Tag Archives: anglesey

Christmas Eve Tell All


First of all Happy Christmas Eve Morning everybody………………..if you’re like me, and you celebrate Christmas, you are beside yourself with excitement because Santa Paws comes tonight.   I will FINALLY get to open my presents that Mom has kept from me for WEEKS (alright maybe just days) and get to have some of that Christmas Day dinner she’s gonna make.

BUT, back to the business at hand.  The Tell All.   Here are the photos again!


First of all a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to my buddy Austin and his Mom Miss Carolyn HERE at Catachresis  for the photos I used this week.  Where is this place?  It is Beaumaris Castle on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales!   Austin and Miss Carolyn – this badge is YOURS for helping me out this week!

Thanks My Three Moggies!

Thanks Austin!

And who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?????????????????????   It was my friend and fellow Cat Scout, Shoko from The Canadian Cats HERE that guessed the name of the castle and its’ location FIRST!  Shoko and Miss Jean, this is yours!


There were a bunch of you who also guessed Beaumaris Castle though and you lucky folks will get this other Christmas-version Teaser badge!


Even you peeps who didn’t know where STILL get a Christmas-ized GREENIE of your very own!


Congratulations to everyone – it was a bit of a toughie wasn’t it?   Some of you might remember what my Christmas Teaser was last year…………..here’s the photo again – recognize it?


Yep – it’s the North Pole…………..!   Santa is probably already checking his list and making sure everyone on the NICE list is taken care of.   I know that you are all like me – the best Christmas present EVER would be if magically every kitty in every shelter everywhere would have a forever home like WE do.   Wouldn’t that be the BEST.


See you tomorrow for CHRISTMAS EVE!    Also thank you all for your kind and sweet messages about my Cousin Mollye.  She is in a much better place now……..lying in a sun puddle I’m sure.


