Hiding Out


Hello!   I’m telepathically sending Mom today’s blog from the confines of our basement.   Mom’s up on the top floor at the computer and I’m transmitting my thoughts – some of which require EDITING because there may be some questionable language.   What’s going on you might ask?   WELL, I haven’t been exiled to the basement for being naughty.   Instead we have a major de-construction of our kitchen floor going on – it will eventually (please make it quick) be hardwood flooring instead of the linoleum which my parents thought looked “oh so swell” when they built the house 20 years ago.   The hardwood is going to look SPECTACULAR but the sooner the better I say.   You would not believe the noise this whole process is making!!!!!   WOWZERS!   It’s a good thing that I’m partially deaf.

Here’s the “before” floor:

KitchenFloorOld1 KitchenFloorOld2 KitchenFloorOld3

So when it’s all done I’ll take photos of what it looks like with the hardwood.   I’m sure it will look less like a 50s café with the hardwood!    HAHAHA    Mom and Dad have been upstairs in Mom’s studio together where it’s not as noisy BUT I was the one who wanted to be in the basement while this work is being done.   Because it’s an unfinished basement, it’s like unbelievably noisy down there……..like a big echo chamber.  I’m UNDER THE COUCH down there………Mom talked me into coming out for a pet and a litterbox trip and some foodables and water but then I scooted back UNDER the couch.

Hopefully these guys will finish up today’s work at 5PM or so and get out of MY house!   They will be back tomorrow though and finish up Friday.   What’s a guy to do?   I’m just being patient.   As long as Mom and Dad come down and reassure me once in a while I’ll be fine………..honest I will………….


My parents are nuts………no sooner do things settle down after they had new kitchen lights put in than they begin ripping up the floor!!!   Humans are SO tough to figure out!  Sometimes I wonder WHAT is going on in their heads don’t you????


I’ll probably  be dictating my blog to Mom remotely tomorrow too…….SIGH

Hugs, Sam Who Is Hiding Out



89 responses »

  1. Sammy you stay laying low..trust me if Mum and Dad could i bet they would be UTC with you too! It will look fab when finished..and i do hope that placemat and those bowls of yours vet popped right back on your new kitchen floor! Loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. You are the smartest kitty ever to find such a safe hiding place. The new floor will be amazing IF it ever gets done. You should’ve heard the ruckus around here when they put in a giant new front window last month. It probably sounded a lot like the floor work with the sound of breaking glass thrown in. Mom took me for a long day out in the car, but she had to carry me past the work area because I was too scared to walk.

    Love and licks,


    • Mom thought I’d sneak upstairs and spy on the guys doing the floor too but NOOOOOO – the noise was ear-splitting and I stayed in the basement. I know the new floor will be grand – and I’m trying to be patient – but hey……I like PEACE AND QUIET and those are in short supply around here just now!

      Love, Sam


  3. Ohhhhhh Sammy I hear you good buddy and I think I even hear the workmen…and the banging at your house. 2 leggers are as crazy as bed bugs for sure. Mine are getting ready to replace purrfectly good bath tub with a walk in shower. I wish I had a basement but alas I don’t but I do have a very fine thingie I call my condo that is big enough for a Great dane. Anytime there are workmen in the house that is where I go it is safe. You know sometimes those workmen leave doors open but not noise proof.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! What’s with humans wanting to change stuff? We like CONSISTENCY right? You’d think our humans would consider the fact that the world revolves around US instead of THEM and their needs right? Gosh….I thought after 16 years I had these two well trained but apparently NOT. Sigh. Wish I had a condo big enough for a great dane……….

