Mom Monday


Good old (!) Mom………….where would I be without her?   I don’t wanna know!   But today she’s going to get some blood work done (glad it’s not ME) so I’m making it “Mom Monday”.    When she gets home I’ll pop up on her laps and keep her warm.   It’s what I do BEST!   (yes I know I reap the benefits myself from using her as a heating pad)

My Favorite Nap Spot!

I guess this is a “leg nap” not a “lap nap” !!

Yesterday was another cool start – it was in the 40s in the morning and when Mom went down our LONG driveway to get the newspaper, she wore her winter parka!  That’s right……….WINTER PARKA.   So, I think it’s safe to say, those lazy, hazy crazy days of summer can be packed up and put away for another year!

Did you know that this Friday is “Pirate’s Day” in the blogosphere?  Yes indeed………….I’m already working on a suitable photograph to post for the day.    The Cat Blogosphere calls it “Meow Like A Pirate”  day but if you’re an animal of a different sort I guess you can substitute the appropriate “sound” for a meow!   HAHAHA

This was me LAST Pirate Day:


Tomorrow I have a GUEST TEASER for you Teaser fans………… be ready with all your reference material (or your finger on the google search button…hahaha) and maybe you can figure it out FIRST.  You get a badge you know if you’re the FIRST right guesser, or you guess correctly period, or even if you haven’t any idea where the Teaser photo was taken you STILL get a badge.  Where else can you go and ALWAYS win something huh????

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Hope you have a fab day…………..whether your Mom is having blood work done or not, give her an EXTRA hug today……why?  Let’s say it’s “GIVE YOUR ASSISTANT AN EXTRA HUG” day.  Hey – I can make up a special day if I want to right??


Awww…….just like this!

HUGS, Sammy


95 responses »

  1. Ugh, our Sunday had triple-digit weather and it is only going to be marginally better today! Although my human does not want 40 degree weather either! I hope your human passes her blood tests – I am sending some purrs her way!


    • Thanks Summer – Mom says thanks too……..this morning it’s FORTY-FIVE (brrrrrr) here so triple digits sounds toasty warm and snuggly! I would imagine after a while it gets OLD though!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Aaaaw Sammy weez be purrayin’ fur yous mommy. Weez hope it just be woutine and nuffin’ serious. And what a cutey yous wuz as a piwate. 🙂 Meez can’t believ yous mommy be wearin’ a pawka. Dat’s just not wight. Not wight at all. It be too soon fur dat kinda cold. Stay safe and warm.

    Luv ya’



  3. Thanks for letting me know about pirate day, we will be sure to participate. I hope your mom’s bloodwork is good. You are very sweet to take care of her.


  4. Sammy ..a winter Parka!! goodness me…I am so glad you are going to look after mum when the vampires take her bloods….and some leg therapy..perfect! hope mum gets a lollipop! and woo hoo we look forward to tomorrow ..we think we may just be winners hahaahaaah…you never know 😉 and then pirate day lots of fun coming up 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


  5. Hope everything goes well with your mom’s bloodwork. I think that sounds great to give our assistants extra hugs today. I’m off to do that right now! Have a great one cousin! XOXO – Bacon


  6. It is so hot here, Sammy, but we don’t want 45 degrees either! Isn’t there somewhere where it is 68 degrees year round? That’s what my mom wants to know. Have a happy Wednesday and take good care of your mom.


  7. Sammy we hope mom’s blood letting went well. I bet she was hungry for bacon when she came home. Cool hint of fall in central NC today a bit overcast so napping is on my agenda too
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! You look FABULOUS in your Scout uniform!!!! Are you having fun learning the Scouts site? It’s big isn’t it……but there’s so much fun to be had. I’m working now on the next BIG trip we’ll take in Sammy’s Travel Club. It’s going to be AMAZING – wait til you see!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Naps on your Mom’s lap sound good this cool day. Hope all goes well with the blood work, fingers crossed. I have to do a big FOOD shop and I don’t like going to the store…. Thinking HAPPY other thoughts. At least CH goes with me to carry the heavy stuff and help.


    • Hi Miss Pix!! Yes indeed – a warm lap is grand on a cool day. It was only 45 here this morning (eeek) but it’s not 74 so that’s much nicer!! My Mom loves grocery shopping – yes she’s weird (!!!) and my Dad HATES grocery stuff but will sometimes go along and just sit in the car then help her unload the cart when she’s finished. Try not to think about THAT part – just the end part when the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry is FULL!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Oh yeah! I love a full pantry and a full freezer.. 😀 Almost as much as I love the house after I have cleaned the hardwoods and vakoomed the area rugs and lit a fall scented candle! We are home and I am on the couch typing to YOU! It is drizzling and I feel all Fall-ish! CH loves to food shop, he likes all kinds of shopping.. yay! Enjoy your afternoon and evening Sam Cat and get that lap time in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Hi Miss Pix! So you got your shopping done with CH and it wasn’t all that awful after all was it!!!! See???? Told ya! We had sunshine and cool temps all day yesterday and that’s what we’re supposed to have the whole rest of the week. Yesterday after Mom got home I had her lap for HOURS AND HOURS (not counting potty breaks of course). We were each other’s hot water bottle!!!! HAHAHAHA

          Hugs, Sammy


  9. Paws crossed for good bloodwork results. It was so cold here last night, we switched from summer quilt to winter duvet. It’s warm and sunny out so it’s colder inside! Merlin and I are on the picnic blankie enjoying the sun. Hugs to all.


