Wacky Weather


The past two days have been totally weird……………what’s that mean?   Well, at almost PRECISELY 3:17PM it has begun thundering LOUDLY – then five minutes later a MAJOR downpour, then it stops, the sun comes out, then five minutes later a dark cloud comes out of NOWHERE and we start all over again………………after an hour of being silly (!!) it settles into a nice, lawn-drenching rain for a couple of hours then STOPS.    So that’s not all that weird really but we think it’s just a LITTLE weird that it’s the same exact time and same exact pattern.   So there…….if I think it’s WEIRD than I guess it’s WEIRD!    HAHAHA


One GOOD thing about the rain is that all this stuff Mom has been planting around the yard gets watered FREE of charge to our water bill.    That’s a GOOD thing.   Another GOOD thing is that along with the rain has come some pretty stiff wind – and why is that good?   Because all the seed pods/pollen pods, miscellaneous pollen from the oak trees and other “litterers” of the yard wind up having all that junk blown out of their branches and it flies through the air like it’s snowing a blizzard and lands on the grass………so instead of DAYS and DAYS of pollen falling, we get rid of it quicker in the wind!  Cool huh?   Mom and Dad  don’t have allergies to pollen thank heavens – nor do I – but even if you’re not allergic, there’s so much junk flying around it makes you sneeze anyway!

Shall I quit griping about the weather?  OK…….will do.   Besides, I think I said it all.

I’m working on my blogaversary party and I do hope all of you will at least be able to stop by my blog on Sunday even though some of us are ALSO celebrating Mother’s Day on Sunday.   It’s no big deal kind of party – just some food, drinks, and thank yous – my way of thanking YOU all for being my friends for four years of blogging!!!!    This is YOUR party….not mine.

Sam Loves His Friends!

Thankful for my friends

OOPS…….here comes some noisy  thunder so I guess we’re still in the “pattern” – I’d better go for now………..our power hasn’t gone OUT but it has “blipped” a little bit.   Blips aren’t good for computers you know!

See you tomorrow!

Hugs, Sammy

P.S.   Our hearts are broken to learn of our friend Nerissa’s passing over the Bridge.  MOUSES!


Nissy was  one of a kind………………..I’ll miss you dear friend……….

Nerissa Forever badge, Ann

81 responses »

  1. My human would LOVE some weather like you have been having, Sammy! She loves it when it changes like that… maybe she should have grown up on the East Coast, MOL! I will be here for your blogoversary party, of course!


    • Hi Summer! We have had a beautiful Spring so far really – these storms will pass and pretty soon I’ll complain about how HOT it is…..or HUMID………or that we don’t have ANY rain……….I’m just a complainer in my old age! Glad you will stop by on Sunday……

      Love, Sammy


  2. M wants to know if you would send some of that rain up to is because it won’t rain u
    Here and we need very badly.. I will try to come back for your party….it will be fun.


    • Oh gosh – I wish I could send some of our rain to some of my friends because lotsa peeps need it! We have had a lot but they say you can’t have too much – it just makes everything green and pretty…..we live on a hill so no worries about flooding either! If I can figure out how to mail you some rain – you got it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy, I know I speak for all of your friends when I say that we can’t WAIT to help you celebrate your blogaversary!!!
    Hope your weather settles down soon, but I know your Mommy is lovin’ that rain on her plants! YAY!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Mom likes Mother Nature to take care of the watering duties as much as possible………..at least we have watering systems front and back to help with that chore if we need it!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. That definitely doesn’t sound like enjoyable weather! Hope those icky storms go away and sun comes out to stay! Hey… that rhymed! 🙂
    Looking forward to your blogoversary party!


  5. It seems like with all of your ability, you could send some this way–to far West Texas. We got some this year but need more. But please keep the thunder there ’cause I am scared to death of thunder. Have a good day. Wickett,the little dog that looks just like the Wickett of Star Wars.