      Love, Sammy


  4. Oh, Sammy, your home is so pretty, but humans DO tend to want to change things up a bit once in awhile! I’m sorry you’re having a rough time of it during the floor renovation, but before you know it, your foodables and water station will be waiting for you on a shiny new hardwood floor! Hang in there, my love.
    Love, Sundae


    • I know – I should be more patient but at my age, who has time for that?!?!?! HAHA Today I’ll just hang out in the basement – AGAIN – and put up with the noise……pretty soon this will all be over with and you’re right – I’ll have a brand new pretty spot for my foodables and water!!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. A few years ago Mom and Dad had the old tile pulled up and new stuff put down (huh? why replace something with the same kind of sutff?). The workers had to use jack hammers and there was dust EVERYWHERE. We were NOT happy.
    The Florida Furkids


    • EEEK….well, so far there seems to be minimal dust but Mom will wait until all the dust settles (HAHAHA) to tackle that. The guys are trying to keep the mess to a minimum thank heavens. Still, I’m not happy with the furniture not being where it belongs and I’m making sure Mom and Dad know about that!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy I’d like to hide under the couch in the basement when peeps come to make old things new and fix things. I don’t do well with construction work in my house. I didn’t think the guy that came to put down the new slate on The Porch would ever get out of here… and then there is the clean up! Always clean up!!!


    • Tomorrow we’ll clean then put furniture back – we still have the old rugs and will use those until Mom and Dad get the new orientals – one for under kitchen table and runners on either side of the island – then we can REST REST REST!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Humans just are so inconsiderate sometimes!!! I think they knew I’d be hiding under the couch and they also knew that I’m hard of hearing…..but still…..I’m OLD and need my sleep!

      Hugs, Sam


  7. Hi Sam and Pam…Minnie did the same thing, she either went upstairs or down to our basement to hide when we remodeled…the noise was too much. Wishing you a great week a head….its always fun to see what you are up to, Sammy. Love n Hugs, Marcy HRCG


    • Hi Miss Marcy! So nice to hear from you! Mom and Dad have promised me that after this floor project things will settle down until probably next Spring when Dad wants to replace all 24 of our windows (EEEEEEEK!). I bet Minnie got as far away from that noise as she could – I remember when you did the remodel! I hope you are all doing well out on the prairie in God’s country – stay safe and know I’m sending hugs along with Mom!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Sammy, it is so good to see you and hear from you:) I have missed you! I have some pictures of Minnie during the remodel…she like you hide all day in a nice dark quiet place until the carpenters left and then she would come out to see what had happened to “her” house…I have such a classic Minnie picture of her glare…she could give the stink eye let me tell ya, she was not impressed:) Maybe while the windows are being replaced you can have one of your excellent adventures on some warm island somewhere with all your fur friends:) We are doing well, worried about all the forest fires around our area, we are about 100 miles from some huge ones. Give your Mom a big hug for me and sending you lots of Sammy loves and kitty rubs:)

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Miss Marcy……I guess we kitties just try our best to find some peace when there’s ANY disruption in our lives – storms, workmen, people we don’t know……but today is the last day for us (until the window project!) so I’ll be happy beginning this afternoon when they pack up and LEAVE. Of course then Mom and Dad will be going crazy doing a super duper extra lot of cleaning to get rid of the sawdust, etc. BUT no more introooooders!!!!! I do a pretty good stink eye myself but the workers haven’t seen that – just my parents when I show them THE LOOK when they come down to visit me in the basement during the day with the noise going on upstairs! HAHAHAHA We send hugs back at you again and hope those fires stay AWAY from your “personal ponderosa” there!

          Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hey Sammy, Ellie says right on:) Ellie, our 2 year old Aussie is laying on my feet:) She follows me everywhere and also was Minnie’s friend…she does not like loud noises or the noise of WB’s shop so she is with me 24/7. She likes your blog and thinks you are one cool kitty dude:) We have a special barn kitty named Pat, he has long hair and orange fur like you…Pat love to rub all over Ellie:) Have a super duper weekend: Sammy and Pam)


          • Oh boy! A ginger dude named Pat – Please tell him a ginger dude in Virginia says HOWDY! I’ve seen Ellie – she’s beautiful and obviously loves you to bits……I don’t really know many animals OR humans who like loud noise that’s for sure!

