We’re Christmasized!



Mom and Dad took their sweet time doing it BUT they have finally finished decorating the house – inside and out!   Nothing special about how they decorated – just moved some things around a bit from last year but one thing is the same…….MY Christmas tree has MY train under it!!  YAY!



There are presents under the tree but I did a survey last night when they were asleep and not ONE of them is for me.  Don’t they trust me?  Do they think Elfvis and I will get into mischief in the middle of the night to see what’s inside my presents?   HA!  I wouldn’t do that……Elfvis might but not innocent me.   I told Mom that I was upset she didn’t have anything for ME under the tree and she said “JUST WAIT”………….WAIT?   WAIT?   I suppose I’ll have to!

My stocking on the left by Mom's!

My stocking on the left by Mom’s!


This is what the OUTSIDE looks like at night – – – I wanted to wait until it was dark-ish so you could see the house all decked out.  Mom did wreaths in the garage windows with candle lamps this year which was a new touch.  I totally approve.


We’re starting to get a lot of ecards for Christmas.   Mom hasn’t sent hers out yet (shame on you Mom), but yesterday she finally got my personalized Christmas cards from the store so now we’re ready to mail the snail mail cards AND get the ecards out as well………………ALSO, we’ll be mailing off my Secret Santa gift box to my UN-NAMED RECIPIENT from the Secret Paws project – I hope they like what I got for them!

That’s about all the excitement around here………it’s Friday so you know Mom and Dad will be monsterizing the whole house……….hope they don’t suck up my train in the vacuum cleaner……I guess I’ll have to keep an eye on that (along with watching Elfvis!).





91 responses »

  1. Sammy I love your Xmas decckies 🙂 the house looks beautiful! so hard to imagine a wintery or cold xmas here..we put the tree up and Fozziedad nearly passed out from the heat in the roof hahaaah 🙂 we are having the family xmas early so I am very behind..i am glad I have no naughty Elfvis to cause me more greif! I have finally organised the fur babes cards but they will probably all be late ..urghhhh pee ess get mum to drop me your addy so I can snail mails you a card..i did have it but it is nowhere to be found ;( loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Will do!!!! We need your snail mail too even though Mom swears SHE had it somewhere in the bottomless pit of her desk too!!! Glad you approve of the Christmas look – I worked HARD on it (tee hee)……had to crack the whip a few times as these humans of mine are getting older and taking more time to do EVERYTHING these days.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • My parents got their faux tree two years ago and LOVE that it just takes a few minutes to “do” the tree instead of hours of light testing and winding and fixing and arranging…..Whew! Less snoopervising time on my part too!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Wally and Sammy! I hope your humans get your tree up for you this weekend….something about how happy everybody gets this time of year makes it FUN! Let’s hope too there are lots of goodies under your tree for YOU – I know you’ve been PERFECT this year and Santa Paws knows that!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Wow, Sammy! Your house is all beautiful and Christmas happy! You are very blessed to have humans that will make it special just for you. We think the presents for you are in a special spot!
    the kitty brats


  3. Your house looks wonderful, Sammy! You did a good job snoopervising your pawrents, that’s for sure! And I know there will be lots of prezzies under that tree for you before Christmas.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I hope you’re right – I’ve been ever so good all year just so Santa Paws would visit me. I hope you have fun getting your Christmas tree up too – make sure you snoopervise!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Wow, Sammy, your house looks great. We’re so jealous that you have your own train! Our mom doesn’t put up a tree because of an incident that happened during my first Christmas here in my furever home; however, I was never proven as the guilty party. Was it my fault that all those ornaments fell off the tree, maybe they weren’t hung properly. Oliver used to lie under the tree like he was a present. Have a great day Sammy.

    Calvin the alleged tree wrecker 🙂


    • Calvin if you ever need legal representation after being accused falsely, let me know. I took an online course in legal aide (hahahahaha). Seriously, I have a funny photo of why my Auntie Carol doesn’t put up a tree anymore in her house…..my shih Tzu cousin Toby changed her mind FOR her. Sending you holiday huggies!

