Bacon Concentration


Howdy!  Well, while the Cat Scouts Jamboree isn’t OVER yet, last night was one of the tough nights with a knowledge bowl where we have to really be on TOP of “all things Cat Scouts”……..what can I say?   We showed up, we answered the questions, what more can we do???  Right?  Right!    Tonight we have a Kazoo Band concert (tee hee) and a Promotions ceremony and then tomorrow we FINALLY go home.   It’s been a long few days – if you don’t believe me, just ask my Typist (aka Mom)!!

My Patrol's Kazoo Band practicing for tonight!

My Patrol’s Kazoo Band practicing for tonight!

But first things first………….today is BACON SATURDAY…………..I focus all my attention on Mom as she fries up the bacon for our Saturday morning breakfast feast…………..and while I’ll be “washing it down” with my strawberry yogurt chaser with the supposedly hidden medicine in it (hahahahaha), the MAIN EVENT is the bacon.

Oh boy!  Bacon/cheese casserole!

Oh boy! Bacon/cheese/potato/ham casserole!


I go on and on and on about bacon but I just KNOW that all of you must have ONE THING – one deliciously fabulous THING – that you feel about like I do about bacon……………so what is it?  C’mon – tell me……you know I can keep your secret………….what is your favorite eatable EVER?????

Bacon-Tasting Hugs



70 responses »

    • Oh Summer….I speak of bacon with great love in my heart (and tummy) for the crispy, salty, delightfulness of each little bit that I get courtesy of my Mom. I can’t wait until she starts breakfast up this morning! YUM!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. You’re wrong, Sammy. There is no one thing that I love to eat more than any other. The way you are about bacon I am also about bacon. But I am the SAME EXACT WAY about EVERYTHING – scrambled egg, tuna, a crust of bread, chicken, pasta, even licking some green tea from Mom’s finger. She only allows me the tiniest, most microscopic taste of everything so I don’t get fat, but I am off the charts with happiness, either way.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sammy, I am a cat anomaly. I just eat cat food. Mom can’t understand that. I’ve been here with her three years! I haven’t touched the first offering. My people who came before must never have given me bacon treats or anything else. xxooox


    • Katie it’s BETTER for you that you don’t eat people food…….kitty food is MADE for kitties and it’s what we should eat. I like kitty food too but just a tiny bite of a few human things – well – sends me into orbit (like bacon!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. I would like to hear the Kazoo concert (or it should be named CATsoo for your band, huh?) while having some crispy pieces of bacon. Have a super caturday and play a song from dad’s rival Rod, please. Sailing would be great in a Kazoo-version :o)


    • Oh “Sailing” would be a perfect song for the kazoo band………we’ll gladly play that in honor of your Pop. I know how worried you and your Mom are about him (so are all of us my friend) but I think he’ll be just fine and back home before you know it!!!! When is his surgery scheduled??? Please tell him I’m sending a BIG SAMMY HUG please?????

      Love, Sam


    • Bacon probably isn’t good for us in BIG quantities but considering I just get a tiny corner hopefully it’s not hurting me much…… my age I need my “guilty pleasures” anyway!!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • I have no idea how we did on the brain bowl but it was TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH……..we just did the best we could – I think everyone was thrown by a lot of the questions and it was WAY WAY LONG too! Anyway, good luck to you tonight as well dear buddy.

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. My Mom made fried chicken for dinner tonight – I love a bit of chicken too!!


  4. Happy Bacon Day my bacon loving furrend! Enjoy your cat scouting and makes sure yous gets some of that bacon casserole (it looks yummy by the way)


  5. Sammy, the kazoo band looks furtabulous. Bet you play some great tunes for efurrybuddy. You know, none of us like the same thing, and we don’t really eat human food. So our favorite thing is probably NIP! Mom says that casserole looks super nommy. Dad baked bread yesterday. Mom’s super happy about that! Hope you will join us Sunday for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’ll be there tomorrow for the Sunday Selfies KB………in fact Mom’s dressed me up for the occasion (DANG!). We did the Kazoo band thing before we heard that Denmaster is providing the Kazoo Band – maybe she’ll just let us play along with them……………I’m anxious to see who gets purrrrrmoted tonight too! See you there buddy.

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Mmmmmm bacon. You deserve lots of bacon for everything you have been through with your meds and in Cat Scouts. Mom thinks that casserole looks super nommy. We all beg for human food but Tater is the only one who will actually eat any of it, except we all like chick hen. For us the fun is meowing really loud and driving mom and dad crazy and then when they give us a nibble we stick our noses up at it and walk away. Love, Cali,Andy,Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • It’s fun to tease humans isn’t it? I do that too – make like I’ll just DIE if I don’t get a taste then turn up my nose….hahahahahaha…..oops sorry about that. Tonight my Mom made fried chicken for dinner so I’m sure I’ll get some of that…..BEFORE I have to go to Cat Scouts of course for the Kazoo band and purrmotions!

      Hugs, Sam


  7. My favorite – at the current time – is whipped cream….. when my pawrents have a little late night dessert that includes whipped cream, Motor Mommy always puts down a little dollop for me. I love it! And I keep licking my lips to get every little taste!
    Love, Sundae


  8. Wow Sammy yous patwol looks weally gweat playin’ their kazoos. And meez likes dat bacon too, weez just don’t get it much wound here. But me wuld hav to say ow favowit is pepperoni pizza. Weez do luv pizza. 🙂 Hav a pawsum Caturday.

    Luv ya’



  9. Mom is drooling over that casserole:) We have lots of company coming in this week through Thanksgiving and we think we saw a few packages of bacon going into the fridge for that week – we can’t wait for bacon time!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  10. I don’t really like people food Sammy. If I get offered any I usually turn my nose up. One exception is when the go shopping Wednesday nights. They usually bring fish and chips (fries) home with them and I get some of their fish.


    • Oh yes! I bet that the fish is delish… it cod? That’s what my Mom and Dad get when they get fish and chips here….fried cod. Anyway, I do like shrimp but haven’t ever had real fish. I suppose we’re supposed to stick with cat food Flynn….after all, we ARE cats!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Yes, it is cod Sammy, and it is delicious. The first time my mum and dad went to America they just ordered a snack because they were tired after flying. They ordered something with chips and were surprised when they got crisps. They always remember now to ask for fries.


  11. Best day of the week. Bacon day! We didn’t get our cleaning done yesterday so did everything today. I am getting better with not so much laundry. Been keeping more things put away. Guess what it is doing right now? Snow! Can you believe that? The sticking kind too. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sue B


    • Hi Miss Sue! I’m glad things are a little less crazy at your house….how is everybody feeling? Improvement every day I hope! SNOW? SNOW? YIKES! We don’t have it in our forecast yet but it’s sure cold enough for it. YEsterday morning it was 18 outside. EEK!

      Sending hugs to all……………Sam and Mom


    • When I was a little guy I liked cheese but then I changed to bacon as my favorite thing….I’m glad you get to have some cheese once in a while though Kali! We all deserve our little treats don’t we??

      Hugs, sammy


    • Yes she really did make it and if you click on that icon it will take you where she found the picture on google which will in turn take you to the recipe and it was TOTALLY DEEEEEEELISH! Bacon cheeseburgers definitely are #1 though!

      Hugs, Sam


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