            Love and Hugs, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Sammy thank goodness you have a basement to escape to! We bet your Mom and Dad will love the new floors, but we know you can’t wait for it to be totally over!


  9. Aaaaaaaw Sammy weez so sowry ’bout all da noise. Yous welkum to coome over to our house. No work goin’ on here anymore so it’s nice and peaceful. And there’s lots of places fur nappin’ and lots of nip. No bacon, but we have udder goodies.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  10. Sammy, once humans get that bug about changing things around the house, it’s hard to get them to stop! I’m glad I didn’t live at the old place – apparently it was nonstop until they moved.


    • I should have taken a vacation when I heard about this floor project……I’m hoping they will let the dust settle (literally) before they plan something else designed to drive me nuts!

      Hugs, Sam


  11. Awwwww, poor Sammy, I bet those guys not only cause terrible noises but they make a giant mess, dust and lots of bad smells!!! It is simply too much for a tender senior feline citizen! But only 2 days, and you have a fabulous, giant new ((claw-sparpening device)) scratchpad!


    • That’s a good way to think of it – new flooring means new spots to sniff and claw (although I think Mom would have a FIT if I did that)……..but the guys have added their own smell to my house and I like it to just smell like me and Mom and Dad so it will take a lot of housecleaning to get it back to “SAMMY STANDARDS” !!

      Love, Sammy


  12. I feel your pain pal. We have been through that stuff and it isn’t fun at all. My peeps now say they will sell the house as is. He he.


    • Well I think our house was perfectly FINE the way it was but my peeps just keep thinking of things to do. Dad says he wants to replace the windows – HOLY COW I can only hope they don’t do that one while I’m still alive and living here!

      Hugs, Sam


  13. The humans here always seem to have one project or another to get done. We bet your new floor will be beautiful once it is done. Meanwhile, best to stay safe and out of the way.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  14. dood….frank lee wee think yur kitshun floor looks awesum….ya can play tic tac toe, hockee, match de squares, how manee perch will fit in thiz diamond….plus de colorz bee way awesum…….sorree bout de noize tho ~~~~~ 😦



    • The old floor was FINE with me……I was used to it as it was what I looked at and walked on for almost 16 years BUTTTT humans will be what humans will be and mine like to do crazy things like NEW FLOORS. It will be over with today…….there’s THAT to look forward to!

      Hugs and tuna,


  15. UTC is a good place to be, but yous should bes in hiding UP stairs….More pets and treats.
    Sending yous LOTS of soothing thoughts


    • Thanks Nellie…..Mom wanted me to hang out with her in her studio office but in the basement I have my potty and a “food station” so I can sneak out from UTC for that. I’ll survive – today is the END! YAY!

      Love, Sammy


  16. We know you animals desire routine, Sammy, but we humans sometimes need CHANGE.
    Construction does not go over well in this household. We don’t even know where Samantha hides, but at least she’s quiet wherever she is. The dogs don’t take it quite so well, and a lot of barking goes on!


  17. Good greef you got noise now!! It must bee contageeus!!! Altho’ wee had NO noise here thiss week…which meenss soon there will bee workmen lurkin around! PICKERELL!
    LadyMum an mee fink thee old floor was luvley….butt wee knowss thee hardwood will bee even nicer…wee watch ALOT of Propurrty Brotherss here, mew mew mew….
    Bee payshunt Unccle Sammy thee job will bee dun soon!
    LadyMum laffed out loud over yur last poster here!! Shee said it iss ‘so her’ 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty SiddharthaHhenry xxxxx


      • YIPPEE!!! Thee noise will bee dun today!! Unccle Sammy mee not like thee hammerin an shoutin an drillin either!!
        s we he adrain n an off fur past 2 days; werkme MIA which suitss mee fine…onlee truble iss they still have LOTSS to do so they will return **sighss**
        Just fink peece an quiet an tomorrow iss ‘bacon day’!!!!
        ***HI-5’SS*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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