Love That Liebster


Gosh if I didn’t have my extra toesies I’d run out of fingers to count the times I’ve been nominated for the wonderful Liebster Award…………..and this past week I was nominated TWICE for it!  Once by Trifles and once by Lone Star Cats!


Since I got it TWICE, and since it’s been a while since I actually answered the questions that come with some awards, I thought I’d do it this time just for funzies!   Here are the questions I got from Trifles (who sent out eleven questions although Lone Star had ten questions):   (Pee Ess….I let Mom answer these)


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

“Four Seasons” by Vivaldi

2. Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Sean Connery

3. Has your life ever been in danger?

No……although I’m a cancer survivor so maybe – technically – YES!

4. What is your favorite plant?


5. If you were a pet, would you like to be a dog or a cat, or something else?

Definitely a cat…….a very spoiled one (like someone I know!)

6. Which profession did you want to choose as a child?

I wanted to either be an archeologist or an airline stewardess

7. What do you do if you are out of temper?

I rarely lose my temper but if I do, I’m not afraid to raise my voice (then I pout)

8. How does the house/flat of your dreams look like?

I’d love to live in a beautiful tree house (I’ve wanted to do that since I was a little girl)

9. What would you choose: to be a renowned scientist or to be a famous artist? Why?

I’ve painted and drawn most of my life and would have loved to be a famous artist

10. Have you ever tried some arts (literature, music, acting, fine arts, etc.)?

Have written some books……….have taken art classes and sold paintings in galleries…….played the piano……..

11. What is your favorite sport?

The only “sport” I enjoy playing myself is croquet (!) – but I love to watch football, baseball and swimming/diving competitions!

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

These are the questions I received from Lone Star Cats!   (Pee Ess…..I answered these MYSELF!)


1.  Which are better, bacon or crab?

BACON BACON BACON (wish a side order of crab)

2.  Do ya like da vet?

Well, he’s a nice guy and the office staff are swell but I’m not crazy about going there……
3.  Do ya like pups?

We have two barky beagles on one side of our house and one quiet schnauzer on the other side……I much prefer the schnauzer

4.  How did ya get your name?

Before my parents went to the shelter to look for a cat to adopt, my Mom asked my Dad what he’d name the cat they got – he said “Sammy” – so here I am !!!!

5.  Do ya have to get your nails trimmed?

Yep – sure do – and remember I have EXTRA toes – takes longer but at least my parents do the trimming not the vet !!

6.  What are your favorite place to snooze?

Gosh – I have two favorites:  in my tent and on Mom’s legs

7.  Has ya ever gotten to kill anything?

I’ve come close…….caught a couple of chipmunks which my Mom wouldn’t let me “keep” (!!) and some butterflies 

8.  Do ya run away from da litter box after doin a stinky in it?

Well, let’s just say that I don’t hang around too long but I don’t run away – I stay to snoopervise my Mom as she bags up my stinky for disposal……making sure she doesn’t MISS anything!

9.  What are da best piece of peeple foodz ya ever snagged?

I have had several interesting bits of people food that were very yummy……..salami, lobster, pizza…..but that was in my youth.  These days my tummy reminds me if I eat something I shouldn’t!
10.  What are your favorite toy?
I have a somewhat WEIRD favorite toy.  Many years ago one of my first baby toys fell apart from overuse – it had two small rubber rings on it which I still have and like to carry them around the house.  If my Dad forgets to leave me a treat by his chair when he goes to bed at night, I leave one of my rubber rings there so he’ll see it first thing in the morning and realize he made a BIG BOO BOO and forgot my treats!  

Now, I need to nominate ten other blogs who have fewer than 300 followers for the Liebster………..I think instead of calling out ten of my buddies who may or may not have time to answer the questions, I’ll just say if you would LIKE to answer my questions and accept the Liebster (even if you already have it like I do!!!), here are the questions from ME that you can answer!!!   Ready???

1.  If you could visit another planet, which one would it be and why?

2.  Do you really think kitties have NINE lives?   If you’re a cat, what number are you on????

3.  Do you like to eat bugs?

4.  Catnip or Silvervine?

5.  Do you snore?

6.  What’s the funniest place you ever deposited a furball (got sickie)?

7.  Do you get to eat wet foods AND kibble or are you on a special diet?

8.  Do you like to get brushed or combed?

9.  Do you like riding in a car?

10.  Do you have any health problems?

If you wanna pawticipate, remember you must answer the questions you’re sent – thank the person who nominated you – and then nominate ten blogs (supposedly with 300 followers or less) for the Liebster, and give them ten questions of your own to answer!!!   Cool?

