Hi Ho Friday


Hi Ho Remember the Seven Dwarfs and their song?  “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work we go……..blah blah blah” ????   Well, that’s the way Fridays are around here………I know it’s going to be one of those days when my parents are going here there and everywhere in the house doing the weekly housecleaning.   Hi Ho for me is “it’s down to the basement I go” while all of that noise and confusion is happening UPSTAIRS.

We call this the Grandma Chair - Sam thinks it's a great nap spot.

Wake me when it’s over……

The weird thing about housecleaning HERE is that it’s just me, my Mom and my Dad……………how much mess can three old folks make anyway?   They don’t have company often, they both are VERY neat (well mostly – my Dad has several of what he calls “command posts” around the house and Mom has to straighten those once in a while!) – so the house is CLEAN……….maybe what they do is “rearrange the dust” more than clean???  I don’t know……………I’m just glad when it’s DONE and I can rejoin the family out of the basement.   Most of you have told me that you FEEL MY PAIN because you hate the vacuum cleaner (although a few of you love it or don’t pay attention to it!).


I’ll get through today then tomorrow at Cat Scouts we’re having a big Winter Wonderland day – at a ski resort………………I found the PURRRFECT ski outfit !!!   What do you think????


HAVE A PAWSOME FRIDAY (without vacuum cleaners!)

LOVE, Sammy


81 responses »

  1. What is with mess..we have a few more anipals here but boy always something to clean…best you steer clear Sammy! and as for that ski outfit..well divine 🙂 have fun Sammy and Annie is right..Bacon day tomorrow 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


  2. that fridays are horrible in my crib too. Mom changed the bedding because someone puked last night :o( You go to a ski resort? great! don’t forget to use the brakes when you drive downhill like a blizzard, to bowl away all that peeps who wait at the ski-lift is dangerous… they will hunt you :o)… just saying :o)


    • Thanks for the skiing advice Easy – I have this feeling that the only skiing I’ll be doing is on the “bunny slope” (or is it kitten slope?) and I’ll be going as slow as pawsible….I don’t want to be in the hospital with any broken parts from thinking I have Olympic talent on my skis! Sorry to hear there was a WHOOPSIE on your bed last night – wonder who did that – ?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Ooooh, Sammy, you are so cute in that ski outfit!!
    I don’t like the vacuum either UNLESS I’m hidden completely from view under my blankie! Then, Mom can vacuum right under the bed, and I don’t even move. I know I’m invisible under there.
    Have a good Friday!
    Oh, and Mom says that Motor Man has those command posts too….
    Love, Sundae


    • HAHA on the command posts……..Dad has one by his den chair and one by his basement recliner and another in the living room where THAT recliner is….everything within reach….EVERYTHING! Problem is, if it goes there, it STAYS there until Mom cleans house on Fridays. HAHAHA Stay warm!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy
    Cleaning day is always trouble. But Daddy’s usual cleaning day is on Caturday so I can never really enjoy the day because of the sucking machine. I like your ski outfit, maybe we can hit the slopes together for a run or two. See you there.
    /s/ Foxy


    • Hi Foxy! Isn’t my ski outfit way way cool? I’ll be on the “bunny slope” with all the new skiers as I am FAR from an expert – in fact, I think the best spot for me tomorrow just might be in front of the fireplace having a hot choc!

      See you tomorrow!
      Hugs, Sammy


  5. We hope the sucker monster stays far away from you and that you get tons of bacon tomorrow on Baconday!

    We’re looking forward to the Winter festival tomorrow too. We’ll be on the bunny slopes too.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Well I do find it amazing that they feel the need to clean once a week when hardly a hair (or bit of fur) is out of place!!! That doesn’t, however, go for Dad’s command centers which look messy two seconds after he’s sat down!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I feel you cousin. Dad does washing and cleaning today. Yuck is what I say. I’m letting Houdini follow him around the house this morning and help him. It’s making me tired just watching those two. Yawns – I’m going back for a nap in the safety of my bedroom. Have a great one! XOXO – Bacon


  7. LOVE your Ski Outfit Sammy…. PURRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect fur you.

    OMC don’t even get us STARTED on the Dust and Dirt and stuffs…. we have NO IDEA where it all comes from… Love your Dad’s Command Centers… our dad does that TOO… mom hates them…


  8. Sammy you have said exactly what I say to my two old folks too. Really you have to get the sucky monster out..JUST BECAUSE OF A LITTLE FURS WHICH THEY BLAME ON ME BUT I GOT NEWS FOR THEM THEY SHED TOO


  9. Well I had to pull my vacuum out too. Found cat litter all over. Wonder who did that? We are guessing Ms Hope as she can fling the litter. LOL. Had to open the next bag of dry food. Charlie seems to like this kind. Paws crossed. Enjoy your day.
    Sue B


    • Flynn I think it’s so wonderful that you have that nice comfy bed in the greenhouse…..one of my fave pix is the one of you and Eric both “potted up” in your pots out there!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. My son has a new vacuum cleaner all for himself. It is wonderful and can do his 24 square gymnasium with only one empty at the end! He only does it 4 to 6 weekly though which is very good for a teen boy. His dog hates it and goes nuts and has to go outside or dog would kill VC! 😀


    • Oh that’s a good idea for him to have his very OWN vacuum cleaner! We have TWO…….my Dad uses one on the top floor and my Mom uses the other on the ground floor and once in a great while they take one of them to the basement to do THAT space but the basement is pretty much just storage (except I have my bachelor pad down there!).