    • We’ve done the switch from quilt to comforter too!!! How delightful that you and Merlin are hanging out in the sun together……..I know that feels delicious to be in a big sun puddle with your Mom so tell him I said HOWDY DO from one old guy to another!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Sammy, so glad you have a body warmer named mom at home. Good luck to mom and her blood test. It’s darned cool here….that’s for sure. Now that everything in the garden is dead…..the temp hasn’t gone down to freezing again. Pooh, I knew this would happen.



    • That’s the way things go with gardening – sadly that happens almost EVERY YEAR to us with our tomato plants – one nasty night does them in then we get a heatwave. NOT FAIR!!!! The good thing is that my Dad loves fried green tomatoes……….Thank you AGAIN for the great book review! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Been cold like that here too. Says by the weekend humid again. Sammy my BearBear used to lay on my legs as soon I put up the recliner. You and mom stay warm. Hope her blood work is good.
    Sue B


    • Thanks Sue…….Mom won’t know about the blood work for several days I’m sure……hopefully things will look good!! Today it’s all the way up to 73 although it was 45 when I first got up!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. There’s a day for everything else, so why not make up another one? LOL Hope your Mom’s bloodwork went OK…that’s not fun and it’s a good thing she has you to snuggle with afterwards, Sammy!


    • I popped right up on her lap when she got home from the doctor and kept her lap nice and warm for a couple of hours – she even fell asleep she was so relaxed! Mom says I’m the best nurse there is!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Hope your mum’s blood work goes okay. My mum has to get hers done next week. My mum said she will email tomorrow after she gets my results, paws crossed. Enjoy your leg nap.


  14. We hope they don’t steal too much of your Mom’s blood and that her tests all come back A-OK. We had those cool temps over the weekend too, but that blasted heat and humidity are coming back this week:(

    Happy Monday

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Mom says they took an awful lot of her blood for two crummy little tests but they “gotta do what they gotta do”………We aren’t going to have heat this week at all but we will have sun so it will be NICE. The kind of Fall weather I love!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks guys on Mom’s bloods….we’ll find out in a few days I would think. Meanwhile STAY WARM……we don’t have any warm days in our forecast but then again the weather peeps lie all the time so who knows?!

      Hugs, Sam


  15. We hope everything is O.K. with your mom’s bloodwork. We know that she will feel much better if you lay on her and purr.

    It’s cold here too; mom had to dig into her winter clothes tote for some sweatshirts! We want warm weather to come back. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • I think warm weather is gone until next year…..Mom says it goes to Australia for our winter then comes back when THEY get winter. Maybe she’s right…….I find it all very confusing (and cold!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Guud luck Miss Pam…yer so brave to go get da bloodwerk hidez UTB!!!
    Sammy yer just what da Docktur ordered 😉 MOL…
    Mum haz worn turtelneckz over da weekend n her Autumm jacket…Summer haz flown da coop….**FLOUNDER**
    We are in diz together!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  17. Chirpity-chirp chirp….Boomdee’s up early for work and thought I’d fly in for a view of the teaser, but I see you’re still on the beach, hehehe. Cutest pirate ship EVER. Steady as she goes, ta ta for now xoxoxox B


    • Hi Boomdee!!!! You know how I like to SURPRISE everyone with a pop-up Teaser at a random time! You were just a tad early for the scheduled time this morning BUT we hope you have a GRAND day in the shop giving people lots of fun ideas for crafts………….WOO HOO

      Hugs, Sammy


  18. Hope everything is okay with Mom Pam and this was just regular check-up blood work. You certainly look like a good nurse Sammy. We got to get on Mom to start doing something for a Meow Like a Pirate post. Waiting impatiently for the Teaser to post so we can torture ourselves. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Tee Hee………..I can’t remember the EXACT time I scheduled the Teaser to pop up but I think it’s “any minute now” as I see you posted this at 9:12AM!! Mom just got back from grocery shopping and we’re wading through the comments and guesses now! Mom had to have some repeat blood work done from the regular yearly stuff because two of the values were WAY WAY WAY off from last year so her doc just wanted her to have a “re-do”. We hope it was a lab error – if not – we’ll be checking into it for sure.

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Sent card to Mau and Misty May this AM via email for tomorrow!! 😉


  19. Dood, seriously, it even got down to 39 degrees one night here a few days ago. And the basil plant had FROST spots on it! *shocked look*!!!!


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