Relief Is On The Way



FINALLY – today is the last day of the project from hell floor project and we will return to some semblance of PEACE AND QUIET after around noon-ish.   Boy oh boy am I ready for THAT!

I have to admit the floor in the kitchen looks pretty darn swell though – so maybe all that noise was worth it?   Maybe?   I did spend a major part of yesterday UTC (under the couch) and when I came OUT for brief periods (when Mom and Dad came down to visit me or I had to use my potty) it was a quick trip out because the noise was almost UNBEARABLE – and I’m half deaf for pete’s sake!

Doesn’t it look swell?   My post from Wednesday shows what it looked like “BEFORE”.   Meanwhile forgive the mess – they will finish up today – trim, and a couple of spots and the laundry room then DONE!

NewFloor4 NewFloor3 NewFloor2 NewFloor1

Mom and Dad will move furniture back in place later today when the guys are gone OR maybe wait until they clean the kitchen up……….dust bunnies are everywhere and sawdust bunnies as well.   Then I won’t have to yell at Mom about putting things BACK IN ORDER.   Mom said she never knew how much I depended on things being in the same place as always but I sure have missed order in my kitchen.   Mom probably has too but then she got to go out to dinner these past few nights because of the kitchen being under siege!

SO – today is BACK TO NORMAL day………….or maybe I shouldn’t say NORMAL because I’m not entirely sure my family has ever been NORMAL………..just maybe BACK TO QUIET day.   Yeah.   That works for me!


p.s.  YES I got my bacon today because the workers don’t get here until 9AM and we have breakfast at 6AM…..thank heavens I COULD count on Mom making it up to me by giving me bacon on a Friday AND tomorrow on my usual BACONATOR day……Whew!


Sammy the Relieved Cat



74 responses »

  1. That floor looks amazing. Mom tells me our floor USED TO look like that before I moved in and started running, jumping, sliding, and gouging it with my nails. Now it looks like a mountain lion lives here. We’re OK with it though. Mom would rather have a playful doggie than a shiny floor. Tell your mom I can come over and “fix” hers if she needs me to….. I have a feeling your kitty nails are too tiny to do any damage.

    Love and licks,


    • Gosh Cupcake….thanks for offering to get my new floor in shape – I think nail-gouging would give the floor a lot better TRACTION than a shiny new one does…..I don’t want to be sliding around on it!!!! I bet if I were about 14 years younger I could do a good job of it but these days I’m not doing much running, jumping and sliding….!!!!!! I’ll see what Mom says….or maybe we can wait until she’s not home and you could “time tunnel” over and FIX my floor????

      Love, Sammy


  2. Oooh! That floor looks very shiny and new Sammy! Perfect for sleeping on! Glad the noise is finished and that you got bacon. Girl-woman’s employers changed her payday from today to Monday so she’s super cross as we now can’t buy bacon until next week! X


  3. I don’t understand why you didn’t go up and bark shrilly at them to counteract the noise that they were making–or am I confused about something? By the way I haven’t seen any more of those pretty quilts lately.


    • Well when I try to bark it comes our MEOW and somehow NOT as fierce as a bark would sound! Quilts? I’ll have to do a post featuring my Aunt Carol’s quilts one of these days!

      Love, Sammy


  4. 2 dayss of bacon UnccleSammy?? You have hit thee ‘motherlode’ there! Yur Mumma is so-o good to you!
    An thee new floorin DOESS look beeuteefull. So maybe it was werth the nosie an saw bunniess?!?!
    LadyMum says shee never moved furniture with Aunty Mingflower because shee had berry limited eyesight the last few yeerss of her life. Aunty Nylablue had purrfect sight butt LadyMum did not move much because now shee cannot. An since mee arrived with thee ‘ouchie’ eye, LadyMum has not moved anyfing an shee did add a small tote at side of bed so mee can vault onto thee bed….
    Shee did sell the bistro tabull an thee 2 chairss are inn bedroom (inn corner).
    An when thee entertainmint unit collapsed it opened thee livin room ALOT!! So now mee can run more an LadyMum can SEE mee bettur!!!
    Here’ss to a bacon kind of weekend…
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Dharth Henry xXxXxx