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Mee iss cureeuss bout the vacuum here Unccle Sammy. It iss srta loud but it doess cleen up thee floorss an rugss nice. LadyMum takess it into bedroom an closess thee door. Then once shee iss dun inn there, shee rollss it out an putss me inn the bedroom an closess thee door. Last week shee left thee door open so mee could watch thee vacuum.
    LadyMum sayss shee needss to dust the furniture cause shee rote mee name inn the dust….good greef!!! It getss dusty here quik….
    As fur yur ski outfit yur lookin mitey fine Unccle!
    Have fun!
    Luv yur Neffkitty Siddhartha ❤ ❤


    • Hi Siddhartha!!! Glad you all have your ‘puter back – did you have to get a new one or was the oldie fixed? We missed you……..You’re right about the vacuum – it might be a bit noisy but it does make our houses nice and clean……..my Dad changes the HVAC filters frequently and it keeps the dust down but it is DUSTY anyway! Mom gets rid of it ASAP!!

      Happy that you’re back dear Nephew!
      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy wee got old ‘Purrincess’ lappytop back! Sum sort of a meerackle mee finkss 😉
        Tech man sayss there iss onlee a yeer or less left in her but wee iss happy to bee online again!
        LadyMum sweepss alot so shee not have to use thee vacuum all thee time.
        Thee dust inn thee bedroom got swept up today! LadyMum polished an dusted an sweeped! Take THAT dusty bunnyss!!! 😉
        Now fur sum seereuss nappin, rite Unncle???
        Luv Siddhartha ❤ ❤


        • So happy the lappytop got healed…..maybe in the next year before it really blows up you can get a new one! We all missed you little guy! Our house is now free of dust bunnies too – at least for another week while they collect themselves and hide for NEXT week!

          Hugs, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • LadyMum sayss thee next time thee lappytop getss sick it will bee thee end of it. Shee iss startin to save sum green papurrss startin inn Feburrary…thiss month hass been full of spendin 😉
            LadyMum sayss she cleened out under thee bed purrfect yesturday. Today wee were both on thee floor lookin fur me spring toyss an guess what?? There iss MORE gravel littur under thee bed an a dust bunnie…..how did all that get there aftur onlee one day?? And the gravel littur?? Wee usess clumpin onlee??? Weerd!
            Luv you Unccle Sammy ❤
            Neffkitty Siddhartha 🙂


          • Hmm…..sounds like one of those dust bunnies got into your litterbox and pulled some litter under there!! Sneaky dust bunnies! Good idea to start saving now for what you know will happen – a dead laptop!

            Hugs and Kisses, Uncle Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

  12. Our cleaning day was Wednesdays, but now it is Monday. We just stay on whatever floor Chris isn’t on; though, Fiona usually hides all day. Our daddy is what Mom calls a “pilit.” Different than the kind of pilot your dad is. My dad piles things here and piles things there and never puts them away. If it weren’t for Chris, he’d never pick up after himself. And Mom refuses to do it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB! First of all we hope your Mom is feeling better – Mau mentioned on Scouts that she wasn’t feeling good at all – we hope it’s not the flu! Cleaning day is fairly regular around here but Mom and Dad switch it to another day if they have plans…..which they don’t often do! My Dad’s command posts are just about the only real “picking up” that needs to be done……he’s normally VERY neat but those spots usually wind up with catalogs, notes, maps, etc. in piles by end of the week!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Yep Sammy dat’s wwhat we keep askin’ mommy too. Just how mush mess can we thwee make? But mommy sez hers can make twash in seconds. MOL And we won’t say what she sed ’bout us. MOL Hope yous pawents hurry so yous can hav special time.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  14. Mee-you Unccle Sammy funny fing…mee usess Clumpin littur which iss fine like sand. Aunty Nylablue used big chunky greavell littur….it iss so-o weerd me can tell you!
    LadyMum sayss shee iss startin to save fur a new lappytop. Wee cross our pawss ‘Purrincess’ lastss fur a long time tho’ 😉
    Luv Siddhartha yur Neffkitty ❤ ❤


  15. I hear you Sammy! How can two people and some little kitties make a mess? Well you should see our messes. The diva’s get to wrestling around and leave black fuzzy fur lumps all over the carpet. Usually about 10 minutes after I’ve vacuumed. They’re on a mission to make mommy work harder I think. I do tend to make messes in my craft room too. I guess we’re not tidy at all. hehe. xoxo


    • I don’t think the science of math comes into messes……..if two people and one cat can manage to make a mess, I’m sure two people, one of whom has a craft studio at home, and there are also more than ONE kitty in residence, have a better chance at “mess” than that!!!! Tidy? What’s that anyway? Tidy is overrated!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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