Friday Shopping!


Howdy and Happy Friday!   It’s the day of the month that we share our shopping experiences with the universe and we all get to see what kinds of prices are available where we live!


Bacon and Fozziemum co-host this fabulous event and we’ve been pawticipating the last few times and have found it AMAZING how different things are elsewhere.   This month is a “RANDOM” shopping list so we’ll be sharing prices for things we’ve paid but everyone will probably pick different stuff – it will be interesting…………

Here’s the list we were to shop for:

  1.  RANDOM condiment
  2. RANDOM frozen meal
  3. RANDOM fruit
  4. RANDOM dessert or sweet
  5. ANY RANDOM item

AND here’s what we got!

  1. RANDOM condiment:  Curry Powder (my parents ADORE curry)

FOOD1 One ounce:  $4.99

2.  RANDOM frozen meal:   Marie Callender’s Pot Pies (good when Mom and Dad don’t feel like cooking)

FOOD4  Ten ounce pie $2.99

3.  RANDOM fruit:   Fresh Strawberries!

FOOD2   16 Oz. $2.49 (on sale this week woo hoo)

4. RANDOM dessert:   Haagen Dazs Tiramisu Gelato (just because it’s yummy)

FOOD314 oz. $4.19 (and worth every penny)

5.  ANY RANDOM item:  Meow Mix Cat Food (hmm……wonder why we chose that…..HAHA)

FOOD5I only eat this one (tuna and whole shrimp) and the crab and tuna one……period…..  They are 2.75 oz. and cost $.79 each (but I’m worth it)

Make sure and visit Bacon and see what HE’s shopped for this month………….come to think of it, you’re liable to see a lot of blogs about shopping today because this is so much fun!!!

Happy Friday (pre-bacon day)

Love, Sammy

70 responses »

    • It is expensive but I think Mom only buys ice cream maybe twice a year…….so it’s a MAJOR TREAT for the old folks – oops I mean parents…….I do, however, get a lick or two for ME!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Yep Sammy strawbs were on my list too…wait till you see our ‘special’ price hahahaha and gelato tiramisu flavour……oh boy..yummo! sems that isa must have item 🙂 thanks for coming with us on our shopoing trip 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


          • it’s difficult to maneuvre the nekked arm through my crib, every wrong move or touch hurts and she starts to howl like wile e coyote… but she can’t listen and has her gripping devices in all things now… girls…sigh…


          • Well, I guess she’ll probably have to learn the HARD way that she should be taking it easy!!!!! OUCH!!!!!! Maybe you and your Dad need earmuffs for the screaming??

            Hugs, Sammy


          • HAHAHAHA…….well, I sure do hope that SOON her hell-bow is feeling better enough that the screaming will discontinue, you won’t get a sore throat from barking all the time, and your Dad won’t have to spend the rest of his life on that island (although I suspect a nice hammock in the sun with a hula girl fanning him and bringing him drinkies with umbrellas in them is a bit tempting!!!!!).

            Hugs, Sammy


    • Strawberries are on sale a LOT around here for some reason – I’m sure they come from Georgia or South Carolina but who cares – they are deliciously sweet and Mom loves to make stuff with them!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh cousin! Awesome choices this month. My mom and dad love those pot pies as well. They are always in the freezer here at the Hotel Thompson too. I told y’all were related! And strawberries – one of my favorites!! I can’t wait until the strawberry patch opens up this year! XOXO – Bacon


    • HAHAHA……those are THE BEST pot pies EVER. Seriously…..David loves the “chicken corn chowder” one the best but I’m in love with the one with mushrooms……we keep a freezer full of these for “emergencies” (which seem to happen every couple of weeks!). Cheeseburgers – you just can’t go wrong with those can you? I’m sure we’ll have to give into the temptation again NEXT week……….

      Hugs, Pam


  3. dood…yur mom dinna list de most import ant price oh all…baconz….frank lee we due knot noe what it costz heer in de land oh trout but we can give ya a one $ cue pon !! 🙂

    heerz two a popeye catalufa kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • I wondered why Mom didn’t use BACON as her “RANDOM THING”……….I find bacon so much better than “random” anyway – maybe that’s why. If Bacon asked for “ONE EXTREMELY DELICIOUS AND UNFORGETTABLY FABULOUS THING” it would be bacon!! Happy fish-filled weekend doods!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. It’s always fun to see what the prices are like in other parts of the country! By the way, your Pet Box was full of GREAT STUFF!!!!!! We tried to comment again this morning and couldn’t…… 😦 Just want you to know that we DO follow your bloggy…….

    Love, Sammy and Mom


  5. WooHoo what a great shopping spree.
    Mom and I pawticipated yesterday…a tad early.
    OMCs we were w/o power for 15 hours yesterday due to the dang snow storm
    Did you all get any of it?
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! We escaped this last snow but I’m SO SO sorry you lost power for that long – I bet it was COLD in your house wasn’t it? Do you have a fireplace? That would be our “saving grace” if we lose power. Throughout this winter we so far haven’t lost the power yet although we did lose internet service for a day or so. That was the phone company’s fault though! I hope your power STAYS ON – even though you can get under the comforter to keep warm, I’m sure you’d rather be “out and about” in your house!!

      Hugs and love, Sammy


  6. We don’t pawticipate in this as our dad does all the grocery shopping, and our mom doesn’t want to impose on him, or he might make her do it. It is interesting to read about, however. Hope you join us for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Mom shops for our family but when we do the Shopping Around The World, she does it online! We go to the Harris Teeter (our grocery) website and look up all the things we need for the shopping list Bacon and Fozziemum do, get the price then google the items for a photo of them!!! Easy Peasy and Mom doesn’t have to wander around the store looking at stuff………………HAHA I’ll be at the Sunday Selfies again for sure – see you there!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Our Dad LOVES strawberries but the ones we get around here aren’t very good. We like it when he shares his blueberries with us. Mom says she will take a scoop of that tiramisu – yummers. But forget the curry – she so does NOT like curry:(

    Happy weekend.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • In the summer at the farmer’s market we can get good local strawberries but these come from “FAR OFF” but are still extremely sweet and nice. Mom makes strawberry tarts with them! Blueberries and blackberries are favorites too………My Mom didn’t used to like curry AT ALL but now uses it quite a bit…….curried shrimp fried rice for instance is a BIGGIE (and I get a shrimp – before the curry is added of course!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Wow Sammy dat’s pawsum. We chose Marie Calendar’s dinners. Mommy can’t afford ’em, but she had one once and sed fur a teevee dinner it wuz yummy. Weez never had da pot pies, cuz mommy dusn’t like evewyfin’ touchin’. MOL Pawsum posty.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  9. Sammy I had to smile at your one kind of cat food. I went searching for one kind that Tubby will eat since we went with the expensive stuff(only Fromm Duck wet-I have tried others). Found it in big city and he won’t eat it now. LOL. For some reason this didn’t have as much gravy as the last cans. He turned up his nose. Then I thought I would buy the Duck dry and no one will touch it. LOL. Funny kitties.
    Sue B


    • HAHA….some of us are rather PARTICULAR about our food aren’t we?!?! I love “soupy” food – even with the Meow Mix “pods” which have a lot of “soup”, Mom still adds more water so I can slurp it right up. I like WET WET!

      Hugs, Sammy


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