


When we first heard about this new day of remembrance, we knew we’d have to be on board.   It was started by the blog of Deb Barnes called Zee and Zoey to honor her cats who had gone to the Bridge but also to allow ALL of us a special day to be set aside to honor those we’ve ALL had to say goodbye to as they left for the Rainbow Bridge.

In honor of the day, those of us in the Tabby Cat Club who are participating are relating stories of our friends and furramily who have gone before us…………you can read their contributions here but blogs all over the world will be participating in this event so don’t be surprised to see many remembrances shared today.

At the TCC my Mom and I talked about the cat before me, Eddy……Eddy was a gray tabby cat and he was a stray who worked his way into my parents’ hearts about the time my Mom’s Dad passed away in 1993.   Good timing – just when Mom needed a special kind of hug (she didn’t have a cat at the time although she’d ALWAYS had cats!) that only a kitty can give, there came Eddy.   He lived in the neighborhood but had been abandoned by his family when they moved and since everyone knew him (but nobody wanted to give him a home), he wandered begging and being “everybody’s friend” for several years apparently.   I think he knew my Mom was lonely – he gave her a big hug one day when she was sitting outside my Dad’s house – and that was that.   He moved in.   He moved out to the new house Mom and Dad built after they got married – and he was already a senior then.  He had three more really good years before he got extremely sick and went to the Bridge.    He was lucky enough to be one of the main characters in my Mom’s first mystery novel, “The Mystery of David’s Bridge”…………I wish I’d known him.  I really do.   I will meet him one day over the Bridge I’m SURE of it.

The "Eddy" who inspired my Mom!

The “Eddy” who inspired my Mom!

SO, a day of remembrances begins……………….not with a tear, but with a smile.   Those who are there are ALWAYS with us and we will ALWAYS feel their presence.

Hugs, Sammy


93 responses »

  1. It’s a wonderful but very touching idea to walk together on memory lane. I think with friends on your side we are strong enough to remember the wonderful moments we had together…. my mom wasn’t strong enough for a remembering post today, but all our beloved furfriends are in our thoughts today


    • Easy most of us keep these thoughts in our hearts in a private spot where we can “warm our hands by the fire of the memory”…….Mom has a tough time talking about how much Eddy meant to her BUT she says it will be the same kind of thing when I join him at the Bridge. Life does go on and we remain in our humans’ hearts FOREVER…………

      Love and Hugs to ALL of you!
      Sammy and Mom


  2. Yes, Sammy, it’s nice to have a day set aside to remember and honor the kitties before us. Eddy sounds like a really cool guy; he was sent to help your mom just when she needed him most.
    And, you, Sammy….well, you know you’ve had your Mom’s heart for many, many years!
    Love, Sundae


    • Yes Mom believes that he was a little angel who helped her at a bad time………….and same with me – here in time for some of her surgeries…………we all bring something with us when we join our human families!

      Love, Sammy


  3. I am sorry your Mom didn’t get more years with Eddy. I read Mystery of David’s Bridge and now I know where he came from, I figured the kitty was loosely based on you. Hugs to you and your Mom.


    • Eddy was special to my Mom and I had big “paws” to fill when I came on the scene for sure. Mom has had many special cats but I’ve read about them all over the blogosphere today – cats, dogs, other animals – humans have BIG hearts for the most part…….Hope you all have a wonderful day remembering too.

      Love, Sam


  4. Eddy sounds like he really was a darling character Sammy…and yes memories make our hearts full of smiles…..bless him i am sure he knew he had the right family to adopt himself to…loves Fozziemum xxxx


      • Good evening Sammy!! Haha…well actually it is 6 minutes into Saturday morning!… yes some kitties do read their person super well…Eddy clearly knew Mum was his 🙂 and he chose her specially….such lovely creatures thosr who share their lives with us 🙂 have a super day Sammy…loves Fozziemum xxxx


    • He was a great cat and I guess we all leave our mark (in one way or another!!!) on the hearts of our humans when we’re here right Flynn? Mom and I loved your post this morning………….we send you and your Mom and Dad hugs.

      Love, Sammy


  5. Oh Sammy we read about Eddy in your mom’s wonderful book!!
    He was truly a character and would have loved blogging
    hugs madi your bfff


    • And to you too Brian…….you have had your share of paws tiptoeing through your lives there – we love looking back AND looking forward to more love in the future from the furry little beasts we adore.

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom


  6. Eddy and your Mom sound like they were destined to be…just like you and her. Is it not great that our hearts are always big enough to fill and be filled again.
    Sending yous extra hugs, kisses and purrs
    Nellie and Barb


    • That’s a wonderful way to put it……….full hearts which are big enough to “refill” – throughout our lives if we’re super lucky too!!!!! Have a special Friday and weekend…….we send you lots of extra EVERYTHING including hugs, kisses and purrs too!

      Love, Sammy and Pam


  7. I always marvel at how cats seem to appear just at the exact moment when someone needs them the most. Eddy was a special kitty indeed. Thank you so much for participating in Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day – xoxo from Mr. Jazz, Deb, Purr Prints of the Heart and the Zee/Zoey Gang


    • Hi Deb……how sweet of you to stop by. Yes Eddy was one of the most amazing of my many cat loves through my years and today has been FULL of wonderful memories for ME and for everyone who has participated in this GREAT day you started. Thank you for that – we do remembrance days here and there but having a “universal memory day” has been TRULY amazing and very touching. Love to you and the cats…..

