Saturday Stuff


Hi Everybody!   Well are you all recovered from your turkey comas yet?  We are…….I think………my Mom and Dad brought back leftovers from their feast and I got to sample most of it and it all passed the “Sammy Taste Test” !   I’m just grateful they remembered to bring the poor kitty cat who was lonely at home some scraps from the table….sniff sniff……

We’re having my truly favorite thing this morning as always on a Saturday………………………..BACON!!!   Mom and Dad are both having a “Bacon Bonanza Sammich” !!

NO NOT THIS BIG!!!!!!  But doesn't this look yummy?

NO NOT THIS BIG!!!!!! But doesn’t this look yummy?

This is the sammich Mom and Dad made....

This is the sammich Mom and Dad made….

Last night at Cat Scouts we had a food fight.  No we weren’t being hooligans we really did have a sponsored food fight – more specifically a “pea fling and brussel sprout shoot-out” !   You know how human kids when they misbehave at the dinner table might try flinging a pea at their brother across the table when Mom and Dad weren’t lookin?????  Oh come on – you know what I mean!  (HAHAHA)………….well we did the same thing last night – after we had dinner we got out our pea shooters and catapults (what better thing to fling a brussel sprout than a catapult??) and had a ball.   Silly?  Probably!  Fun?  Definitely!   Cat Scouts are a FUN bunch……………’s what I wore for the event – I was READY!


If you’re not a Cat Scout……think about joining up!  If you’re a dog – guess what – there is a Dog Scouts organization too!!   What’s next?   Guinea Pig Scouts?   WHY NOT!!!!!

Happy Saturday (with or without bacon)




71 responses »

    • Hi Summer! It’s my CHRISTMAS look for the blog….tee hee….So glad you and Binga and Boodie got to enjoy the turkey-fest for the holiday……, onward to Christmas!! Happy Weekend!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Your new header is great, Sammy! Love that little elf on the shelf!
    Wow, I bet that food fight was hilarious –!
    Hope you get some bacon yummies this morning.
    Love, Sundae


  2. Morning Sammy!
    I am thrilled to say my taste buds were delighted with turkey leftovers last night too,…and I did not even have to beg!
    Hugs Madi your bfff


    • There’s always something FUN going on at Scouts isn’t there? Make sure you visit the Wildcats page to see how I’ve decorated the outside of the Headquarters…….AND our Christmas tree – you can put an ornament on it if you’d like to!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. wow! a pea shooter…. thanks Sammy, it’s on my wish list now :o) I remember such thingies, I saw them in a museum once… they called it ballistae… butt they used different ammo :o) Have a super bacon day !!!


    • There are some interesting (!) kinds of ammo for those things…….we just stuck with those disgusting green veggies that some people HATE – peas and brussel sprouts (although my parents LOVE both of those!!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


    • That food fight was totally hilarious!!! Glad you were there………….Also, we’re gearing up for the trip to the North Pole and if Sammy wants to go – he needs to let me know so I can do his ticket. Just visit Sammy’s Travel Group and join up if you haven’t already!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Meez so glad yous pawents membered to bwing yous home sum scwaps Sammy. It’s not wight yous had to be alone. MOL So glad yous didn’t stawve to deaff or slip into a loneliness coma. MOL And yep, weez did hav a good tie at scouts didn’t we. Course we always do. Glad yous got sum bacon today, hope yous got thirds since yous wuz left alone. MOL And yep dat duz look like a gweat sammich. It made mommy’s mouff water. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  5. You showed us at Scouts yesterday that there are pea scouts, so it would seem as if any thing, person or critter can be a scout of some kind. Mau says that really was fun last night; even though, he came home covered in green goo. Glad you got your bacon this a.m. Hope you will join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My Mom and I were so excited to find that little graphic with the Sprout Scouts – SOOOOOOOOOO funny!!!! It was a fun food fight – Pete’s idea was a BIG HIT. I like that our friends are thinking up events to have on their own – I’ve told them as long as Denmaster blesses them to GO FOR IT!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks for the compliments on my holiday header – I love changing things up for the seasons…….yes my Mom “got the message” before she left that I EXPECTED some turkey on her return!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Ah Sammy you look fine in your outfit ready to dodge the peas & brussel sprouts! I adore your activities…
    I would have let Nylablue join in but I knew she was going downhill 😉
    So I wanted to jsut spend all the time I could with her; I KNOW you will understand.
    Glad you had turkey, MMMMM…
    Then today bacon….more MMMMMM…..
    Bless your sweet paws ❤
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Angel Nylablue x0x0x0


    • Yes I know – it takes a lot of energy to keep up with Scouts and sometimes I think I’m just about out of energy (hahaha) but Mom keeps me going there bless her heart………….I think Nylablue is in charge of Summerland Angel Scouts anyway – VERY busy girl!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Nice header Sammy. One day I will be as good as you. What a cool sammich your pawrents had. The food fight was somethin’ else. There were peas raining down on us and sprouts galore…hehehe…I was green when I got home.



    • Hi Shoko! That was quite a food fight wasn’t it? It was a funny idea Pete had but a GOOD one…everybody got to let loose for a while and get rid of all that built up energy we kitties have sometimes! I had to have a good long nap afterwards!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. I am pretty sure Nylablue is running Summerland by now & has ‘kittehboyz’ waiting on her hand & paw 😉
    She REALLY was a Queen….IS a Queen…long live our Queen!
    Love Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤


    • I’m sure that she has whipped that place into shape already Miss Sherri-Ellen……now she has a bit of help with Miss Marcie’s Minnie. It’s nice that they have each other for company as they explore Summerland!

      Love, Sammy


  9. 😉 I agree Sammy about Nylalbue whipping Summerland into shape & I know Minnie Mouse will gently help her….
    So weird how boht of hem went within 48 hrs of each other when we both thought our ‘girls’ would be here til shared Birthday & Catmess…
    Love you Sammy…
    Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤


    • Mom says life is full of surprises….some good and some sad….but ALL of them are for a reason (which is sometimes hard to understand). I think Minnie and Nylablue had helped each other for a while and it just was natural that they head off to Summerland within days of each other…..just like sometimes humans who have been together for YEARS and YEARS will go to Heaven within days of each other. I think they both will be watching out for their Moms now when they’re not whipping Summerland into shape!!

      Love and hugs, Sammy


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