Teaser Tell All


DARN DARN DARN!!!   I was hoping to fool you smarty pants Teaser Fans but I most certainly did NOT……………….in fact two correct answers arrived within sixty seconds of each other yesterday morning right after my blog went live!   Wanna see my epic fail photo I used trying to fool you – just in case you missed it yesterday?


Yep – that’s the one.  I fooled a few of you but not many.   This was a photo taken by my Mom up by the Heidelberg Castle in Heidelberg, Germany when my Mom and Dad visited there a few years ago……….beautiful view huh???

Who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER???   Why it was Leo of Walk to Rio 2016 followed sixty seconds later by Easy………….the dynamic duo of Teasers.   If you didn’t follow the comments yesterday you should – it was fun to read the back and forth between these guys and everyone else who chimed in………..hahaha.

Leo, this is yours my friend:

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

And Easy, you and all the other smarties who got it right get this!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

Those of you who guessed wrong or hadn’t ANY idea where the photo had been snapped get the BIG GREENIE…….which is still something to be proud of you know!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

Now wasn’t that FUN?????   Of course it was!!!!!!  Just like every Tuesday and Wednesday………………CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS…………….WOO HOO FOR KNOWING YOUR GEOGRAPHY!


Hugs, Sammy


61 responses »

  1. Ha!
    Wordpress is getting funny, if I post a YouTube link without additional text, my comment isn’t posted.
    A big F for you WordPress.
    Sorry for the rant Sam.


  2. Germany eh? huh! could have sworn it was Italy. Oilwell, there’s always next week. The funny thing is, I’ve been to Heildelberg, LOL. Have a super duper day my friends. Boomdee’s off to work but wanted to say “Good Morning”! xoxoxoxo


  3. Well…this goes beyond geography. If it were just that, Mom says we would get it right efurry time since Dad’s undergraduate degree is in geography. You tried to pick a photo that hid the landmarks, but you just missed by a whisker. Concats to those perpetual winners. Mom says we can go back a read yesterday’s conversation. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • One funny thing in that photo (Easy spotted it) is that on the left side you see a road with a car on it – he said he checked to see if the car was on the right or left side of the road because it would be a clue to WHERE it is BUT, the car is driving down the middle of the road!!!!! HAHAHA……I hadn’t even noticed that……….sure wasn’t helpful though was it?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. I was on early, but didn’t know it, so left it to the experts. 🙂 I never did make it back to see what they were guessing….so I had to go back and read….that was quite the entertaining conversation that got going there! It’s never a dull moment around your place, Sammy!


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