

It’s another week closer to Christmas!  I’m starting to get some cute ecards so I thought today I’d show you a little slideshow with some that I’ve received!   I also have some snail mail cards but Mom’s already put those up in the living room……THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SENT SOMETHING SO FAR!   Our ecards went out last week and a few snails (haha) go out this coming week.

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Yesterday at Scouts we had the monthly Birthday party for all Scouts who have a birthday in December.  The theme was “snowmen” – you can imagine we had a lot of fun with that BUT one thing that I thought was tons of fun was a snow globe that I posted there for everyone to “copy” and put themselves (or some other photo) in as a little “decoration” for their blog or whatever!   I thought I’d post it here so that anyone who’d like to do that can!


Mom and Dad are doing leaves today – but they’d better clean them up quick because we’re supposed to have RAIN this afternoon and maybe even a dab of snow!   EEEEK!   Well, it is almost Christmas after all……… it’s not out of the question that we might be working up to having a WHITE CHRISTMAS!

Happy Monday and don’t forget – tomorrow is TUESDAY TEASER!!   Not a guest post this time – it’s one of my own………………………….clean those glasses and computer/iPhone/ipad/tablet screens everyone – you don’t want to have a BLUR instead of a clear shot at winning FIRST RIGHT GUESSER – right?

Hugs, Sammy

Me in a Santa Hat......

Baby Claws

78 responses »

  1. Oh Baby Claws is very squee Sammy :)..what beautiful cardies you have received 🙂 and all so bright and colourful…what a lovely group of friends we all have here in blogville 🙂 and I love the snowglobe ..goodness I would love a white Christmas..but not a chance for Frosty here :)…we hope to do the teaser this Tuesday..we had a set back with pets today as Doc had to go to the vet,so I am watching him closely…sheesh…always something…much loves Fozziemum xxx


    • I’m so worried about Doc. Poor guy – sounds like he was truly miserable and I’m hoping he’ll get better and you’ll not have to visit the vet again! We’re not sure if we’ll get a white Christmas or not – this weekend it’s supposed to be in the 50s which is definitely NOT snow weather!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I know Summer…I’m excited for you – I barely remember my first Christmas but I do know that my Mom and Dad AND Santa Paws got me LOTS of presents – I bet you get bunches too!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • I’m actually not getting ANY! I suggested that my human donate toys to rescue kitties instead for the Santa Kitty Blog Hop. I didn’t even get anything from my Secret Paws, just a shirt. :-/ But then, I don’t really need any presents – I still haven’t used all the toys you gave me from the Halloween contest!


  2. Those cards are all so lovely. 🙂 And OMC! Baby CLAWS is just ADORABLE! (*squeals in delight*) 😀 Have a wonderful Monday, sweetie! We can’t wait for your teaser! And who knows? Maybe this time we’ll be the first to guess right? 😉 Kitty kisses, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤ ❤


    • Good luck getting the First Right Guesser tomorrow!!!!! The funny thing about the cards we have so far is that my Mom and Dad only have ONE and I have all of those – guess who’s winning the card contest?!?!?!?!?! Glad you liked my “Baby Claws” photo – Mom couldn’t resist doctoring up my baby picture.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Sammy! You and your pawrents have gotten lots of Christmas cards!!! My mom is being very s-l-o-w about that this year… I’m going to have to tape her to the chair, so she’ll sit still long enough to finish hers/ours!
    And your pawrents wouldn’t be able to work on leaves in our neighborhood this morning: the WIND would blow them AND their leaf monster machine away!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Those are all MY cards – Mom and Dad have only received ONE (tee hee)…………they have decided to postpone the leaf thing until Friday so that means NO NOISE. I’m planning on lots of naps today!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Miss Pix! How are you? Mommy sends big hugs (me too). You’re right – I keep telling them that they should just FORGET THE LEAVES but Dad’s a nutcase (I’ve known that for years and so has Mom) and insists on doing it SOOOOO Mom says she’ll help him if that’s what he wants to do. Humans are so weird sometimes!

          Love, Sammy


          • Well Sammy I must be most excellent, ya know why? I had a Five Guy’s CHEESEBURGER yesterday.. I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! Your Mom’s words and your ginger hugs are what kept me calm and from being too skeered.. thank you so much for the support and sweet thoughts. Well we have a little.. er a lot of “nutcase” in our family and it keeps things lively 😀 I have to food shop today.. pray for me….bleh. I would rather help your Mom and Dad hoover leaves! Festive Holiday Hugs and Scritches being sent to Viiirgin-ie!


