Rain and Wind….Oh My!


It’s not as yucky here as I know it is in many other areas today BUT yesterday it was one miserable day.  Great for naps but nothing else.   Windy – rainy – chilly…………….



But enough about the weather…………after all, it will be what it will be even if I don’t complain right?   Today is the 23rd and that means the clock is ticking until time for Kyla’s Highland Games AND, for that matter, before the Haunted House on my blog for Sam-O-Ween.   I have two other parties to go to that day – one at Cat Scouts and one at the Tabby Cat Club.  I’ll be one busy guy……….but I bet most of you have multiple parties to attend too.    We’ll all have a lot of fun though won’t we.   I sure have a lot of GREAT entries for my Funniest Costume contest…..just wait until you see them (giggle).

Our front porch decked out for Halloween

My porch decorated for LAST year’s Sam-o-Ween

Today is laundry day at my house………….Mom changes the sheets on the bed and does the clothes laundry and towels too.  Exciting right?  Wrong.  I used to enjoy messing up the bed when Mom changed sheets but I’m a bit too “long in the tooth” (aka old) to do that these days…..but sometimes I follow Mom around as she does all her “stuff”……just to be companionable – know what I mean?

Laundry....they make it look FUN.....

Laundry….they make it look FUN…..

Mom’s gonna make an apple pie today – that will be the highlight of the day because it smells so wonderful while it’s baking.  She’s using granny smith apples – I think I’ll probably be able to pop up on her lap while it’s baking – she won’t want to be far from the kitchen and her recliner and the TV are right next to the kitchen.  I’m thinking it will be a good LAP/LEG nap day.   YAY!

Sam on Mom's Recliner

C’mon Mom…..let that apple pie bake – I need you here!!

Do you have any special plans today???  Hmmm?????

Hugs, Sammy




83 responses »

  1. Hi Sammy,
    no special plans here [Germany, Rhineland] for today. Our weather in the last few days seems to have been like yours: windy and rainy. But forecast is good: a few days of Indian Summer.
    Have a great day, and stay well,


    • Oh Summer! That does sound good……hmm…….my Mom has a pile of frozen Marie Callendar’s pot pies in the freezer in the basement….maybe I should SUGGEST she make those for dinner tonight?????????

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Wow you have a more happening social life than typist and I combined. Your post has typist hankering after a pie – although she has decided she would like cherry.


    • Cherry pie is delish too but my Mom loves tart granny smith apples a LOT…..apple pie is just a natural fit with that craving I suppose. I enjoy a little bit of a lick of apple goodness myself!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Will you get to taste the pie? Or some apples? Or a crumb of the crust, S? I hope so. Not only is Mom NOT baking me a pie, she’s going OUT to breakfast with one of her friends. That means I won’t even get a piece of scrambled egg, a blueberry, or a slurp of yogurt. I can’t wait for lunchtime, though!

    Love and licks,


    • Mom almost always offers me a little bit of EVERYTHING she makes on her finger for a lick…..I usually only like a taste just to be nosy and see what she’s made. I’m sorry your Mom went out to breakfast and did NOT bring you home a scrap to try. Let’s hope she didn’t disappoint you at lunchtime though!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy perfect weather for a pie!…what is your fave thing to have with pie..cream? ice-cream? custard? or all! it was no baking day here my friend..it was warm about 31C and so it was reptile central! all harmless lizard types 🙂 enjoy that pie Sammy 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum! My Dad likes to have vanilla ice cream on warm pie….all squishy and melty. Mom likes hers plain….I like licking a bit of apple off her finger!!!! Glad the reptiles you saw were of the lizard type. No more snakies allowed!!

      Hugs, sammy


      • Oh delish Sammy..i like ice cream AND custard..now I am super hungry!! glad mum shares with you Sammy..:) and yes I am glad too that they were not snakes..but when these lizards come out we KNOW snakes are in the area..so I am all eyes!! 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • I plan to enjoy a lot of naps today Sundae……..it’s windy and right now we have sun but we think that might play “peek a boo” all day. Hope you have a wonderfully snoozy day too!!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Mom is still trying to “sew” a costume for Lisbeth that Lisbeth doesn’t complain about. We think she’s on about #6 now, and none seem to purrlease our little fashion pot. Mom’s thinking she may have to drag out the poodle skirt from the sock hop. Enjoy those good smells and snuggly lap time. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Can you swipe a piece of that pie and send it to me as mail-attachment ? I’m a busy Weim too, my dad is in the hospital, so I have to do all my stuff with mom alone… she is not really a photoshop talent lol


    • Hi Easy! I wish I could send you some of Mom’s pie…….What’s this about your Dad being in the hospital? I hope he’s alright….you and your Mom are on your own and that’s – well – SCARY! I’m so sorry and I hope your Dad is home ASAP. I wondered why I hadn’t seen a bloggy from you……….

