Fearless Friday



Oh yeah……………….FEARLESS – that’s me alright……………….why?   Well Wednesday evening at the Cat Scouts Jamboree I was asked if I’d like to complete a special challenge to win a special honor……….being the idiot brave cat that I am, I said SURE!    Who knew that my challenge was being given a compass, a blanket, one match, a set of semaphore flags and a (gulp) leopard skin loincloth to wear before I was to head out into the “wilderness” and spend the night as best I could.    If I could make it back to the Campfire by yesterday evening (COULD????) then I’d receive a special honor.

One other Scout – my friend Nibbler – was also challenged although she got a leopardskin leotard to wear (with slightly more coverage than my loincloth!).

We both accepted the challenge and off we went…………………………..this is me leaving the campfire with my “equipment”…………



And this is how I spent the night out in the Wilderness and my triumphant return to the Campfire last night to TELL MY TALE!!!!!



That means I’m officially fearless (right?) and I’ll get a special white sash to put on my uniform because I was able to complete the challenge…………..I do hope you’re suitably impressed by this fear considering I’m definitely one OLD cat!    We also had a cheerleading contest (as if I hadn’t just spent the night in nowheresville I had to pawticipate in a cheerleading contest!).   But of course we looked spectacular as a Patrol………………..


Let’s hear it for Fearless Sam!   

(or maybe it should be EXHAUSTED Sam???)

Breaking News……..

The doc called my Mom to tell us that my blood work showed my thyroid level as NORMAL now – so my medicine is working!!  We celebrated last night and I want to tell all of you THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY FURRY GINGER HEART for being so encouraging while I waited for the news.  Mom and Dad have been worried about me since I’ve been a bit difficult about taking my pill every day BUT I’m apparently getting enough medicine to get my level down to normal.   HUGS TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!



99 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy! Me and mum are so very pleased your blood work results are ok! That is such great news! 🙂 YAY!!! *does happy dance*

    I followed your adventure with Nibbler and saw you rescued a woofie! I think that goes above and beyond, buddy!! I am super impressed. What I am even MORE impressed with is your brilliant poem on my blog this morning!! That meant so much to us, that me and mum just stared at each other – she read it to me and I gave her the slow blink!!! Thanks Sammy and Mom xox


    • Hi Austin! Missed you last night buddy……I wasn’t there all evening because Mom was cross-eyed from pizapping and posting and working all day for me. Tonight is the KNOWLEDGE BOWL but it will be easier than it was on the Quest thank heavens. I can handle it. Glad you liked my poem – we loved yours and we hope that you will blog when you want to because we LOVE your thoughts (and new words!).

      Hugs, Sammy


      • i will do my best to get The Staff to help me blog and keep working on new words! 🙂

        I won’t be at the knowledge bowl either, Sammy as it will be midnight here and our Internet connection turns off then 😦 I am gutted, but I think my patrol are ready!!


        • Austin I bet your Patrol does great………..it’s just going to be me and Raz tonight for the Rumblers………I hope his brain works better than mine! I’m glad that you’re going to nudge that Staff person of yours into getting that blog of yours churned out more frequently. You are WELL LOVED my friend………!

          Hugs, Sammy


    • Yes they made me wear that loincloth! It was cold out there so even the loincloth was nice to have though. We’re all happy here that my medicine has been working after all. Poor Mom was so worried about whether I was eating ENOUGH of it since I’ve been difficult (!!!) but I guess I’m getting enough!

      Love, Sammy


  2. What a smart idea to sleep on a tree! So no wild animal can eat you at night. Except maybe a giraffe, but I’m not sure if they eat cats :o) Sammy, I’m so happy with you that the phone call came in and you got good news. That’s really a reason to celebrate… with some bacon?


    • Hi Easy my friend……….well I’ve been celebrating alright with my good news but very sad at your BAD news this morning. I know you will miss your Dad since he has to have MORE surgery but I’m sure the second surgery will TOTALLY fix him up…..and he’ll be home again and snuggling with you as you rest that inflamed claw! Please tell your Mom that my Mom sends BIG HUGS to her……I know how sad it is to worry all the time…..I really do!

      Love and hugs……………Sam and Mom


      • Thanks so much Sammy. We hope so much that it will work this time, even my dad has a better feeling about the upcoming surgery. We try to be strong for dad when he has to stay in the hospital and my mom hopes that I’m a good boy this time :o)


  3. Well yay team Sammy on the good news from the Vet!! so happy my friend..with so many sad things today in blogville this is wonderful to hear…NOW..that loincloth….I have found myself laughing my head off singing George of the jungle..rmemeber that cartoon hahahahhaah watch out for that tree!! wonderful post..fun and good news…thanks Sammy! loves Fozziemum xxx


  4. Oh My GOSH! I am jumping up and down.. I actually got off the couch and jumped up and down Sammy!!!!!! Such wonderful news… Because I’m “HAPPY”! Clap along if you know what happiness is to you! Happiness.. NORMAL thyroid level! Ask Mom to make you some celebratory bacon this morning.. 😀 I admire your “fearless” Sam. Enjoy your Fearless Friday.. hope the monster vakoom stays in the closet!