    • Hi Wickett! It’s grand to meet you! So you live in Texas huh? Well, we have some blog buddies that live in Texas – Lone Star Cats. So you need some rain? We’ve had a lot this year so far but that’s given us a FAB Spring – it’s right pretty ’round these parts Partner!!!!!! Do you have a blog? Thanks so much for visiting me…………

      Hugs, Sammy


        • HA! The top of the head is such a nice warm spot – humans are so smart to push all their body heat out the top of their heads just to keep us warm! Actually I don’t sleep with my parents any longer – at 15 years old, my arthritis keeps me from those fantastic bed leaps I used to do. During the day though my favorite nap spot is on my Mom’s legs when she’s got the recliner up……it’s like having a heating pad to sleep on!!!! I think you’ll enjoy seeing the three kitties at Lone Star Cats. They’re a HOOT!

          Hugs, Sammy


  6. Aww Sammy, me and my mum love you that much too. I don’t like the thunder boomies and run and hide under the duvet. Mum doesn’t like them much either, and sometimes she will come and join me.


  7. I love the continual rain pouring on the window up there. I wish we could send 1/2 of it over to Alys. They are in desperate need of it. We had a wacky weather day yesterday too. You might have seen my FB page, but it snowed…..yep, buckets and buckets. Luckily it melted as it hit the roadways but lots of trees and everything else is still white today……gads! Don’t you hate when the power goes out in a storm? I worry about the sump pump. We’re actually getting a battery back up pump installed just to have some measure of comfort. tata 4 now xoxoxo


    • SNOW??? SNOW??? That’s not fair! It’s SPRING! I’m so sorry you got hammered with snow and your power went out and everything. Hope you’re all alright – a backup pump is a GREAT idea for “just in case”. My Dad has a little gas powered generator that only has enough power for the sump pump and our basement freezer – two very important things we don’t want to be without!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. That is a cool photo of it raining.We can’t wait to celebrate your blogoversary with you. We are heartbroken over Nerissa.


    • Neat graphic of rain isn’t it? We’re all still in disbelief about Nissy I think……I just picture him as happy now and it makes me smile.

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Mom added some stuff to our store!


  9. Goodness Sammy that is weird..seems weird is paying a visit to us all..we had a day of heavy rain and strong wind..like Mum i was super glad to not have to water the newly planted veggies…seems to have stopped though now…cold but no more rain..we will be really happy to help celebrate your blogaversary on Sunday..now my tech things are…touch wood won’t say it 😉 ..we are sad for Nissy’s family…w never really met but had read many things…always so sad to lose a friend 😦 loves Fozziemum xx


  10. ha, we probably have original va-weather here too… my momma made a face like grumpy cat as she worked 87 on the fur of her head and looked like the wicked witch of the west within a minute with that mean wind… :o)


    • HAHAHA….well, today we have no storms for a change but it’s windy and all that pollen in the air is flying around like SNOW…..I’m glad it’s not snow but it is a pain in the neck when it flies all over my fur and my Mom’s hair and clothes. I’ll be glad when it stops raining from the trees!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy weird weather for sure..(thankfully).we haven’t had a drop of rain in about 5 days but it looks like that tropical storm might dump on us.
    I’m polishing my dancing shoes for your pawty and I will be pawticipating in the Mother’s Day poem at Cat Scouts
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! We have a pretty day today but I think we’ll have rain again tomorrow – that storm is causing some rain issues but thank heavens no tornados like some other spots!!!! I’m working on my Cat Scouts Mom’s Day poem too…..funny my blogaversary falls on Mom’s Day since my Mom IS my BLOGGER!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy, wes always happy when it rains and knocks all the pollen out of the air. And wes been having terriffically huge winds! Wes don’t often gets much wind here.
    Mouses, mes is missing Nerissa but mes knows he was loved and was met at the bridge by lots of his furrends. Seville will does a wonderful job!
    PS Mes WILL bes stopping by on Mother’s Day and keeps your Calendar opens for my birthday bash next Thursday! It will bes a blowout!


