Teaser Tell All


WOW!    That was FUN FUN FUN!!!!!   Yesterday it was super interesting watching the guesses on the photo………….why?   Well because I have actually had that photo on my blog before and I wondered if anyone would REMEMBER……………………..tee hee………….here it is again, then I’ll give you the scoop!


This is a photo of MY town of Warrenton, Virginia taken by my Mom from my Mom and Dad’s airplane – with my Pop as pilot………there are two small Regional airports in the area – one in Warrenton itself and one in Culpeper which is about 20-30 minutes further out in the country.   Dad keeps his plane in Culpeper.   My Mom and Dad have fun flying around our area and this was just one of the many photos Mom has taken of Warrenton.   Pretty cool huh????    Now some of you have seen the below photo before too – this was one Mom took from the plane when Dad flew right over our house…..See the house three up from the little lake?   The one with the tall green trees on both sides of the yard?   That’s my house!

Our house as seen from our airplane

Cool huh? My neighborhood from the air in Dad’s plane!

Yesterday’s FIRST COMMENTER was also my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!     Who was the lucky duck (or should I say Weimaraner?) – Easy!!   He’s becoming absolutely AMAZING at this guessing game isn’t he?    Let’s hear it for Easy who gets TWO badges today!




But he was NOT the only one who guessed Warrenton, Virginia – NOSIREEEEEEEEE – so if you were one of the people who got it right – you get this!


Out in the cold?  Totally clueless?  Didn’t have the slightest inkling of where the photo was taken OR guessed TOTALLY wrong?   You still get to be GREEN!!!


Thanks so much for playing along with me every week……………remember that NOBODY knows what time my Teaser will go live on Tuesdays – NOBODY – it will pop up at a random time every single week and so ANYONE who’s awake at whatever hour that is could be the FIRST COMMENTER or even the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!    So don’t give up – keep trying – OK?    I’m an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TEASER………..HAHAHAHAHA!


Hugs and Stuff, Sammy

Wanna see another mini-movie of me Miss Michelle did?  This one shows my lip freckles and fangs quite nicely thank you!


70 responses »

  1. What a nice neighborhood and how cool to have your own aerial shot of your house.

    we saw your video and loved to see your big yawn!!! We also love the way Miss Michele says “Sammy” 🙂

    The Florida Furkids


  2. Those were neat pictures of your town, Sammy! Now we’re heading over to see another video of YOU! You are quite the film star now, you know.


  3. Sammy you were surely a tease yesterday!!
    To quote Easy
    givethebadgetotheWeimaraner!! Congrats Easy!!

    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. apaws,apaws for… ME! It’s great to have such cool aerial shots! And even the imagination to fly over your own house is pretty cool! We better don’t do that, when we see our ole roof , the book keeper in my daddy’s head gets a heart attack LOL


  5. Congrats Easy! and wow Sammy so much fun that Mum and Dad can fly over and wave at you down there 🙂 what a lovely neighbourhood you have and hahaahah at Miss Michelles comment : ) loves Fozziemum xxx


  6. Yeah! I have my very first I guessed it right but not soon enough badge. I am happy with this as I don’t even usually come close. Love your photos and especially your video. I could tell you were pretty bored and not going to let them make you not enjoy your quiet time on your couch.


    • Concatulations on your FIRST badge from the Teaser Tuesday!!! WOO HOO! I was not that happy sharing my basement with someone I didn’t know but I DID get to know Miss Michelle while they were here and trusted her….tomorrow – more video!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Yes but he and Mom just have a little EENSY TINSEY plane….they love it though…..and they have fun flying around here in it – and taking pix of my house from the sky! Dad’s flown for over 40 years…..just a private pilot but loving every second of it.

      Hugs, Sam


  7. Yippee, we got it right. Wish we’d been about 20 minutes earlier, but that Mom remembered it was Tuesday was a major accomplishment. The humans fly over our house lots, but on commercial flights. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  8. That brings back memories. My dad owned a 1969 Mooney with a friend of his. He had his instructor’s license and I wanted him to teach me to fly when I was old enough but just before that happened, my Dad’s friend crashed the plane. He was ok but the plane was never right after that.


    • Well, he was never a commercial pilot or even when he was in the Navy he wasn’t a pilot – just a private pilot but he and Mom just LOVE LOVE LOVE their plane and have fun flying around the area here!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Sammy, mes thinks that Easy is a mind reader. He KNOWS exactly what yous is thinking…now this could bes a good thing….or a bad thing…
    Concatulations to Easy! And it is so cool to sees your house from the air.


    • Hi Nellie! Easy MUST be psychic…..either that or his Mom is MAGIC! Maybe both! The photo of my house from “up there” is pretty cool isn’t it? Taken in the Fall when there were no leaves on the trees….in the summer it’s prettier!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Wow Sammy I don’t know too many Dad’s that can fly — have you ever gone in a plane with your Mom and Dad?
    That was a really cool photos of both your house and city. We certainly enjoyed them all.


  11. Woo hoo we got it right! Warrenton looks like a very nice place to live. It is so cool that your mom and dad can fly over your house and take pictures. I bet they have loads of fun flying. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • It really is…..Mom and Dad would do flyovers while the house was being built too – kind of fun to watch that from the air….also it was one of the first homes built so a lot of those other houses were TREES! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


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