      Hugs, Pam and Sam


  8. Oh yes, many tears when those beloved furries leave us, but so many joyful smiles when we stop to remember the good times:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Sammy we love that Eddy was in Moms book and gave her some special kitty love when she was in need. We have a feeling there is book with you in there buddy. Just saying. Thanks and love you big fella
    Timmy and Family


  10. sammy…dood…..we iz glad inter netz dee sided ta werk two day coz we troo lee en joyed reedin eddy’s storee…az much az de food serviss gurl en joyed reedin yur moms book….manee hugs two her two day as her rememburrs him…& yes …..ewe can be SURE of it ~~~~~ ♥♥♥


    • Entirely possible CK………I bet there’s all kinds of fun things to do there…….I’m not in a hurry to find out mind you but when my time comes, I know I’ll have FRIENDS there waiting to welcome me.

      Love, Sammy


  11. Eddy is such a lucky kittie to have lived with your folks. I know they loved him as much and he loved him. He is a beautiful tabby cat. Eddy is playing with many of iur loved ones and friends that have gone to the bridge. Run free sweet Eddy, some day we will meet.


    • Yes and I’m sure when Eddy meets us he will be just as incredibly sweet to us as Mom says he was to her!!!! Happy Remembrance Day Gracie, for while it’s a SAD day in a way it’s also HAPPY – a reminder that the Bridge will be full of friends when we get there one day.

      Love, Sammy


  12. We all deal with grief in our own time and way. I feel emotions so deeply that I have to move forward through grief with happy thoughts in order to survive. My fur children will always have a special place in my heart. How wonderful we can have a day to remember our fur children who’ve gone before us.

    Mom Paula


    • Hi Miss Paula………yes it’s true – grieving is done at our own pace in our own way………my Mom is sure that Eddy KNEW she was grieving for her Dad and decided then and there to “adopt” her……and we read a lot of similar stories yesterday while visiting blogs posting for remembrance day…………….it was a lovely day – bittersweet.

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. We knew about Eddy ’cause our mom read Mom Pam’s book, but it was so nice to learn more about him and see photos. We are so appreciative of Deb for starting this great event to give all of us the opportunity to remember and honor our past anipals. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Yes, Miss Deb is quite a wonderful lady…..her love of her kitties and her passion for sharing that through her beautiful blog and all she does SHINES bright in the blogosphere. We enjoyed reading so many lovely remembrances too.

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Pawtastick story Unccle Sammy!!!!
    Yur ‘Unccle’ Eddy was a hansum mankat an just fink hee livess inn thee book fur ever!
    Wee tried to post on thee FB page but it wood not let us….
    Such iss Life right Unccle?
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


      • FB is beein glitchee again Unccle! LadyMum got frustrated an just gave up…..
        Butt wee CAN post here an meow together. Eddie was definitelee a ❤ kittie an mee finks YUR a ❤ kittie also. There iss sumfin BERRY speshell about you Unccle Sammy…..
        **nose kissess** an *play bowss* neffkitty Dharth Henry xXx


        • What a sweet thing to say……..thank you………and we feel like you are a most special young man too – you have a lot of responsibility for a youngster – taking care of Ladymum and filling the paw-shoes of Angel Nylablue….but you have done that in your very own special way.

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • **gulpsss** Mee doess have sum speshell paw prints to fill with Aunty Nylablue an Mingflower…it has not been easy butt littul bye littul mee iss leernin to bee a grown-up kittyboy…
            An beein LadyMum’ss ‘Purr-amedick’ iss an impawtent job. Wee has meowed about these fingss over thee past two weeks an mee now understands fingss better. LadyMUm has sum big challenges an mee must help her an not stubull her or make her uppyset.
            Fankss fur beein mee Unccle an guiding mee because mee needed a ‘guiding paw’ fur sure 😉
            ***nose kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


          • **blushie earss** fankss Unccle Sammy an Lady Pam fur thee complimint! Mee takes mee Bach’ss twice a day an a clamin treet sumtimess an mee iss abull to help LadyMum.
            Fankss KATGOD mee had Bach’ss last nite! Mee fell OFF thee BACK of FRIDGE an poor LadyMum freeked out! Mee just hung on fur deer life!!! LadyMum pulled thee fridge out an shee cott mee beefu mee fell an wee snuggled fur a long time! Our hearts were beetin together like Jackie hammerss…..Mee iss A-OK today an LadyMum is calm also….
            Thee sidin werkerss are here butt mee not even care… mee iss makin progress….
            ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Dharth Henry xxxxx


          • SO glad you didn’t get hurt falling off the refrigerator! Scary huh? Snuggle time after an “incident” is a good and very calming thing to do….I’m glad you and your Ladymum did just that!

            Love, Uncle Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you mean…….it’s always difficult dredging up those feelings because we do miss those who have gone before……….but with each other’s love and help, we’ll make it – and we’ll enjoy putting our memories down “on paper” with our blogs…..”we are family”…….we get through things together.

      Love, Sammy and Mom


  15. Eddy was a cutie! It was very nice to see your predecessor, Sammy. I think sometimes strays wander into our lives just when we need them. We took in a stray right after my Mom died. Even though he was only with us for a year (he had a lot of health problems), he came to us just when I needed him.


    • We just KNOW when someone needs us…….it’s that thing some of us have that makes us good “therapy animals”…….and some of us get to live in nursing homes or hospices…..we know when we’re really needed……and we love to be loved!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Yes Eddy was a true “survivor” as the neighbors said they thought his family had left over a year prior….he just survived by the goodness of strangers….which is how so many strays get on in the world. Mom and Eddy met each other at JUST THE RIGHT TIME!

      Love, Sammy


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