – Still won’t have any idea where is what but you know I’ll be here cousin! XOXO – Bacon


  4. I love this fall weather, it is my favorite time of year. That is so sweet of your Mom to put out warm housing for the strays in the neighborhood. See you tomorrow even though I never know the answer 🙂 XO


  5. LOL, Wham bam thank-you Sam……crack me up. You’re so sweet to make a heated get-away for Stevie or any other kitty that wonders by. It’s getting for fall-ish here too. but my patio baskets are still going strong. I’m waiting for that one giant frost that get’s them to empty them. For now, they’re still gorgeous.


    • It’s nice when we can squeeze a few more days out of the color of our flowers before it all freezes OR just plain gives up for the season! Mom bought a bunch of mums today for our front porch so we will have THAT color for a while!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • Mom got one each of the lavender, dark purple, dark orange, and yellow…….and two of the light orange! She wants to go back to get more but the Blazer would only hold five at a time because Dad had also bought turf builder and it took up all the room in the trunk!!!!! Mom will take a photo for my blog…….but it sure looks pretty with just those five on the porch!

          Hugaroonies from Sam and Mom!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sounds purrrrrrty nice! Silly daddy taking up so much space.

            Now I’ve just realized I missed the teaser yesterday…..gah!!!! Going to go look, BRB.

            Well, I would have guessed Venice but that’s too obvious maybe. So then I would have guessed somewhere in Ireland, don’t know why LOL BRB.

            Italy??! ka-zooks…….tricky! You two are too slick for me this week. How would anyone possibly have gotten that unless they’d stopped to tie their shoelaces exactly there? Fannnnnntastic! xoxox B


          • I agree………….yet several people DID guess right…….go figure………now while your guess of Venice wasn’t RIGHT, it was CLOSE, because this little town is known as “Little Venice” !!!!!!!!

            Love, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s going to be a while before things get crispy around here! We had one almost-crispy morning recently, and I can tell you, we cats really LOVED it after all the hot weather! Then the high temperatures came back.


    • I get rather invigorated for an old dignified man when I go out in the chilly mornings….I’ve got a spring in my step (even though I still limp from arthritis!) and my tail is in the UPRIGHT position because I’m interested in whatever is out there…… later when it’s really COLD in the dead of winter I won’t go out there PERIOD!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Aaaaaw Sammy yous lucky to be enjoyin’ da sun porch. It was all gway and stowrmy here this past weekend so weez didn’t get to enjoy any sun. And weez hopin’ Winter be short and goes away quickly. MOL Have a wunnewful day. Oh and Stevie looks so cute and comfy.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • YES – it’s been a big hit the past couple of winters since we bought it. Good old has a bunch of nice ones……this one is cozy but not too hot. Mom thinks I’m nuts for not trying it out!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • It’s tough isn’t it…….summer is fun with all that nice yummy warm stuff (especially those of us with arthritis!!)…..but when it gets cooler, it’s cozier and snugglier (is that a word?!) and we like that too. What we don’t particularly like is WINTER AND SUPER COLD! Are we EVER satisfied? Well……..kinda.

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. We do love the cooler temps of fall, and unlike you, we are excited for the cold of winter. Your Mom is so nice to put out those warm homes for the outside kitties. We hope they appreciate that kindness.

    Have a great week.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Tonight is the first evening that I stepped outside and it really smelled like fall! I love the crisp cool air and smell of dry leaves, don’t you? It had been hot here up until Saturday.
    I might look through some old photos and send you some possible teaser photos…my memory says I might have some interesting ones, but then again, I have to find them first! 🙂


    • Great on the possible Teaser photos! We like having a “stash” of them in case Mom is too lazy to search her photo files! HAHA Yes, the smell of wood smoke as some people are already using their fireplaces around here – the “oaky” smell of leaves coming up from the woods behind our house and all around…..Mom even tries not to get mad when she slides on all the acorns around! It’s just a nice time of the year. ENJOY!

      Hugs, Sammy


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