          • Miss Pix you sound so PERKY (I’m not sure what that is but Mom says it’s a good thing). We’re happy about that…….CHEESEBURGERS are a good sign that all is RIGHT in the world don’t you think????? We’re just happy that you and Uncle Jerry will be enjoying the holiday 100%. My Mom has to food shop today too – and it’s ICY outside!!! YUCK!!!!

            Hugs, Sammy


  4. how great! and to have a Mario Christmas is the best Christmas ever :o) I used some spit to get a crystal clear screen, but sadly I had a cookie before, so we see everything grumby butt never grumpy LOL


    • Uhoh….well, you’d better not have a cookie before you clean the screen tomorrow for the Teaser! You wouldn’t want to blow your chance for a “pre-Christmas FIRST RIGHT GUESSER award” right????

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. We love your cards! We need to get ours out too.

    The party at Scouts was pawsome and we LOVED the snowglobes! We’re having a hard time typing because we have our paws over our ears since Mom is SQUEEEEEIIING over Baby Claws!

    The Florida Furkids


    • HAHAHAHA……well, my Mom squees over that photo too…….I think that was the VERY FIRST time she tried “photoshopping” – she’s come a long way since then (thank heavens). I thought the snow globes turned out to be a lot of fun so I shared them again today on the blog – maybe others will enjoy playing with it too!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!!!!! Glad you like my card display…..I’ll probably load them all up again next week…….!

      Hugs, Sammy
      pee ess My Mom still gets all gooey when she sees that Baby Claws photo of me every year.


  6. Sammy we LOVED your slide show and just might be stealing your idea later in the month! MOL! We have our cards allllllll the way down our side bar, (large ones at the top, smaller going down the page), but we love your slide show idea! Your blog looks sooooooo amazing and festive! FYI: we are STILL not receiving blogs via WordPress……..UGH! Love, Cody and Mom


    • Oh Cody and Miss Caren I’m so sorry you’re still not getting your WP email notices….doesn’t that just drive you nutso??? THank heavens whatever was keeping us from getting BlogSpot notices has “fixed” itself at least for now……but somehow we STILL don’t trust it!!! Glad you like the slideshow idea……we’re just using that WP theme for Christmas and will go back to our old one after so Mom didn’t want to load all the cards on our sidebar…..but I love how your page looks – VERY FESTIVE!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Gosh Sammy, that snow globe sure is beautiful. Your picture makes the PURRfect addition!


    PS. I awoke to a dustin’ of snow this mornin’. The leaves left, long ago, I’m afraid. purrs


    • Thanks Nissy! We love that snow globe – I posted the “blank” one yesterday in Cat Scouts and now there’s a lot of kitties with their own snow globes!!!! So you got some snow huh? We’re still waiting for some here – Santa usually prefers arriving in the snow!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Very nice slide show, I love how unique every card is. I must figure out how to get my Sammy into that snow globe, you look adorable in yours.


    • All you have to do is “SAVE AS” on the globe, then when you have it saved, go to Pizap and upload it to “EDIT”…….then put Sammy in it and SAVE! Voila! Done! If you’d like my Mom to do it for you she’d be happy to!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Your Christmas card slideshow looks lovely Sammy. We can’t put one on our blog because our broadband speed is so slow it would freeze it up. Mum has put all my cards on a page for me on the blog. The snow globe is cute.


    • Hi Flynn!!!! You will probably get my snail mail card LATE…..Mom was slow as a snail getting cards out this year. That was a good idea to put your cards on a separate page – I did that with my blog awards….it was just TOO much stuff for a sidebar……………Glad you like the snow globe! I like it too!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Layla! We loved seeing Merlin getting a bath on the blog yesterday. He’s so brave and so good and trust you completely….he looked so fluffy and soft after his bath!!! I think he’s forgiven you by now…..tee hee.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  10. Pawesome cards my furiend! Sorry I’ve not been over for ages I’ve got a terrible kitty connection and bird TV has kept me busy. I’ve got lots of catching up to do! Sending big holiday hugs! Bisous, Bailey


    • Hi there!!!! We got a BIG BOX from you yesterday and I’m just so excited but Mom won’t let me even LOOK inside….she’s mean like that…..but thank you so much!!! I do have a lot of cards – I’m very lucky to have so many friends…….Mom is still working on sending out cards – she’s slower than ever this year! MOM!!!!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Oh Sammy Christmas is so close now me can smell it. MOL And me luvs da snow globe. Mommy likes da fotos of us in those globes. Weez hav anudder da mommy enlarged and purrinted fur puttin’ in a furame. 🙂

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • Oh I’m so happy you like the snow globes…..I thought it would be a fun thing for everyone to do for themselves and it seems that it was a big hit. You’re right – Christmas is ALMOST here! Santa Paws will be packing up all the goodies in his sleigh and we’ll be there helping him do that when we visit him on the 20th! I can hardly wait!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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