Teaser Tell All


Well friends, Romans, and countrymen – lend me your ears…….no – on second thought – lend me your eyes……………take another peekie at yesterday’s Teaser photo and I’ll tell you what the SCOOP is on this one!


I sure had you guessing on this one……..this is a photo from my Guest Teaser, Miss Jackie who is Flynn’s “Mom” at TWO DEVON CATS and she and her husband do a lot of traveling.   She very kindly let me use this photo which she took on a trip to The Azores, on Sao Miguel Island.

Now here’s the deal………..the first person to guess The Azores was Miss Caren and Cody from CAT CHAT although she had the island wrong……next guess that came in was from our buddy Leo from Walk To Rio 2016  and HE guessed the correct island of Sao (or San) Miguel (and mentioned another island as well)………………..but he was “also” right.   So I’m going to award FIRST RIGHT GUESSER (for guessing The Azores) to Caren and Cody and Honorable Mention (and Right Guesser) to Leo!!

Caren and Cody – this is for you:

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

Leo my buddy, my pal – THESE are for you!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

Sometimes someone gets THIS!

Sometimes someone gets THIS!

And this is for anyone else who guessed The Azores!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

THE BIG GREENIE is for everyone who had no clue or guessed WRONG!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

Now wasn’t that FUN????  Sure it was!!!!!

Don’t forget to post your pirate picture on your own blog this Friday – – – that’s right – it’s an annual event and you don’t want to miss it……..”TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY” !!    I’ll have a fabulous photo of ME ME ME on my blog Friday all garbed up in scary clothes like a vicious pirate (tee hee).   Also the Tabby Cat Club is doing a Pirate Day celebration too so you can stop by there as well…………….

ARRRRRGH (don’t worry – just practicing!)  


Pee Esss 

Today is a “double birthday” at Kitties Blue (Cat On My Head)

my friends Mauricio and his sister Misty May are having a birthday party –

please stop by to give them a birthday hug!!!


77 responses »

  1. Congrts to Cody Caren and Leo..and again Sammy….I need to get a passport and start exploring hahaha…what a gorgeous place…dreamy indeed 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxxx and Easy …they have red earth in a little town down here called Mildura…grow a good grape they do 🙂 xx


    • Our earth is red all the time – we have tons of clay around here. When I used to go outside more I’d always bring in the red (Mom said that anyway) from out there. I’d have to get a footwash every time!

      Hugs, Sammy


          • Haahah we have had clay before and yes it is a nightmare..we added all sorts of goodies to it and finally had some ground to work with..this stuff..well we grow a good rock hahaha..so we just add an add and add..eventually the property will be 20 feet thicker all round hahahah 😉 loves Fozziemum xxxx


          • HA! That’s the only thing you can do is just add stuff to lighten it up. In order to have a veg garden many years ago Mom had to add sand and peat moss and top soil and all manner of things to get a SMALL patch of this clay stuff to some sort of semblance of “growable earth” – it did work – we had a glorious garden for a few years but now we just have big tubs of veg on our deck! The deer can’t eat it all up!

            Hugs, Sammy


          • Sorry Sammy for the late reply…and yes an above ground veggie garden is often the only way to go! always a critter looking for a free feed 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


  2. Concatulations to the winners… Sorry I missed it yesterday but I’m quite sure I would have failed again. It looks really beautiful there though! Love your birthday card too my furiend! It’s a pawesome party isn’t it!


  3. Hurrah fer da winnerz!!!!
    Mum had no clue ya nose Sammy!!
    She neber doez, MOL…
    We waz over pawtyin wif Mauricio n Misty may earlier today..pawsum chickin n niptiniz 😉
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Mau and Misty May’s party was amazing……AND Mau’s Patrol had a wonderful party for him (black tie!) at Cat Scouts too so I think he’s probably “partied out” this morning! Hope you and your Mom are both feeling better this morning………..

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Mom has been such a slacker lately that we are just now getting back to check if the Azores was correct, and indeed it was. Concats to Caren and Cody. Thanks so much for sharing Mau and Misty May’s gorgeous card you made for them and telling folks to come to their party. You are a great friend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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