Pre-Tease Monday


Gosh – now I have another day of the week that will probably wind up having a “regular name” like Teaser Tuesday or Tell All Wednesday…… it’s Pre-Tease Monday!    SHEEEESH!

But it is in fact the day before the photo reveal and the agonizing and screaming and frustration begin (on YOUR part, not on mine!)……………… get ready – it will hit the LIVE WIRE at an unknown and surprise time……… won’t expect it – it will just BE THERE and then it’s up to you to be FIRST COMMENTER, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, a RIGHT GUESSER or a BIG GREENIE WINNER!

Who will it be this week?    Only the SHADOW knows!   (hahaha)

Do I look like THE SHADOW??????

Do I look like THE SHADOW??????

I had a super busy weekend so I’m having a super lazy Monday………………hope that’s alright with you?   Thanks a bunch…………………

I'll be on this all day.  Snoring.   Loudly!

I’ll be on this all day. Snoring. Loudly!

See you tomorrow gang!   BE PURRRRRRPARED!!!!!!

Love, Sam the Pre-Teaser! 

53 responses »

  1. It sure was a busy weekend, have an easy Monday. My flat Sammy can’t wait to visit you and see your nice porch and yard in person ( cardboard).


  2. Mondays are for being lazy:) Rest up – the fun for you begins tomorrow – at what time did you say? 🙂

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  3. Sammy, you not only are cool as the Shadow…you are the Shadow. *wipes sweat from brow* its very hot here and hotter tomorrow….gardening is not fun in these temps. I’m stayin inside till it cools outside. It’s only 76F in the house…a lovely temp.



    • Hi Shoko! We are HOT HOT HOT and RAINY and on top of that foggy. We’re just a hot, wet MESS! I’m staying inside too……no gardening for us here…..we’re just letting things grow HOWEVER they want to!

      Love, Sammy


    • You and a bazillion other people! Actually today’s Teaser is an INTERESTING one………..and even if you don’t know the answer, remember you get a BIG GREENIE!!!! YAY!

      Love, Sam


  4. Stylin shades there Unccle Sammy!!! Yur THEE Shadow fur sure!!!
    As mee has to go to Vet’ss fur me FRVCP shot tomorrow wee will probablee bee berry late…..mee will do mee best…
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  5. 😉 Thee Vet visit was easy-peasy Unccle Sammy! funny fing mee was wanderin ’round thee room an mee could smell mee Brofur Tyerrone?! Thiss was innterestinn. Ternss out hee was inn that morning fur a badder infeckshun (poor Brofur!).
    Anyway mee got weighted: 9.7 lbss an mee eyess are doin good an mee got thee FRVCP shot an not even ruffled fur!
    An mee onlee needs 1 more FRVCP shot next July an it iss good til mee terns 8 yeerss old!! That iss pawsum!
    LadyMum kissed mee an said mee iss getting so grown up……mew mew mew…
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • You are growing up quickly little guy………and today turning ONE! I can’t quite remember turning one but I do know that every year since then has been better and better….life is good!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

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