    • Oh Nellie – your birthday is something I would NEVER miss…….Mouses! I miss Nissy too already but I am glad he’s with friends and so many of his family members who have gone before. Most of all I know he know feels like a kitten again – something all of us look forward to on the other side of the bridge……………..

      Love and Big Hugs,


  13. dood….with all that rain there shuld bee fishin wermz out de wazoo lyin round….ask yur mom ta getz a pale & scoop em up for ewe…. sew ya haz em next fishin/campin trip !!!

    we wood all sew like ta say a happee earl lee blog annie fursary two ewe…coz de food gurls a pantz butt N willna let uz play online on de week 0 endz…. sew if we canna steel de cell ewe lar dee vize N get over thiz way….a veree happee day N heerz ta 44 mor yeerz ~~~~~~ hope ya get sum extree bacon that day; like a good 783 slices ♥♥♥♥


    • Hi Tabbies! I’m counting on a big pile of bacon for my foodaversary – oops – I mean blogaversary! No worries if you can’t make the par-tee, I know you’ll be resting up for another week of fishin’ and fun on your weekend. When it rains and the worms come out, I love to play with them in the puddles……I give them a push so they’ll squirm and I just love watching them!!!! I think they’re BIG in the protein department too if you know what I mean.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Austin, we all knew Nissy wasn’t well but I had no idea he was that close to leaving us……Nissy was a legend in his own time. I used to hide when the lightning/thunder thing happened but either my hearing is going or I’ve adopted a “devil may care” attitude in my old age! I just stayed in my napping spot and waited for the quiet to return!

      Hugs, sammy


  14. Sorry for the crazy weather, Sammy. It has been good in VA Beach. Your right the good part of the weather is the growing of your plants.


  15. Sounds a lot like what is happening here, Sammy. OUrs isn’t quite as patterned, but it sure rains a lot. Late this afternoon we saw the sun peeking out and Mom said, Quick. let’s get a walk in between the raindrops. Oops – we got caught in one of those downpours and there was no one home to come rescue us. So we just plodded along in the pelting rain. Needless to say, we were ALL soaked to the bone.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning (and Mom)


    • Oh dearie me – a “free” bath in the rain huh? Once in a while I’m out in the yard puttering around when WHAMMO a shower comes along – if it’s a very light one, I’ll just keep puttering but if it’s more of a RAIN I fly up to the porch to wait it out!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  16. Weather is a subject we could all go on about, isn’t it? We are having some weird stuff too….no rain in days and it’s very dry….that’s really weird for spring around here! So send some of those weird showers our way…we need them!


    • Showers are actually a blessing (especially when the water bill arrives!)………….and Spring showers just make everything greener and prettier. I don’t like it when the showers steal my sun puddles but sooner or later they come back!

      Happy Friday


  17. Mee-you Unccle yur weather iss BERRY weerd!!! Pleeze stay safe innside ok??
    How many yeerss you been bloggin Unccle? Mee not know fur sure.
    Mee can barelee grasp Nerissa iss gone…hee was one of thee ferst to wellcome mee to thee bloggie werld….
    Mee nevurr told him how much mee reespected him…*sighss*
    So mee wantss to say Unccle Sammy you meen thee werld to mee (an LadyMum).
    You have tott an guided mee since mee came here an you an Lady Pam have wellcomed mee like a memburr of thee furamillee. Fanks you frum thee bottom of mee kitty heart fur beein such a wunderfull Unccle an furend ❤
    ***nose kissess*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • My Dearest Nephew………I’ve been blogging for four years and will begin my fifth year on Sunday. I can’t believe it’s been that long – just like I can’t believe I’m 15 years old! Nissy was a friend to EVERYONE and while we knew he was sick, we didn’t know the Bridge was calling him so soon. I hope one day when I arrive there, Nissy will be one of the first to greet me and take me to his primrose garden. I’m sure Nissy knew how you felt about him – he was a very smart boy. Thank you for saying such sweet things about me and I want you and your Ladymum to know that you mean the world to us too – you came to your Mom’s life at just the RIGHT moment and you’re growing into a wonderful young boycat before our very eyes. I’m proud of you and I know your Mom and all your other friends are too!!!