    • Oh Miss Pix my Mom was doing just like you – jumping up and down (and getting leaky eyes) when the doctor told her I’m in the normal range with my meds. I’m so thrilled that I don’t have to take MORE of that icky stuff. Mom made bacon for me this morning and will have a bacon bonanza tomorrow……We had the vakoom out this morning and I was still feeling fearless enough that I watched from the stairs! WOOOOOOT!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Frankie and Ernie! Pretty pitiful when they make a 14 year old cat wear a silly outfit like that and send him out into the night alone to see if he survives! Well I did survive – SO THERE!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I did! I made it back and told my story – I rescued a woofie while I was out in the wilderness too! I was VERY happy to get back to civilization believe me! Sending Lily hugs….gentle ones though so I don’t hurt her with all that bling!

      Love, Sammy


  5. You are very brave Sammy, and the picture of you in the loin cloth is…um…different.
    Great news about your blood results, and mine too. Together we are the thyroid beating champs!


    • I was so embarrassed Flynn when the Denmaster gave me that leopard loincloth, a blanket, a compass, ONE MATCH, and those semaphore flags and sent me out into the night to use my Cat Scouts skills to survive. What’s a guy to do? Well, I did the BEST I could and made it!!!!

      I’m so happy that you and I are sharing our journey with our thyroid issues Flynn……I know I’m not alone and so do YOU! We’ll be there for each other no matter what!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Woohoo! What great news about your blood results! We’re so happy for you, sweetie! 🙂 And yep, you’re fearless for sure, dear Sammy! Congrats on completing the challenge! You’re such a brave little kitty!! 😉 Happy weekend to ya! 😀 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  7. Great description of your night alone in the woods, Sammy. Guess Shoko was snoring her fool head off while you were wandering around.

    Excellent news about your thyroid. Your mom and dad must be tickled pink.

    Kitty kisses,



    • Oh guys we’re having lots of nice fresh fish at the Jamboree this week – but it’s never as good as what we have when we visit your place…………thanks for the “HAPPY” about my medicine – I’m glad I’m doing better than we thought I was………..it’s a big adjustment…..

      Love, Sam


  8. We are so happy that your blood work came out good. I know that your furmily and all of your friends are very relieved. Andy was worried about you and Nibbler being out in the wilderness but he knew that the two of you would be able to complete this challenge. You are very brave Cat Scouts and the rest of the Cat Scouts look up to you. Raz’ Rumblers did very good in the cheerleading contest. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • Yes indeed………I’m happy about the blood work – having to have TWO pills would have sent my Mom to the psych ward (tee hee). It was scary too being out in the wilderness last night at the Jamboree – I had NO IDEA that was coming but I managed to survive thank heavens. That’s nice to know that Andy was worried about me (don’t tell anyone but I was worried about me too!!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. We were so relieved to see you get back to camp in one piece. We were really worried about you and Nibbler!!

    We’re even happier about your blood work!!! We’re still doing a happy dance about that!!

    The Florida Furkids


  10. Oh Sammy good news, good news indeed. Meez duin’ a happy dance and sis Lexi be jumpin’ up and down and whistlin’. Weez so happy fur yous and yous pawents. And meez vewy purroud of yous fur survivin’ da deep dawk woods on yous own. Gweat job and yous so deservin’ too. Yous all make a gweat cheer team.

    Luv ya’



    • Thank you Dezi….thanks to you, Lexi and your Mom too…….everybody has been so supportive and sweet while I waited to learn what was up with my thyroid but it seems I’m getting enough medication for now to keep it in normal range. I’m so happy about that AND my friend Flynn who has the same thing got HIS results and he’s in normal range too……”The Thyroid Brothers” are hanging in there!!! I wasn’t crazy about being alone in the woods like I was and that was a HUGE surprise to be chosen for that honor, but I made it…..and I’m proud that I did!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • That wilderness thing was truly scary…..and wearing that loincloth was rather embarrassing but I’m sure Nibbler wasn’t crazy about her “Wilma Flintstone” leotard either!!!! I’m glad I thought about sleeping up in that tree over the fire to keep me warm……..and I’m also glad my thyroid is behaving enough that I don’t have to have TWO pills a day!!! WOO WOO!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I bet you could have! I sure wouldn’t have thought that I could but I did…..funny how being a Cat Scout has given me more confidence in myself!!! It was scary though being in the wilderness and I had no idea Denmaster would challenge me to do that……!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Great news, Sammy, so glad you are better I thought you were very brave sleeping out like that. I would have been scared. I now your pawents feel much better now that your blood test is good.


