Silent Sunday Selfie

Sam Sleeping Close Up


I’m snoring away in The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop!  (Click Below To Join/Visit!)


89 responses »

  1. Sunday Sammy Snoozin’ Selfie…what fun. OMCs Sammy my mom didn’t know you lived near Charlottesville, VA. They saw the sign to your city while driving. They were actually staying in Richmond with a MacGyver and his peeps. They rode to C’ville in their friend’s car NO umbrellas..the peeps had 3 ‘brellas in her car. And boy was it cooooool on Mr. Jefferson’s hill…but gorgeous. They also had plans to pick apples on Carter’s Mtn….but boy was it wet in the orchards. Thankfully there were bins of all varieties of applies already picked. Hugs madi our bfff


    • Yes! Warrenton is a hop, skip and jump from C’Ville. My peeps don’t go there often but once in a while they visit the Downtown Mall……anyway, even though there were no ‘brollies in the car I hope they enjoyed their little trip! Apples are EVERYWHERE now……..EVERYWHERE……….!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy…you are too, too adorable for words! Your furs are glowing like a maple tree in the fall sunshine. We’d like to see some of that sunshine. We are in our second day of pouring rain. Sleep well, sweet boy! Thank you so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. Hope you will join us for our version of the Mice Bucket Challenge with a comment-a-thon on Monday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo


  3. You are the handsomest sleepy boy EVER Sammy! Don’t drop dead from shock at seeing my furry little face, now. We have been totally funkified for the last several weeks what with one thing and another, but it feels like we might be poking our heads up with a BIT more frequency. I miss you, Buddy! Gotta get the Human back in the groove! OOOOO=ManCatly hugs, but no kissies 😉


    • Hi Spitty my man!!!!! Missing you but I know what with one thing and another you’ve been incatnito (spellcheck does not like that word but I do). Seems to me that you should forgive your Human – to forgive is divine and we all love devine (as in silvervine). Hope you can come by my Sam-o-Ween “do”……even if you’re nekkid you’ll have some fun – costumes not required!

      Hugs, sammy


  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Sammy you sure are a handsome mancat. We hope you enjoyed your Sunday. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


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