

That’s right……Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Baconday, Sunday.  Right?  Yep.

As the founder and president of the Bacon Lovers Club, I hereby declare it a day of breakfast with bacon………..if you don’t get it, rally a protest……carry a sign……..deliver a furball in an appropriate location……accidentally miss your litterbox…….but you DESERVE bacon and you shall have it!


Gosh – for a wienie of a cat I sound rather militant don’t I?   I don’t want to do that……….but I do think that everyone should at least TRY the stuff once in their lives.


Do you know that the Cat Scouts Carnival that begins today actually has a “Bacon Tent”????     Yep – the story of bacon under one big tent….I can’t WAIT to see what’s in there…..I’ll be sure to report after the weekend believe me.   We also will be having a “Nip Tent” (woo hoo) and I’m thinking I’ll swing by the bacon tent, pick up a load and head for the nip tent.  I’m sure I can find a place to RELAX the whole day long……………sigh……………..




A MOST SPECIAL PEE ESS…… Please send healing purrs to my dear friend Flynn who is not feeling well at all…..he and I started our thyroid meds at the same time but he’s not doing very well right now and needs our purrs and prayers……we love this photo of Flynn with his Dad…………..please click the photo to visit his blog and leave a message of support………


54 responses »

  1. There won’t be any bacon here, today, S. Mom is planning to eat Lucky Charms for breakfast. Hopefully, she’ll take me out to the bagel store one day this week and share her foods with me. Bacon! Enjoy, buddy!

    Love and licks,


  2. Sammy, did your mom tell you that my pawrents are going to a festival today with BACON in its name? The Bacon, Bourbon and Beach Music Festival (my pawrents won’t do the bourbon, though). I’m sure they’ll eat plenty of bacon, and Motor Mommy says she’ll be thinking of YOU!
    Love, Sundae


    • YES they did tell me and I think it’s mean that they aren’t bringing me down there to attend! Darn! I hope your parents have some fun there AND on the rest of their weekend adventure…………..

      Love, Sammy


  3. Bacon….hmmmm i bet the smell is divine Sammy….I haven’t had bacon in ages…and being on a D..I.E..T ..well..may be awhile enjoy and think of me my sweet friend 🙂 I will live vicariously through you 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xxx


  4. I bet this carnival is a super event… bacon and nip and rides and tons of fun (please make sure that the bacon likes the roller coaster too lol). I hope your friend Flynn feels better soon, I think his dad loves him so much it would be so sad when something is seriously wrong with him …


    • I agree about Flynn Easy…..he is very close to his Mom and Dad and all of us are very worried about him. I’ll be reporting on the Carnival Monday…….tomorrow is the last day………it’s been AMAZING so far!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Finally, we all got a bit of bacon. Not a whole slice, but some tidbits in this yummy cheese with bacon that Mom found at the store. She sampled it at the deli and decided it was worth getting. We must admit we totally agree:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  6. Hey Sammy! Sounds like you’ll get your paws full of bacon today what with the bacon tent and all. I love bacon…Canadian Bacon not so much…it’s not greasy and crackly like side bacon. Kali has a bit of trouble chewing it but she loves it and is game for trying to eat it. I’m headed over to the carnival now….see ya there.



  7. Happy Bacon day Sam-bug. So happy to hear you’re doing so well. I popped over to Flynn’s Blog. Gosh, so darn cute too. I love the photo of naps in the grass. I left him a message and my fingers are crossed. xoxox B


  8. Bacon in the morrrrning
    Bacon in the evennnning
    Bacon Bacon all day lonnnnnnnnng
    Yae tis a fine day of Bacon in the old tent of bacon where we are eating bacon!
    Bacon is king
    See you at the Tent buddy


    • Hi Timmy!!!! I saw you all over the Carnival yesterday and today we have Day #2! I’ll be spending time at the bacon tent AND the nip tent and doing all those rides AGAIN! Hope you’re having tons of fun too!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHAHA….Grady is one smart guy! I’m always on the lookout for things left on tables, lying loose inside of Mom’s purse…..dropped on the floor………it’s how we get our BEST snacks!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Yow Sammy bacon n ‘nip; now dere iz a dubble headur what iz maeveeluss!!!
    Wishin ya a grrrreat day…
    We iz gonna pop over n leeve sum ‘guud werdz’ fer Flynn….he iz hansum just like ya…n we hatez to fink he izn’t doin well 😦
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0


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