Teaser Tell All



YAY!  At last…… 

Someone guessed the Teaser!


But before we get to that I want to say YAY for a lot of you because many of you knew where this week’s Teaser shot was taken AND I had promised you it would be a bit easier than the past 3 weeks when nobody got it so it worked!   YOU GOT IT!   Here’s the photo again:


Where is this?  Why it’s THE ALAMO in San Antonio, Texas!    That’s right – and know who guessed it FIRST???  My buddy and pal Flynn from Two Devon Cats that’s who!    Concatulations Flynn.  You get this lovely badge for being the first to guess it was The Alamo.

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

Lots more of you hopped on The Alamo bandwagon though so you all get this!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

And you know if you had no clue that you still win something……………The BIG GREENIE!!!!


I promise next week’s Teaser won’t be impossible either.   Well…….sort of not impossible anyway!   Tee Hee

My Doc Visit

Doctor Sammy can help you with that!!

I had my vet visit yesterday and while one of my thyroid glands was swollen, my doc wasn’t too overly concerned – they took my bloods and will check things out and call me and Mom Thursday with the results.  Paws crossed I won’t have to start taking TWO of those disgusting pills every day.    If you have any spare purrs – please send them my way!

Until tomorrow – I hope you have a FANTABULOUS Hump Day……………and again – congratulations Flynn !!

Happy Hugs,



85 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy meez so glad dat fings seem to go well at da VETs. Weez’ll be purrayin’ dat all is well wiff yous bloodwork and dat yous not hav to take anymowe pills. We suwe wish there wuz anudder way fur yous to get yous medicine, but all weez cawe ’bout is dat yous take it and awe okay. Weez need you ovew at Cat Scouts and here to make us smile. And me luvs to see yous handsum face evewyday. 🙂

    Luv ya’



    • Thanks Dezi…..we will hear from my doctor tomorrow about my blood work. Prayers and purrs are welcome at this point – the doc said one of my thyroid glands was swollen but that might just mean I need more meds……we’ll find out!! I love Cat Scouts and blogging so here’s hoping I can do both for a long time to come…………thanks for being my friend dear girl.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

        • Dezi my girl you are one smart cookie and I think you know all you need to know to continue on your life helping your Mum, taking care of Lexi, and being the dear sweet little soul that you are to brighten everybody’s lives! But thanks for the encouragement….. 😉

          Love, Sam

          Liked by 1 person

          • No Sammy, mommy sez we hav so much mowe to learn, and dat me needs hewoes to look up too and yous my hewoe, so yous can’t go anywhere. 🙂 Just take yous medicines and be a little ornery evew once in a while. MOL

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi and mommy


  2. Yay for Flynn Sammy 🙂 and I guess you get a week off from bragging rights 🙂 I do hope you get the one pill ok..or perhaps mum will face her own Alamo..ALA Sammy 🙂 hugs and loves and paws crossed Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Mr. Herman and Mr. Bowie…..Mom will hear from the doc tomorrow on my blood work yesterday…..one of my thyroid glands was swollen but the doc wasn’t too concerned (Mom was though!). We’ll keep everyone posted and thanks for the good thoughts….means a lot!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I remember the first time I went to The Alamo, I was expecting something huge (that’s what he said) not something that I could it in my living room.
    I’ve been MIA, busy at work and organizing things for my trip.
    Looking forward to meet up with Michelle and Craig over the weekend.


    • I’m so jealous that you three are going to be seeing each other this weekend – please have a big group hug for me!! The Alamo does look small compared to what I remember from all the old cowboy movies!!!



    • Hi Cupcake! Thanks dear girl – we get results tomorrow. The doc said one of my thyroid gland thingies was swollen but wasn’t too concerned……I’ll keep everyone posted and thanks so much for the prayers….I mean that!

      Love, Sammy


    • I really was exceptionally good yesterday Sundae….Mom was very proud of me and everyone in the office made a big deal over me……! Thank you for the purrs for good blood work results…….I’m afraid that I might need them!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Hi Sammy,
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the test results will be fine. And as to taking pills, I know that can be really yucky. But maybe you need to keep the British saying in mind, “Close your eyes and think of the Queen and the country!” Do you think that might work for an American cat??!! 😉
    Have a great day,


  5. Concats Flynn! YAY for the BLUE badges :o) Sammy I will cross my paws, that one pill is enough. Except they have pills witch bacon flavor :o) My pills are with beef flavor… and I dislike beef… uhoh!


