Finally Friday


Whew……what a week.   Mom was busy most of the week with “STUFF”, and was busy whining about my medication and how nobody seems to be able to guess my Teasers any more and BLAH BLAH BLAH.   Well today is Friday and I won’t be complaining today – what do you think about that?


Mom and Dad will be cleaning the house but that’s fine – no biggie.    I’ll be hanging out in the basement anyway………….I need rest anyway because next week on the 12th, we have the FIRST Cat Scouts Jamboree EVER.   That’s right – EVER.   We’ve had other stuff like Quests with competitions between Patrols but a Jamboree?  Nope – this is our first.  We know a FEW of the things we have to be prepared for but not everything.   AND the Jamboree goes until Sunday the 16th when we’ll hike back home from wherever it is that we’re going (we don’t even know THAT part yet!).   OF course all of this is “virtual” and will be happening on the Cat Scouts site BUT we have to be purrrrrrrrpared (like good Scouts are) for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.    Mom and I are both nervous  wrecks.   I hope I do alright – you know I’m a TROOP Leader so I don’t want to embarrass myself now do I in front of all my Troop buddies????????

I'm a Lion Scout now AND Troop Leader of Wildcats Troop too!

I’m a Lion Scout now AND Troop Leader of Wildcats Troop too!

After the Jamboree is over, it’s just a few days before TURKEY DAY here………………..Thanksgiving means turkey which means leftovers which means I get to have some!    Mom and Dad aren’t always home for Thanksgiving – last year they went to the mountains to have “turkey day” with Mom’s sister and Dad’s brother and his wife………they will be doing that again this year but they come home the next day with PACKAGES OF LEFTOVERS!!!!!!!!   I do like a bit of turkey – how about you???

I made this last year to celebrate Thanksgiving - it's still "working" for me!

I made this last year to celebrate Thanksgiving – it’s still “working” for me!

So what’s up for you this weekend?   Naps?  Treats?  Car trips?




69 responses »

  1. Aaaaw Sammy, glad yous gunna get sum west. Meez worried ’bout da jambowee too. Me finks it’s gunna be da most difficult of all da quests weez had so faw. But meez knows yous won’t be lettin’ anypawdy down Sammy. Yous a Lion fur a weason., and dat’s cuz yous giv it yous all and yous do such a gweat job.

    Luv ya’



    • Well Dezi, I think the Jamboree isn’t going to be as tough as the Quests were……we had so many HARD competitions with the Quests and everything was just too complicated…..Denmaster promised that she’d make the Jamboree more about FUN than competition so we hope it will be less “pressure”. Thanks for the pep talk – when I started the Wildcats Troop I had no idea it would turn into the BIGGEST Troop at Scouts…….I just want to make sure that I’m leading everyone properly!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well Summer, this is the first Jamboree the Cat Scouts has had but if it’s like a Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts Jamboree it’s just a big gathering of Scouts with activities and maybe some competitions and lots of FOOD!!!!!! I’ll be “reporting” on it starting next week. I’m excited but just a bit nervous too since I have no idea what to expect!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. This year I was planning to bake a quail since I’m alone and a turkey is too much for me.
    But since I’ll be traveling I’ll have turkey tacos instead.
    This weekend I should dedicated to clean up the messy room in my place, put away summer clothes and find my winter clothes, but I hate doing that. I’d pay someone to do it if I weren’t broke lol


    • Quail…hmm…never had that but once in a while my Mom makes Cornish game hens – they’re like TINY turkeys! Turkey tacos sounds delish though…….I let my Mom clean up after me -you can’t do that though and I somehow think Doggy is not the best “maid” in the world!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy (with Mom giggling in the background)


  3. Hi Sammy, I am really nervous about the jamboree too, as I don’t really know what it entails! I see about there’s stuff about decorated tents and lots of contests. I hope I can be there and not let anyone down!

    TURKEY?? I’ve never had turkey …. at least I don’t think so! Does it taste like chicken? MOL


    • Hi Austin! I think the Jamboree will be much more FUN than the Quests have been! They’ve been HARD WORK! Who is your Patrol Leader? They should be telling you what to expect and how your Patrol will participate in the Jamboree. Our Patrol with Raz as our leader has been working on putting our Kazoo Band together, our Color Guard and our Cheerleading Team. The only stuff we know at this point is what Denmaster has posted on the sidebar so maybe this weekend or Monday we’ll get more info!!! TURKEY IS FABULOUS…’s like chicken and it’s delish!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • What a sweet thing to say Cupcake…..well, I do try but I’m wondering if maybe I should make way for a youngster in the TOP JOB! The Jamboree is something NEW for all of us – hoping it will be tons of fun!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy you are going to have so much fun at the Jamboree – how lucky! Surely you will get lots of yummy things to eat too. Hope you get some rest this weekend. It’s cold and rainy here and the poor little human boy is sick so we will be resting up too!