    • Thanks Miss Shirley…….we’re all very happy here at my house about my thyroid being back in normal range. I go every three months now forever but that’s fine with me – and I already promised Mom that I’ll try to be better about taking my medicine too. Poor Mom…..!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Oh! Sammy! Mes loves your lepoard skin and your form is fabulous as is your numbers! Wes knew yous would beats that thyroid stuff!


    • Nellie thanks for being happy for me…….Mom and I were both a bit worried since I give her such a time with taking my pill but I guess she gets ENOUGH of it in me to count!!! I was embarrassed when Denmaster made he wear that leopard loincloth but if you liked it – then that’s good enough for me!!!!

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


  13. Hip Hip Hooray on your blood work! That is so worth cheering about. Hope you will show efurrybuddy on your blog your Order of the Arrowhead sash. You were so super brave, and you really deserved that huge honor. We are all so proud of you! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I will be blogging about the whole Jamboree thing on Monday I think……..Mom’s been worn out by all these later than usual nights (for her at least) with the Jamboree and all the work for that – but I will indeed show my beautiful white sash – I am so honored and thrilled – and I know it won’t be long before others will be getting that same honor. So many of our fellow Scouts deserve that (including YOU!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. We’re SO glad to hear the good news about your bloodwork, Sammy!!! That is so awesome….keep taking your pills now!
    Love from all of us here at Wag ‘n Woof Pets


  15. first off cousin – conpigulations on your meds working! That is the most fabulous news I’ve heard lately. And second off – how.did.i.ever.miss.you in a LOIN CLOTH!? Snorts and rolls with laughter. That picture is priceless my friend – PRICELESS! XOXO – Bacon


  16. Hurrah fer normal bloodwerk dere Sammy! ROCK DA WERLD when me iz gone okayz??? *wipez teer frum eye* Yer me HERO!
    MMMM me can feel da energee n lite n it feelz so guud…phank ya so much!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • Nylablue have no fear that your friend Sammy will continue on at full throttle until he runs out of gas! But I am just one of MANY MANY friends who love you and will never forget you and when we close our eyes and make a wish, maybe you’ll give us a sign that you are looking out for all of us in Summerland………..that will be a comfort.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Me wantz to send a sign fer shure…not shure how to do dat yet…maybee Mingflower will teech me 😉
    Soldier on Sammy pleeze! Me adorez ya n yer me soul mate (‘casue we same age) n me wantz ya to live a long life…cause mine waz cut short.
    Me iz watchin Pidjun TV diz mornin…rite at da patio door n enjoy da scuffle fer seedz!! 😉
    **paw kssez** Nylablue ❤


    • Your Mum will need a sign…..and those of us who love you will enjoy a sign too – Mom told me this morning when we were outside looking up at the stars that one of them will shine EXTRA bright from Saturday on and it will be YOU letting us know you’re alright. I hope to live a longer life too – kitties who don’t have a tough life like you had often DO live to be 18-20 and more……..but if I don’t make it, you can bet I’ll be lookin’ for you on the other side……………

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Me will try to send a sign…iffin ya see a blue tinty star dat will bee me okayz??
    Ya haz sum guud yeerz left Sammy so make da most of dem…..
    Ya can bee shure me will bee dere to meet ya in da future when ya makez yer final journey…..fer now ya stick around tho’, okayz???
    Yer pawentz need her guidance! 😉
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • I’ll be looking for the blue star Nylablue……and no worries, I’ll take care of myself and my Mom and Dad for as long as I’m here…..I think you and I know that it’s important to make each and every minute count because we don’t really have that many of them do we…..we come here, sprinkle our magic dust, then move on in the blink of an eye really…..thanks for sprinkling magic on me for as long as I’ve known you! Sending purrs………………

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Me may send a Blue feather too..sumfing BLUE…ya will nose it when ya seez it Sammy! Me n Mum iz havin a sEAL cd pawty today…iz so guud….musick n tuna-tuna. aunti will bee here soon to give me last Innsulin injeckshun.
    have bin pouncin da Pidjunz diz mornin too…
    Me iz sprinklin me magick dust all over Mum n she iz calmer n me iz ready to goez…
    Me will hold ya in a speshell place in me heart dear Sammy ❤
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • I will keep my eye open for blue……from my Nylablue……I’m glad you’re listening to your favorite music and having your tuna…..I will miss you but I also know that you WILL BE THERE………Thank you for your friendship in THIS life…..and I’ll be happy to see you in the next…………

      Love always, Sammy


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