    • We never moved anything until this……….so there was a lot of dust behind things but now it’s all clean and neat and tidy (until next time!). I’m very happy with the floors – they are PAWSOME!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Same here with dust bunnies grown colonies behind furniture Unccle Sammy!! it iss purrty funny to see them tumbull all over!
        Glad you like thee new floor…it iss purrty cool 😉
        **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  5. The wood floor looks amazing! Beautiful, warm color. You are going to love it! We have hardwoods all through the house, tile in the kitchen, and I do get a bit tired of all the dust… but we live in a dusty place. Especially with Maniac Marv… LOL!


    • Mom says she’s ready for the dust……..I say – oh sure Mom…..but they gave us a cool floor care kit with a special thingie to clean the floors and Mom thinks it will be fun. oh sure Mom…….well, not my responsibility – my job is to keep my bacon and food OFF the floor – I see a new food mat in my future!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. dood…de floor iz awesum 🙂 ….think how nice a bacon samich will look on it….ore 14 ore sew….we hope yur mom cutz ewe sum slackz & keepz de vacuum masheen in de closit now…. sew ya due knot hafta listen two it ~~~~ heerz two an aeneus corydoras kinda week oh end ~~~ ♥♥♥


    • The floor is fab isn’t it? Bacon will match it perfectly and in fact I match it perfectly which is kind of funny- maybe I can hide in there…..just stand still and Mom won’t see me….HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs and Mackerel,
      Your Pal Sam


  7. Your new floor looks lovely Sammy. If you were a few years younger, just imagine the fun running and sliding across it. You are like me now though and prefer to take things easy.


    • You’re right Flynn……that space is where I used to chase paper balls and bring them back to Mom when I was tiny……I loved playing “fetch”…….so indeed the hardwood would be fun to slide on whether paper balls were involved or NOT!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. How beautiful your new floor is, Sammy! You’ve put up with a lot, but in the end I think it will have been worth it. I’m happy to hear you haven’t missed your bacon because of the workers. That’s one sacrifice too many!

    Hang in there and enjoy your new kitchen this weekend!! (Also, you might consider leveraging the “pain and suffering” you’ve experienced for a few extra pieces of bacon tomorrow!)


  9. Sammy you will surely love that new gorgeous floor. One thing I found out in the very hot weather it is cool to the tum-tum
    hugs madi your bfff


  10. Awwww, Sammy, I think ONKF (Over the New Kitchen Floor) will be an amazing experience for a long, long time!!! It is really beautiful! Easy’s mom could present some Triple Rittbergers on it at the Opening Ceremony! 🙂


  11. Oh, the floors look pawesome!!! You must have had prestained wood put in. Ours had to be stained and the smell was horrible. It rained for four days when they did it too, so it took forever to dry. We had to stay at the kennel:(

    Two days in a row for bacon – three cheers for your Mom!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Yep – Armstrong BRUCE pre-stained and finished hardwood in “butterscotch” which matches our cabinets PURRRFECTLY! I’m sure the staining stuff was stinky – our deck stinks after we have it stained!!!!!

      Love and Bacon,


  12. What a gorgeous Floor! Our mommy is just a tad jealous…but that is probably because her white oak flooring has been sitting in the garage for 8 years – its on Daddy’s To Do list and has never made it to the top.
    And Sammy, did your Mommy get the color for your furs? Yous match!!!
    Yeah for bacon! It makes almost everything better.


    • I DO match my new floor Nellie – I love that – I can hide in plain sight now! HAHAHAHA Maybe your Daddy will get that flooring done when it’s cold and snowy and there’s nothing else to do this winter???????

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  13. Oh Sammy weal wood floors. They look pawsum. Glad yous got sum bacon today to make up fur all da ruckus and havin’ to live wiff a mess. Weez can sure feel fur ya’. We know all ’bout dat. Weez know yous all weady fur normal fur y’all to come back.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


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