Tonight’s The Night!


Gosh – that sounds inviting doesn’t it?  HAHAHA   No I’m not having a big fat party (although that’s not a bad idea), and no I don’t have a big date – unless you count the arrival of an old friend a “date”……..who is the “old friend”??   Why it’s Madame Autumn.   At 10:59PM she officially arrives this evening.  Kind of late for me to stay up and welcome her.  Besides, it’s not like she’s a NEW friend anyway……………..I’ve been expecting her.  We’ve had cool days for a while now so I figured she’d be here and sure enough she’s arrived!

I’m thinking it’s about time – and at my age – to begin wearing sweaters when (and if) I do go out on a chilly day………what do you think?  (mouse over photos for my hilarious comments….ahem)

I actually do HAVE one sweater – that I got from my pal Easy last winter.   It’s a bit too large for me BUT Mom did put it on me a couple of times and I’m afraid I’m just not “sweater-material” as I won’t walk when I have one on.  It freezes me in place.  Silly huh?   I do love the sweater though – BLUE IS MY COLOR don’t you think???


Anyway, WELCOME MADAME AUTUMN………….we will adjust to you being here……….we will have firewood available for the first frosty night………we will begin keeping an eye open for some perfect pumpkins to carve for Sam-O-Ween……we will take endless photos of leaves (as if I don’t already have tons of them) just because it’s what we do this time of year!

Consider me READY to slide into the season………………….(mostly).

HUGS and see you tomorrow for:






63 responses »

  1. Sammy! You and my Motor Mommy both wrote about autumn this year….I’m afraid Mom’s going to miss summer….maybe she’ll look forward to the coziness of fall.
    You’re so handsome in your sweater; Mom wouldn’t even try to put one on ME!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! My Mom enjoys the Summer too but maybe not QUITE as much as your Mom. If we had beaches to shell on, and beautiful water sunsets and sunrises, MAYBE it would be harder to have seasons change. However, we’ll manage and I’ll manage WITHOUT a sweater!!! HAHA

      Love, Sam


    • Hi Austin!! Yes it really is beautiful and we can’t REALLY complain – at least not until the leaves begin falling and my parents begin dealing with all of them – THEN you’ll hear complaining! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Eww….Madame Autumn is back so quickly! She’s a cold one….I’ll grant you that. Blue is your colour Sammy….beautiful. We are not sweater material either. Kali falls over if mom puts anything on her…..just like a statute falling….thud. I give mom the evil eye and try to make her feel guilty. We just need our fur coats and a forced air heat vent. hahaah



    • Oh I do believe she decided to make an early appearance but I can’t help but wonder if at some point she’ll take a brief vacation while Madame Summer returns as often happens?!?!?!?!

      Time will tell
      Hugs, Sammy


  3. We are opening our welcoming arms to Madame Fall too. She and Madame Spring are our favorite seasons.
    Yes BLUE is your color.
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. You do look good in blue, Sammy. I can’t agree to try anything long enough to pull it off. Welcome to fall, crisp leaves, crunchy acorns. YUM, too bad I can’t eat too many.

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and comforting words on Lacci. It is a huge help to have such a loving group of pet friends. xo


  5. Oh, sweet Sammy you make that blue look even more beautiful. Maybe you can sleep on the sweater, that would keep your tummy warm. We are looking forward to autumn weather when it arrives at our place. Hugs and nose kisses


    • Yep – sorry guys – it’s DEFINITELY Autumn here and getting chilly. That sweater is way too big for me BUT I bet if my Mom tossed it in the washer it would shrink up nice and tight! Show off my muscles (oh yeah sure!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Welcome to Madame Autumn! We are so glad she’s here. We had a very warm day yesterday….I guess she was letting Summer have it’s last hurrah, and we’re back to being windy and chilly today. The trees are starting to turn and they’re beautiful!


  7. That sweater is super dapper on you, S. It always makes Mom laugh her head off when she sees a video of a cat wearing clothes and frozen in place. Or better yet, just falling over like the clothes killed them. Hilarious. Best to save your sweater for a really cold night.

    Love and licks,


  8. I don’t want to say goodbye to summer. Autumn usually means cold wet and foggy days here and that means not many walks in the fields. Dad has got the log pile all ready for when the cold arrives and then I will spend most of my time by the wood burner.


    • Smart man Flynn! Same here…….I like to lie close to the fireplace in the winter……Mom puts one of my fleece blankies down there for me and it’s heavenly. Either that or on Mom’s legs when she’s in her chair….that’s pretty warm too! Autumn is here and that’s that….so we’ll make the best of it right?

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Blue definitely is your color, Sammy. That sweater is a tad too big as you pointed out, but cute nonetheless. Fall has already been here for a couple of weeks in SWVA. We are hoping that we don’t get the HOTS in October. See you tomorrow for the Teaser. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • YES – Mom and Dad are already groaning about how many leaves they’ll be sucking off the yard this year……….YUCK……….but then again Dad wanted all these trees so TOUGH !!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. We wish it could go from fall to spring. We had a very harsh winter and a cold and rainy summer. We know it will be a long time before summer comes around again. 😦 All of the kitties look really cute in their sweaters but Sammy you are incredibly handsome in your blue sweater. Love, Cali. Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  11. LOL, “I can’t hear”…that made me laugh. You look so cute in your little sweater, such a nice gift. I rarely wear them because I’m always too flippin’ warm and I don’t even have fur so you must be cooking in yours 😀 Might be nice to go outside in the s.n.o.w. though. I won’t say that word yet, so as not to jinx us xoxoxox


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