      Love, Sammy


  5. It’s great to see your christmas train! Ours is derailed someone (NOT ME) gnawed on the rails :o) I like your christmas house, it looks super comfy and I bet Santa will take a nap on your sofa before he brings the gifts to the other pups and kitties :o)


    • I guess he’s welcome to use my couch for a nap – Mom will have to take the 87 pillows off and I will have to leave him some of my treats (maybe some yogurt?). Too bad you snacked on your train – these little accidents happen though……it WAS an accident – right?????



    • I’m thinking there are so many gifts Mom didn’t put them under the tree yet because she didn’t want my DAD to feel bad that he didn’t have as many. Yep – that’s what I think!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Beautiful decorations cousin. We are starting – hope to finish this weekend. Shouldn’t be a lot of stuff to drag out… wish we could put Don Juan somewhere – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  7. Awww, your house looks beautiful! So festive! 🙂 And don’t you worry… we’re sure you’re getting something real GOOD for Christmas!! You’ve been a good kitty, right? So you’re most definitely on Santa’s Nice List! 😀 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  8. Wow, the tree looks great, Sammy. Our peeps haven’t finished decorating yet. They’ve done the outside and put the little tree up, but the big tree hasn’t gone up yet. That’s because Ernie likes to climb it and be a hooligan. So the mom always waits. Maybe next week, she says.


  9. dood…yur houz lookz total lee kewl !!! now all ya knead iz sum bacon strips hangin frum de tree & yur set !! de decorayshunz in toona towne consist oh a …gardin flag….. out side…..


    heerz two a channel bass kinda week oh end ♥


    • Darn! I knew we forgot something for that tree – bacon strips – brilliant idea!!!!! Channel bass sounds delish – or maybe a tuna will fall from the sky and I can grill it up!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy
      Pee Ess Thanks for the FAB Christmas card – we got it yesterday!!!


  10. Such a festive home you have, Sammy!!! the tree and all the decorations are gorgeous – our little bipeds would love that train. Happy Holidays.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  11. Oh Sammy yous house is so bootyful. Weez luv yous twain. Dat’s so neat. Meez sure yous secwet santa gift is just amazin’ and hoo ever it’s goin’ to is gunna just luv it. It sounds like yous gunna be busy wiff all dat watchin’. MOL Hav fun.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  12. Your house is looking good Sammy 🙂 Hope you get a present under your tree soon! My tree isn’t up, Mom said something about me tearing it up to much last year…. We are waiting for our custom Christmas cards to arrive so we can send them out, Mom didn’t realize she needed to order them rush, she placed her order on the 24th *sigh* might be sending out regular ones this year if they don’t get here by Moanday!


  13. Your home & tree look wonderful again this year!! I am sure your Mom is hding your gifts from Elfvis; not you!!!
    I am glad you have your train to watch..I always wanted to get one for Nylablue but never had the chance….
    Much love Sherri-Ellen & Angel Nylablue xxxxx


    • This is our second train – the first one we had for YEARS AND YEARS and it finally broke. This one is not as nice BUT it makes all those choo choo sounds and I love it! Glad you like the way the house is decorated this year….I snoopervised!

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. Sammy, we cannot believe that your peeps have all the decorating done. We are hoping our mom finishes by the end of the upcoming week. She is putting up the last of the garland and lights outside today. We have trees up with lights on them, but not even one ornament yet. And no gifts wrapped, and no cards sent (e- or snail mail). We have such a slacker for a mom. We have no idea what she has been doing. And we hear that she and Dad are planning on going to the movies this afternoon. Pffft! Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Well, you know what? If your Mom is like mine, all of a sudden she’ll go NUTS and get it all done in the blink of an eye. Not sure how they do that but somehow they do. My Mom dragged around all last week until one morning – WHAMMO – everything appeared and got put in its’ place like magic!

      Hugs Sammy


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