Christmas Eve Tell All


First of all Happy Christmas Eve Morning everybody………………..if you’re like me, and you celebrate Christmas, you are beside yourself with excitement because Santa Paws comes tonight.   I will FINALLY get to open my presents that Mom has kept from me for WEEKS (alright maybe just days) and get to have some of that Christmas Day dinner she’s gonna make.

BUT, back to the business at hand.  The Tell All.   Here are the photos again!


First of all a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to my buddy Austin and his Mom Miss Carolyn HERE at Catachresis  for the photos I used this week.  Where is this place?  It is Beaumaris Castle on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales!   Austin and Miss Carolyn – this badge is YOURS for helping me out this week!

Thanks My Three Moggies!

Thanks Austin!

And who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?????????????????????   It was my friend and fellow Cat Scout, Shoko from The Canadian Cats HERE that guessed the name of the castle and its’ location FIRST!  Shoko and Miss Jean, this is yours!


There were a bunch of you who also guessed Beaumaris Castle though and you lucky folks will get this other Christmas-version Teaser badge!


Even you peeps who didn’t know where STILL get a Christmas-ized GREENIE of your very own!


Congratulations to everyone – it was a bit of a toughie wasn’t it?   Some of you might remember what my Christmas Teaser was last year…………’s the photo again – recognize it?


Yep – it’s the North Pole…………..!   Santa is probably already checking his list and making sure everyone on the NICE list is taken care of.   I know that you are all like me – the best Christmas present EVER would be if magically every kitty in every shelter everywhere would have a forever home like WE do.   Wouldn’t that be the BEST.


See you tomorrow for CHRISTMAS EVE!    Also thank you all for your kind and sweet messages about my Cousin Mollye.  She is in a much better place now……..lying in a sun puddle I’m sure.




62 responses »

  1. My human helped a guy named Lemmy write his autobiography a number of years ago. He was raised in Wales (although he was English) – and I bet he’d recognize that scene! He mentioned Anglesey at one point. Anyhow, merry Christmas to you and your family!


  2. Merry Meowy Catmas to you too! We hope you all have a wonderful time! 🙂 And yep, we do remember what your Christmas Teaser was last year…………..because (for the first and only time) we were the FIRST to guess it RIGHT!!! 😀 MOL 😆 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tee Hee……..we thought everyone would guess it right last year but somehow not everyone did…..but you guys were FIRST and that’s the way way cool thing! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE kitties – sending you lots of hugs and hope for the best Christmas ever.

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  3. Hehehe! Well done to Shoko (YAY Cat Scouts 🙂 and also to the others who guessed the place. It is literally just down the road from where we live and Mum visits often. Thanks for the badge Sammy, I forgot to put in my sidebar last time, but will do it now! :)) Meowy Christmas to you and your mom and dad, buddy x0x


    • Hi Austin! Everyone thinks you live in a GORGEOUS place in the world and I do too…….how wonderful to have so many beautiful places to visit so close by. Thanks again for sharing your world with us for Teaser Tuesday.

      Have a perfectly PERFECT Christmas Eve Day my buddy and pal……
      Love, Sammy


  4. Yay for Shoko, fellow Cat Scout and fellow Canadian!! We’re so excited that we are getting another special Christmas greenie. Hope Santa Paws leaves you lots of goodies Sammy!



    • I agree that Carolyn lives in a beautiful place……Wales has lots to see including Austin and Carolyn! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE Miss Pix……Mom and I hope you and CH and your family have the BESTEST Christmas Eve and Day EVER EVER EVER!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


      • Happy Christmas Eve to you Sammy! CH and I hope and wish the very same for you, your Mom, and your Dad! The BESTEST BESTEST EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I think of you my heart just gets all “HAPPY”!
        Clap along!!!!!


        • Sammy I went to pizap and made a card and I think, I know, I unconsciously selected the same happy snowman to put on the blog and FB! Hope you don’t mind. Of course my card does not have your handsome ginger face on it.. 😀 I messed with that card too dang long and Ima not going to change it.. Ha ha!


          • The happy snowman is adorable so no wonder you picked it too!!!! Trust me – we don’t have any kind of “thing” about seeing the same card or background – after all, they’re ALL great so it’s tough to find “THE ONE” anyway!!!! Congratulations to you for figuring out how to make one…..where on earth would I be without Pizap? No idea! I’ll have to go peekie at your card!!

            Love and Hugs, Sammy


        • We feel that way about you too Miss Pix………………”HAPPY”……..Mom says forever and ever she will think of you when we hear that song by the way!

          Love and Hugs and Merry Christmas, Sammy and Mom


  5. YAY for Shoko&Kali! They both wander around a lot and they see many things, no wonder that they solved the teaser immediately! I hope Santa fills your crib with a truckload of gifts and bacon tonight. Have a super Sammy-Christmas!


    • Hi Easy! Your blog was so funny today – you always make us smile (except when somebody isn’t feeling well or is hurt of course!). Hope you and your WHOLE family including the grandparents have the very BEST Christmas EVER!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom


    • Hi Speedy! You’ve been busy with your decorations showcase (which has been amazing by the way!). I hope you got my message that I can’t comment on your blog but I ready it EVERY day and TRY to comment……hopefully whatever is causing that will work itself out soon. Just want you to know I wish you a HAPPY HOLIDAY my Bunny Buddy!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes very busy,and yes I got your message,you can always leave comments on my WP link up version,as I know it can be a problem on blogger sometimes,but I’m sure it will sort it’s self out,Happy Holiday to you to Sammy,xx Speedy


        • I’m glad you know I’m trying to comment Speedy – didn’t want you to think that I wasn’t reading your bloggy! I didn’t know you had a WP link up version! I’ll see if I can figure that out!!! WOO HOO and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Miss Sue………..I hope he brings your crew GOOD HEALTH that lasts and lasts…..and that everybody will enjoy some peace and calm and time to relax at last!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


    • We visited the North Pole on Cat Scouts last week Nissy – helped out in the workshop and fed the raindeer and got a ride in the sleigh with THE BIG GUY before we came home! They were working HARD to get all the toys and stuff ready for the big delivery tonight. Hope he stops by your place!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi CK! Yes – when we checked before we went to bed last night he was in London – I knew it was just a matter of time before he crossed the pond and sure enough he did! MERRY CHRISTMAS CK!

      Love, Sammy


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