Tag Archives: shop

Fun Stuff From A Friend


Hi Peeps!     Today’s blog post is all about our good friend Stella who is Mom to Mollie and One Wing Alfie and the absolutely FABULOUS crafts she makes and sells from her store on Etsy and  on her blog (which she’s working on to update with her latest projects!).    Here’s the link to the Etsy store:

Click Logo to Visit

Click Logo to Visit

Everything she makes is QUALITY – she’s all about making things as perfect as can be for her customers who are also “instant friends” because she has such a big heart!    The things she makes are truly made with love and she works with each customer who orders something custom to insure that it’s exactly what you want.

We’ve known Miss Stella for years now and watched her start out with just making home made dog treats then slowly adding all kinds of wonderful things until she finally opened a new shop and has gathered quite a following of customers who look forward to all the NEW things she makes to add to the repertoire of goodies.    Here are just a few of the items she has for sale:

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We have a lot of things from the shop here at home……………….sachets of fresh lavender, keychains, a mousepad with ME on it, and most recently, Miss Stella sent this fabulous bag charm to my Mom.    Also at Valentine’s Day we received a wonderful surprise package from the shop that had been ordered for us by a VERY close and dear friend!    It’s ME in a globe!   These are all things Miss Stella makes herself………….

Personalized key/bag chain !

Personalized key/bag chain !


Look! It’s ME in the ornament! Thanks Miss Pix!

Even if it’s something you have in mind that’s NOT in the shop, contact Miss Stella and see if she might be able to craft it for you!     Mom and I interviewed Miss Stella for this blog post and here’s what she said in response to the questions we asked:

  1.  How long have you been crafting your wonderful store items?  

Well, I actually opened the Etsy shop several years ago but I never stocked it, so really it has only been up and running for a year or so. I have my own Blog shop which I need to add all the new items too, this is great for customers as all the items include postage so it is really simple to use. You just select your country’s currency and it does it all. My items are all handmade with love just for you, so if you are looking for something unique and different, something personalised, that special gift, then my little shop is the place to come. I also take custom orders, so if you do not see what you are looking for I can always make it for you.

2.  What’s the MOST POPULAR item in the shop?

I would say the Rainbow Bridge items and people having their pet cartooned. I make Angel Fur Babies with little wings and bag charms with their pets name on.

3.  What’s your favorite thing to make?

To be honest I love making everything, because a lot of my items are personalized, when I have to mold and shape someone’s pet, I have to study the photos and they become my screen saver, so I get to know the Furbaby. I know every baby’s name that I have ever made. Making these is so special.

4.  What’s the strangest request you’ve ever had from someone for a special item?

This was a fun one. A Blogger requested a custom order. Four Ugly Mug Witches but I had to make their faces and hair appear as much like them as they look in real life as possible. It was such fun. The customer wanted herself and a friend made, so each set had to be as identical as I could get them. Challenging but super fun.

5.  Do you have more customers in Europe or the USA/elsewhere?

I have a lot from USA and Europe, Canada, New Zealand. I sent a parcel off to the Netherlands last week

6.  Anything new coming to the store soon that we can look for?

I bought a metal stamping kit, so I can make personalised key chains, dog tags you name it. I am hammering the house down. It’s a good stress releaser as you have to hammer really hard. I lie in bed my head churning with new ideas of things to make. Its exhausting LOL.

Thank you Sammy for inviting us to your Blog, it’s been super fun. I’m off now to make more stuff as that Alfie One Wing is a slacker and leaves me to do most of the work. Love you all and pop by and check out our little shop .

SO, please do check out their little shop – other friends who have items from the shop are so happy they order from her because they know it’s worth the price to have something made with love.

THANKS Miss Stella for answering all my questions…………..we wish you tons of luck with some new customers and old customers like us……………

Hugs, Sammy

Mom and I love Stella's shop!!

Mom and I love Stella’s shop!! Can you tell?


Friday Shopping!


Howdy and Happy Friday!   It’s the day of the month that we share our shopping experiences with the universe and we all get to see what kinds of prices are available where we live!


Bacon and Fozziemum co-host this fabulous event and we’ve been pawticipating the last few times and have found it AMAZING how different things are elsewhere.   This month is a “RANDOM” shopping list so we’ll be sharing prices for things we’ve paid but everyone will probably pick different stuff – it will be interesting…………

Here’s the list we were to shop for:

  1.  RANDOM condiment
  2. RANDOM frozen meal
  3. RANDOM fruit
  4. RANDOM dessert or sweet
  5. ANY RANDOM item

AND here’s what we got!

  1. RANDOM condiment:  Curry Powder (my parents ADORE curry)

FOOD1 One ounce:  $4.99

2.  RANDOM frozen meal:   Marie Callender’s Pot Pies (good when Mom and Dad don’t feel like cooking)

FOOD4  Ten ounce pie $2.99

3.  RANDOM fruit:   Fresh Strawberries!

FOOD2   16 Oz. $2.49 (on sale this week woo hoo)

4. RANDOM dessert:   Haagen Dazs Tiramisu Gelato (just because it’s yummy)

FOOD314 oz. $4.19 (and worth every penny)

5.  ANY RANDOM item:  Meow Mix Cat Food (hmm……wonder why we chose that…..HAHA)

FOOD5I only eat this one (tuna and whole shrimp) and the crab and tuna one……period…..  They are 2.75 oz. and cost $.79 each (but I’m worth it)

Make sure and visit Bacon and see what HE’s shopped for this month………….come to think of it, you’re liable to see a lot of blogs about shopping today because this is so much fun!!!

Happy Friday (pre-bacon day)

Love, Sammy