    • Well that’s always a problem I fear……I change the time that the Teaser goes “live” every week just to move it around as a surprise for everyone…..one day maybe it will be a good time for you Kyla?? Flynn (who was the first right guesser this week) lives in England and I’m in Virginia so there was a time difference and the post went live close to 6:30AM my time! WOO HOO!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • You don’t wanna know about our time zone problems. In the summer, all of you jump ahead of us. In the winter, you guys come back an hour. W’re like certain places in Indiana-we never change our clocks. That doesn’t mean that we don’t deserve to have our clocks cleaned, it means that we don’t observe daylight savings time. You’ll never win the battle of the time zones so don’t worry about it. It plays with our minds here. Live events vary an hour and need adjusting. Other events are the same time. For example, in Sept and Oct, we’re like San Francisco where the pro football games start at 10 in the summer and 11 in the winter but the regular shows stay constant. The upside is that we don’t have to reset clocks.


  6. Rampinn up da purrz n purrayerz fer ya here Sammy! We not want ya to haz to take 2 stoopid butt necessaree pillz…
    As fer da Teezer….we shall just leeve DAT topick alone!
    **paw kissez** Nylablue xxxxxx


  7. Remember the Alamo!!!!!

    Mom says it is very uncommon for dogs to have hypERthyroidism, more common for cats. Ciara is wondering if there is some kitty in her genes:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  8. Woohoo! I was right AND I was first!! Thanks Sammy, the badge will go in my sidebar and on my awards page. Hope your blood test results are good. Mine never came back today, hopefully tomorrow.


  9. conga rats two ewe flynn !!! dood…we knew donuts wuz good for sum thin huh ….signed…toona ♥

    N sammy…we hope ewe due knot haz ta take mor pillz either….we will ask R pal frank ta see two it ya dont; unless oh course one oh de pillz iz like space aged BACON samich & if ya add water….presto…a BACON samich !! 🙂 ♥♥♥


    • Thanks guys………and thanks to your Mum for sending the info to my Mum!!!! We’ll find out today about my bloods. I know I have blood but whether it’s got enough meds in it remains to be seen!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Oh My Cats! We can’T believe it! WE GUESSED RIGHT!!!! Woohoo!! (*doing a happy dance*) 😀 Love and hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤

    PEEE ESSS: Keeping our paws crossed that the results from the vets will be good. 🙂


    • CK you always make me giggle………just one reason I’m happy to have you as my friend! Yes Flynn was FIRST – we gingers rock! One of these days maybe I’ll have Grant’s Tomb (or perhaps Jimmy Hoffa’s….now that would be interesting!).

      Hugs, Sam


  11. Flynn!!! My other favorite Orange cat winned!!! Most excellent news, That is the bestest thing ever! (Next to yous and bacon….)


  12. Holy cat – HOLY CAT! You mean the first time EVER that we woulda got a Tues teaser right, the mom person is too busy at work to take us visiting?!?!???!?

    Do we get extra credit points if we can tell you one thing that’s INSIDE the Alamo? It’s our momma’s great-great-great-uncle (with maybe a few more greats thrown in). There’s a 6 foot tall painting of Jacob Darst hanging inside the main area, to your left as you enter. Coolio, huh?


    • Oh wowzers! That is TOTALLY cool that one of your Mom’s ancestors is memorialized inside the Alamo! That is fabulous……and very exciting! My Mom and Dad have never been to the Alamo but hope to go one day…..I know you’re proud…..you should be!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Wow, we jumped on the bandwagon with Flynn….he seems to know what he’s talking about and we…um…not so much.

    Yippee Sammy! You don’t have to take more pills for your thyroid….that is good news.

    Kitty kisses,



    • Hi Kali! Flynn and I are ginger thyroid buddies and both did GREAT with our latest blood work. It’s nice to be able to compare notes with someone though – his Mom and my Mom communicate so we’re doing the same “journey” with our thyroid issues.

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. We think it is pretty cool that Flynn got it right as he doesn’t even live in the states. We were just happy to know the right answer without even having to Google anything. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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