      Love forever, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy as you are a wise mankat mee beeleevess yur rite that Nerissa new how much hee meened to mee!
        Mee can see Nerissa inn a Primrose garden an happy an that iss wunderfull…
        One day wee shall see him again…
        Fanks you fur yur kind werdss Unccle Sammy an Lady Pam. Mee can hardlee beeleeve mee iss 10 monthss old tomorrow!!! Yur rite me iss growin up quiklee!!
        **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • Nissy is looking down at all of us with a big smile right now…….I know he was sad to leave but now he’s happy and able to visit ALL of us in spirit. He’ll be watching you grow up into a handsome mancat from a darling boycat as you are now……….I hope to be here to see that for a while longer too!!!!

          Happy Caturday!
          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yess PLEEZE Unccle Sammy…pleeze stay an watch mee grow up!!!! Mee heart wood brake inn two if you leeved now.
            Losin Nerissa was mee ferst time deelin with loss an mee not doin so good. Mee just sort sitss an staress at hiss foto an feelss so numm….iss thiss normal??
            LadyMum getss all leeky eyed an mee doess *paw patss* to dry thee teerss…
            Yur so wise Unccle….
            Mee will fink of Nerissa smilin down on ALL of us who luvved him; that iss a luvley thott.
            ***nose kissess*** (even if wee iss kittie boyss) 😉
            neffkittie Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


          • Dear Siddhartha……….I have no intention of going for a while longer. There’s lots more fun to have, and more blogs to write, and more love to give so I’m not going anywhere! We must remember that even though we lose friends or family that they really NEVER leave us. They are always there – just over our shoulder, or whispering in our ears, and they occupy a special little spot in our hearts forever. So, even one day when I am gone, you will feel me in the night breeze, or see me in a dream. Uncles are FOREVER. Nissy is watching over all of us now………

            Love and Goodnight!
            Uncle Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

  18. Sammy we are getting rain, rain and more rain. Mom took pics today during our couple of hours of sunshine between storms. She had to cut the grass when it was wet even! We were so sad (MOUSES) to lose another wonderful friend. Nissy leaves a big hole in our hearts today too 😦


  19. We are heartbroken about Nissy. Though we found out shortly after it happened, we were sworn to secrecy until Mom Jennifer felt up to posting about it. We think all that rain is from the angels crying because Nissy had to leave us way before his time. It is absolutely criminal that the medicine Nissy needed is not available in Canada. He will absolutely live in our hearts forever and we will all be reminded of him whenever we see or hear, “MOUSES.” XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Dear KB friends………..we agree about Nissy and the lack of availability of needed meds in Canada…..Sadly this happens more than we hear about……..I console myself with knowing Nissy is now healthy and running free in a primrose patch over the Bridge…….he will always be with us……just as so many other friends who had to leave when their time was up. When I go to the Bridge I hope to be greeted by all my old friends and I will smile SUPER big if Nissy is in the front of the pack.

      Love, Sammy


  20. So sorry we are so late visiting you but mom got weeding when the weather turned nice and all the blogs had to wait. If only my paws weren’t so big! We will be stopping by your place tomorrow….have a super Saturday Sammy.



  21. Unccle Sammy yur werdss have helped mee so-o much tonite. Mee iss missin Nerissa so much an thenn mee was finkin ’bout you an if you were not here an LadyMum told mee to not wurry ’bout such fingss…
    So yess wee shall rite our bloggiess an share storiess an share good timess an not so good timess an wee shall have fun allso!!!!
    Have a good nite Unccle. Mee iss gonna go do sum birdie watchin 😉
    ***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • I’m glad I helped you get over your “sads” Siddhartha……..life really is too short for SAD…..it does come our way, but we must not dwell on that – we should look for the LIGHT. It feels so much better to stand in the light than to sit in the darkness. Sending you Nite Nite Hugs!

      Uncle Sammy

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