Silent Sunday Selfie

Close Up Nap Shot of Sammy

Aw Mom…do you have to show everyone my ear hair???

CATONHEADLOGO Joining up with the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop at The Cat On My Head!

57 responses »

  1. Sammy…we’d only worry if you had dirty ears, but we know as a good Cat Scout that you always work to stay scrupulously clean, even after a big day of Questing. Your furry ears look pristine. Mom sends kisses for those sweet ears. Thanks so much for joining and supporting the Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. This picture so reminded me of my parents cat named Little Kitty. I miss him so. Today, they rescued kitten and gave it a home. Love your blog.


  3. Don’t worry Sammy, it is nice clean ear hair.
    Mum is very happy with me tonight. I batted my little soft ball to her and she threw it back to me. I played with her for 5 minutes solid and I haven’t done that for 3 or more months.


  4. Yow Sammy did ya nose our ear fur iz called ‘ear furnishinz’??
    Fur reel; bery kewl yah???
    N me n Mum went “oohhhh n aahhhh” over yer photo….so keep dem ear furnishin pix comin 😉
    *paw patz* Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0


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