Oh What A Day!


Good Morning Peeps!!!   YES I started my day the way you just KNOW that I have to – with bacon – and plenty of it……….well, honestly Mom and Dad had a lot more than I did but I did get my customary share and I’m happy about that!


What I want to tell you about this morning though is the FAB Fishing Rodeo we had at Cat Scouts on Thursday.  TONS OF FUN………..here’s a little slideshow to show you how much fun we had from my perspective as Troop Leader of the Wildcats who sponsored this trip for Scouts:

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If you’re not a Cat Scout – why aren’t you one?  HAHAHAHA    Seriously – you should check it out at CatScouts.com because we really do have some serious fun there.   And we get to wear uniforms which is always cool.



Have a super duper Saturday !!

Hugs, Sammy

45 responses »

    • Hi Sundae…..I was the bus driver to the lake and back (several times!)…………….this coming week I’m driving a bus to Niagara Falls too for a quick trip on Scouts AND throughout the blogosphere!

      Love, Sammy


  1. I love your hat, it looks super cool! and a balloon ride is a fabulous adventure…. but dangerous too… my crazy family hired a balloon once for our great auntie and sadly the balloon crashed down in the forest. no one was seriously hurt, but nevertheless the great auntie was sour and called the rest of the clan legacy hunters… :o) Congrats to your trophy, that’s really well deserved, it’s the best ugliest fish I ever saw:o)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sammy, Mau says that was a super fun trip. He likes anything that takes place in the great outdoors, especially when he can spend some alone time with Allie and give her something nice. He was so thrilled to have tied with Anya for funniest fish. Concats on your win for ugliest fish. He is really hoping Mom will let him do a combined post about the Carnival and Rodeo sometime this week. He has been doing cartwheels and handsprings since he saw Denmaster changed the dates for the Jamboree. Denmaster sent Mom an e-mail saying Scouts couldn’t have a Jamboree if Mau would not be able to fully pawticipate. Wow…isn’t she the BEST? Plus, she added that she has three things she has to do on Halloween weekend. Have a good restful weekend. Hope to see you at Sunday Selfies tomorrow. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • It was a fun fishing trip AND we’re glad Mau made it with us……the contest was hilarious wasn’t it? We were also happy about the change of date although Mom doesn’t have anything else going on…..but it was just nice to move it back a bit. We’ve been SO BUSY lately!! Happy EASY Sunday!

      Hugs, sammy


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