  5. The day after Thanksgiving is a busy day for vets. It seems that everyone likes to sneak turkey tidbits to the pet. The next day, the pet has fat overload and appears to be pretty sick. You can have a little, but not a lot.


    • Mamas are busy aren’t they….sometimes TOO busy…..sometimes SO busy they forget WE need them too!!!!! Kitty (or pup) stuff is impawtant like MamaStuff and you and I are lucky that our Mamas know that!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sounds very exciting! Perhaps you guys will have time to join us for NaNoWoofMo after scouts? We have every single day open after the 16th! 😀 We’d love to have some more kitties.


    • I agree with you about people food….most of the stuff people eat is WEIRD…..but I almost always want to at least KNOW what my humans are eating……I never beg for food but sometimes I go to Mom and sit there looking like I’d just LOVE to know what she and Dad are munching on. She sometimes gives me a tiny piece of whatever – most of the time I sniff it and walk away – I’ve found out what it is and that’s enough for me!!!! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Starts licking piggy lips in preparation for the big Turkey day. Yummy! I ❤ me some turkey. But my parents usually go out too. But like yours, they always bring home leftovers to last a gazillion years – snorts. (My fantasy).
    Anywho – you know what happens here the day 'after' the big turkey day… that evil Don Juan comes out. I gotta get ready and come up with a plan for that guy this year. Get some rest this weekend cousin – I know we are here. 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


    • I’m planning on a napathon this weekend. Far as I know, my parents aren’t making any big noises around here like the leaf sucking machine so the weekend should be “golden”…………..!! GOOD LUCK there too!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sammy, make sure you and your Mom don’t play yourselfs out!. A lot of big things coming up. Hope you all enjoy your weekend.


  9. Sorry I am late reading this today. I am a bad mommy, I thought the jamboree started tomorrow, I need to write this stuff on the calendar-thanks for the reminder. Have a peaceful weekend.


    • Oh I’m glad you saw the note about the Jamboree……….Take a peek on the site – on the sidebar – the whole schedule is there and as you can see we don’t have FULL DAYS of activity (thank heavens)!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Andy is excited about the jamboree too. He really hopes that semaphore guy doesn’t show up. You are the best troop leader and Andy is happy he is part of such a great troop. We love chick hen and turkey and we always want a little taste. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • I’m glad Andy is excited about the Jamboree – I am too especially since Denmaster says it won’t be as tough as the Quests were…..please thank Andy for the compliment about my Troop Leadership – I often think it’s time I step aside and let someone younger take over. I’ll always want to be a Scout though…….we have a SUPER SUPER SUPER Troop!

      Hugs, sammy


  11. Mom is starting to get worried about the Jamboree, and even Dad mentioned today that he has not seen Mauricio do any studying for the Knowledge Bowl. He didn’t volunteer last time ’cause he didn’t want to let his Patrol down. This time he felt obligated to volunteer, but now he is slacking off. We are all worried for him. Purrlease send him a Pep Talk. He so looks up to you and your leadership. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I hear you on the Knowledge Bowl panic….I’m pawticipating and did in the last Quest – I was a nervous wreck and there’s so much STUFF to learn. Denmaster says it will be a “new format” (whatever that means) so I guess we’ll just have to TRY our best!!! Mau, you and I must STAY STRONG my friend – we’re Troop Leaders so we need to set an example – we are brave, we are strong, we are GREAT Scouts no matter how we do in the knowledge bowl. That’s what we need to remember!!!

      Love and Hugs (and Salutes), Sammy


  12. Yow sammy ya will do grrreat at da not wurry!!!
    As fer da weekend…well me will eatz ALOT of chickin n sum Friskiez Senior foodz; me will assist Mum wif bloggie reepliez n me will try to get out on da patio on me own 4 legz 😉
    Dere will be da ushual 44 napz of coarse n sum brush time wif Mum. Also TeeVee time n startin Catmess cardz…
    Whew me iz pooped….me haz to go haz a nappie 😉
    **paw kissez** Nylablue xxxx


    • Isn’t it amazing that it’s almost time for Catmass????? We probably will be buying our cards soon and starting all of that as well……PLUS on Cat Scouts I’m hosting a trip to visit Santa Paws!!!! THat’s right – he’s sending his private jet to take a bunch of us Cat Scouts up to work with the elves in the shop making toys for the day. Now that will be fun!!

      Enjoy a nice cozy Sunday
      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Iz hard to beeleeve Sammy!
    Mum n me gotted da Overseez Catmess cardz dun n mailed today!
    Mum bott sum American stampz so durin da week we start cardz to USA>>yer on da list of coarse 😉
    Mum sayz ‘tween Catmess n Chanukkah we will rite 51 cardz fer all over da werld…diz iz down frum Mum’z ushuall 85! YIKEZ!
    A trip to see Santa Pawz??? Wow Sammy yer da kewlest kitteh….
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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