Teaser Tell All



Alright…………..I hope you’re sitting down for this………..are you?  No?  OK – I’ll wait for a minute………………LA DE DA DE DA……ho hum……*slurp* (drinking hot chocolate)……..*files nails*………..OK – time’s up – that’s enough time for you to SIT.

Here’s yesterday’s Teaser:


First of all THANK YOU to Flynn’s Mom Miss Jackie from Two Devon Cats  for allowing me to use her photo of St. Kitts Island in the Caribbean!    I thought it might be a toughie but you just NEVER know for sure – lots of you have traveled and done a Caribbean cruise and you probably would have docked here if you were visiting St. Kitts…………….This is for you Miss Jackie and Flynn for being my GUEST TEASER this week!!


However, the reason I wanted you to sit down is that:


WHICH MEANS (drum roll)


I can’t believe I get the award TWICE in a row………………and all of you get THIS award for yourselves (again):


Would you believe me if I said I’ll try to find something EASY for next week??????  Would ya???????


In other news today is the first day of a TWO DAY trip to Niagara Falls that I’m pawticipating in – this is a blogville-wide event but I’m hooking up with my buddies Raz from Friends Furever and Gracie from Goodness Gracie for this event.  We have some posts at the Tabby Cat Club which you can see and comment on if you wanna – OR of course you can visit and hit the LINK tool on Raz’s blog…………there will be a bunch of bloggers hooking up to go on this trip.  I myself am driving the bus- how’s that for way cool.   Here’s some photos of the first day of the trip!

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Tomorrow is Day Two – who knows what we’ll get up to……………….!!!!!

Two reminders:  Get your Caber Toss photos to me by October 25th AND your Sam-O-Ween Funniest Costume Contest entries to me by October 27th!!!!




69 responses »

    • I’m on my way to the TCC now to see what’s going on Marty! You didn’t have to do a slideshow – I just did it to save space on my bloggy since I already had the Teaser stuff on there!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Well, concats to you again, Mr. Sammy for fooling everyone!! (That isn’t hard to do with Motor Mommy and me, but you have some really savvy guessers out there!)
    The Niagara Trip looks like fun – my pawrents and Marshall visited there several years ago and took the Maid of the Mist ride!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Dang! I really thought I had it this time.. silly me. What with Isobel being on holiday and I know you sometimes use her pictures. I took a sort of well thought of stab in the dark… dang. I missed my chance when I didn’t get my butt over here in time for the ARCH in St. Lou!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your Wednesday! I think the rain has FINALLY stopped and I have to get a haircut today.


    • TEE HEE….fooled ya!!!!! One of these days maybe I’ll do the Arch again…..that was a stumper though for many people – it was a decidedly different view of the Arch!! We got MAJOR rain now instead of the past few days of MINOR rain. I’m growing gills.

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Wow, mom guessed Italy (all four cats roll eyes). Maybe you should post Niagara Falls as a teaser. I bet mom would get that right, maybe, possibly. Isn’t Niagara Falls a blast? Dezi and Andy hope that they can find you and Raz. You are really brave going over a barrel. Please, be careful! Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • HAHAHAHA….good idea…..I bet people WOULD guess Niagara Falls if I used that – then everybody would get the RIGHT GUESSER award!! I think I saw Dezi and Andy earlier – they are so cute together!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Congratulations on stumping everyone with your teaser. Well done. Thanks for helping Raz and me for the Niagara Falls trip. Oh what fun we all have when we are together.


    • Looks like a nice little island doesn’t it??? Actually it’s not all THAT little – kinda like Bermuda maybe……but any island that has all that sand is just like a great big litterbox to me!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Well done Sammy, we had ’em fooled!
    We have been without internet for 2 days but have it back now. Mum had to borrow the neighbour’s iphone to see how things were going yesterday.


    • Thanks to your Mom, Flynn, we certainly “got ’em” again!!!! Sorry your internet went out – hopefully all is well now and will STAY that way! How are you feeling my friend? I’m trying to be PERKY….some days better than others!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  6. Phooey…we were positive we had the teaser correct. All those island towns sure look the same. Phooey again! The Niagara Falls trip really looks like oodles of fun. Maybe Scouts can go sometime. Purrlease be careful, Sammy. Looks as if you have been taking some unnecessary risks. Can’t afford to lose the Wildcat’s Troop Leader. We will look forward to reading about day two. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We actually thought about doing the trip at Scouts too since it was one of those “all the blogosphere” events BUTTTTT lately things have been so busy on Scouts it seemed like it might be too much especially with the LOOMING Jamboree!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. That teaser was hard but fun, lovely place. Hope you enjoy Niagara Falls, my husband and I were there in summer of 1997. We actively went under the falls to view everything. Wonderful trip, hope you enjoy yours.


    • Hi Katie! I’ve got my paws crossed for you dear girl – time to get that little “body system” of yours ticking along like it should. Just relax….you’re in good hands with your Mommy!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Yow Sammy Mum tried…guess Hawaii is not quite da Care-a-bee-an….MOL!!!
    Yer Niagara Fallz trip lookz like alot fun…guud luck in dat barrel; yer such a dare devil 😉
    Sendin ya **paw kissez**
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum ❤


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