      Sending hugs to your Dad and you and your Mom!
      Love, Sammy


  7. Hi Sammy! Sorry we haven’t commented too much lately. When do we need to get our Halloween costumes to you? Mom has three done and one to go. We bet your house smells awesome. Mom’s mouth is watering thinking about apple pie. We hope the rain goes away and it warms up at your house. Have fun helping your mom! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • Austin, when it’s rainy and windy inside is the ONLY place to be……makes me think about all those animals who don’t have it “good” like we do though………I’d HATE to be stuck out in bad weather all the time.

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. SAMMY DARLIN’ I LOVE YOUR RAIN THINGIE…OMCs i’m late today cause it is grocery day and mom bought fixin’s for pumpkin cookies…which she made this afternoon…the house smells scrumptious too…how is the pie coming? Mom uses granny smith apples too.
    Sammy is the last picture you…if so it looks like you are a polydactyl kitty. Woohoo I didn’t know that.
    lots of hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! Pumpkin cookies sound good……the pie sure made my house smell super duper yesterday! Yes my dear girl I am a poly kitty – five toesies on each front paw but my back paws are “normal” (whatever NORMAL is!!!!!!).

      Hope you have a super fabulous Friday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  9. We had tons of rain last night Sammy and it was warm. Warm again today but downright chilly tonight. I am sure all the “littles” will be curled up in bed with me. Putting the radiant heater on for Mazie so she can warm her bones in peace on her big bed. Hope that Yummy pie turned out good for your Mom!
    Marty’s Mom


    • Hi Marty’s Mom!!!! We had sun yesterday for a change and will have MORE today – only thing is we have this high wind so it makes it SEEM cooler. Oh well…….we can’t have it all right?

      Hugs, Sammy


    • It’s scary when it’s like that isn’t it!! Well, thank heavens for gutters – ours have seen a lot of action lately but yesterday we FINALLY had sun!!!! Hope you get some too!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. CAn ya beeleeve all dat rain n wind sammy?? Waz reedickuluss to say da leest! We had cloudz n pawfull weather fer like 14 dayz strait 😦
    Haz bin guud fer 3 dayz tho n me bin out in Condo…da Cystitis iz buggin me tho’ so me iz restin alot…
    Me haz not bin helpin me Mum at all; she doez a chore n checkz on me n doez sumfin else n checkz on me…reepeet da cycle…over n over…
    Me iz restin up fer Cayburr toss n Sam-O-Ween…bery bery impawtent eeventz!!!
    **paw kissez**
    Nylablue x0


    • Hi Nylablue……I’m glad you’re getting a lot of rest…..and even some condo time which is always great – fresh air and sun makes us just plain FEEL better even when we’re sick. Just take it easy…..your Mom is keeping a close eye on you and she knows you BEST!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Yow Sammy it waz cloudy diz mornin butt it DID get sunny so me got out in Condo fer 2 hourz n Mum sat out n read sum more of yer Mum’z misstery book n guess what??
    We iz on Chaptur 16!!!!!!!!!
    Mum sayz she finkz Kyle iz up to no guud wif Bailey; she iz suspishuss of eberyone!!! MOL…
    Me feelz a bit bettur; just so tired tho’…Mum had to go out today butt she waz onlee gone fer 1 1/2 hourz….snuggled me when she got back…n we iz answerin commintz rite now…
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • Hi Nylablue…..sounds like you’re really moving through the book quickly now….it’s hard to put down isn’t it?!?! I’m glad you got some sunny condo time but I’m sorry you’re still not feeling good….GET WELL SOON!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Yer rite Sammy da book iz interestin n we adore it!
    We feetured yer Mum’z book on da Caturday Katchat today n eben put a linky up to yer bloggie ’bout da book…anyfing fer a furend 😉
    Me iz holdin me own. Da bowelz did act up a bit so Mum put more Pro-bye-otick in me food n seemz to have helped. me iz eatin guud n restin…ALOT of restin….
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤
    Pee ess: Da weather today stinkz! Cloudy n drizzley again 😦


    • We have 68 and sunny today Nylablue……might be a little too cool for condo weather but it’s nice for what my parents did which was yard clean-up!! Thanks for doing a feature on Mom’s book – we haven’t been around to bloggies yet since Mom and Dad were outside but I’m catching up now! That was sweet of you……

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Not a problem Sammy! We like to purrmote our furendz bookz…we iz all one big furamillee so iz guud to spread da werd ’bout guud bookz…
    N we haz spent almost all week reedin da book so it seemed da rite fing to do!
    It iz onlee 43 F here n me went out fer 5 minuttz…da Sun peeped out n den went n hid…so much fer Condo time today 😦
    Much lub Nylablue =^,,^=


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