So there my friends………………..I’ve done my duty and I must thank profusely Trifles and Lone Star Cats for nominating me for the Liebster…..I have a bazillion awards – I’m truly lucky to have such great friends – but I thought it was time I pawticipated again – just in case you’re not tired of hearing ALL ABOUT ME!



HUGS, Sammy



64 responses »

    • HA! I’ve been doing that thing with the rubber ring for ages…..Mom always returns the ring to my toy box in the morning when she sees it by Dad’s chair…..Dad’s pretty good about leaving a few treats for me during the night when they go to bed but sometimes he forgets and I MUST let him know that I’ve noticed!!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Sparkle! What’s shakin?? Glad you enjoyed my responses – I haven’t been going through the “stuff” with any of the awards I’ve received in a while but thought it was about time!!!!!

      Happy Monday
      Hugs, Sam


  1. Concatulations! That means your rubber ring is like the “Ring Of Fire” for your dad? To live in a tree house is great… we should build one…. I found the perfect tree for such a crib!


    • HAHAHA….Mom calls my rubber ring “The Ring of Doom”…..HAHAHAHA…..they think it’s really funny that I do that but I think it’s just important that I let Dad know he let me down!!!!! Cookie/treat delivery is very impawtant! So you found a good tree for a tree house? Have a photo of it???

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Tee-hee…..Motor Mommy chuckled out loud when she read # 8 on your list, Sammy. She was glad your Mom didn’t choose to answer that list of questions! 😉
    Have a good Monday!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Haahha well Freesias..Sean Connery and Archaeology dreams..goodness mum and I have some fab things in common! and poor dad and the tell tale ring!! bwaahaahahah 🙂 goodness me what a laugh that gave us! hugs and see you for the teaser 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  4. OK… Mom’s answers were very interesting, always nice to learn more about your Mom. BUT Sammy I swear I am dyin’ over your answers. Barky beagles, snoopervisin’ your Mom’s ability to scoop your LB, and your toy………dying. My tummy tends to remind me if I eat something I shouldn’t now that I am a senior too but tummy is always happy with a cheesebuger. NoBODY should get this tickled in the morning, I’m not really awake yet!
    Congrats on the award!!!!


  5. That was a great post, Sammy! Me and mum were so interested in your answers! We learnt new things especially about your mom!!! I might try and nag … errr .. ask her to let us try answering your questions!! ConCats on receiving the awards 🙂 xxxx


  6. CONGRATULATIONS! That Liebster Award sure does love you. NICE.

    Your mum likes freesias? Peep #1 loves them. She says they smell really pretty. I say, they smell quite nice but honestly, they don’t smell as good as the nip.

    Nissy #Niss4Senate


    • Nissy I’m with you……although I do think freesias are yummy – we don’t have any in the yard but Mom uses her freesia perfume from time to time AND when they have the freesias at the florist she grabs a bunch.

      Concatulations on your nomination for the Pettie – no surprise there – we’ve been voting for ya too – every single day! Sending you tons of luck and hugs…….

      Sammy and Mom


  7. Concats on the award. Always enjoy seeing what people ask and especially the answers. Double win this time as we got to learn things about Mom Pam as well. See you tomorrow for The Teaser. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  8. Concatulations on your award! It’s always fun to read the answers to random questions like that. We get to learn more about our furiends! 🙂


    • Hi Miss Layla……thank you for the concats – I’m glad you enjoyed reading my answers!!! By the way, the “RING OF DOOM” made an appearance this morning. Dad forgot – again!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Wow, sammy, you and your Mommy are WAAAAAAAAY more interesting than me and my Human. Plus, my Human is such a drag we haven’t even picked up our awardie from the Lone Start kitties yet. Sigh. Maybe she needs another night in Camp. XOXOXO


    • Spitty I think you need to cut your human some slack…..I mean she IS a busy human right? My Mom’s retired and sits around on her……um…..CHAIR most of the day so it’s easier for her to do this stuff! I think your human has made some progress thanks to the training Camp though don’t you? It’s a TOUGH Camp – those instructors scared me so I imagine they’re doing the same with the human contingent!

      Hugs, Sammy


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