Non-Manic Monday


Just another Monday?  Well, yes and no…………it is Monday and there’s nothing special going on here today but it’s still not JUST another Monday – because I have something to tell you about!   YEP – that’s right – tomorrow as you all know is Tuesday Teaser but it’s also a BIG day over at Mollie and Alfie’s……….why?  Because there’s a HUGE WAY WAY WAY cool Auction that will start Tuesday on their blog.   The auction is being held to try and help out a blogville friend who sadly lost her best friend/pup Mabel Lou to bloat a short time ago – but ALSO sadly was left with a huge vet bill to pay for Mabel Lou’s care in her final days.   Mollie and Alfie decided to hold an Auction – with donations from all over the world t0 help Mabel Lou’s human out with that big bill.   Here’s a beautiful photo of Mabel Lou…………and tomorrow I’ll post this photo and when you click on it you’ll go right to Mollie and Alfie’s for the auction.


Creekhiker’s Blog is the blog Mabel’s human has and we were delighted to note that Mabel’s human has already rescued another dog who will know that unconditional love that Mabel Lou got from her happy home.    So whatever you do – make sure and visit Mollie and Alfie TOMORROW – Tuesday, June 10th to see all the way cool things that have been donated and BID on your favorites – you just might be the highest bidder and come away with some cool stuff!   My Mom contributed some cat AND pig jewelry (did you hear that Bacon???)………………..


Now – I know you’ll be visiting Mollie tomorrow but whatever you do, don’t forget we have a Teaser for you too………….AND it’s another Guest Teaser.   Not sure if it’s a toughie or an easy one for you but whatever it is – you can agonize over it at no cost – that’s right – my Teaser Tuesday is FREE TO EVERYONE!!!!   So make sure and stop by so you can possibly come away with one of my fabulous, personally designed by ME, badges of glory which you can display on your blog to show the universe that YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF!!!!!


Meanwhile, make it a SPECIAL Monday – not just another day………….but keep a mysterious smile on your face and see how many people smile back – it works!



Stretch!!  Good morning world!!!

Stretch!! Good morning world!!!



73 responses »

  1. This is going to be a busy Tuesday Sammy 🙂 and I love love love the new badge 🙂 and I hope the guys here can guess right to add it to their bloggie as mine has lost allllll the widgets!! urghhh….manic Monday 🙂 but I am smiling because you make me happy Sammy 🙂 hugs and loves Fozzimum xxx


    • I read that you were widgetless Fozziemum and I’m so sorry that happened to you! My Mom plays around with our theme once in a while but doesn’t do it permanently until she’s sure everything is THERE!!! I’m glad you’re smiling – it’s a Monday but every day we wake up is a GOOD day!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Hahaahahaa I agree Sammy…we had a sunny day but cool enough to garden,,which is what I did when I realised what I had done to my widgets and pics……it worked a treat at calming me farm 😉 I have yet to work out how to test a theme…I get demo and then that’s it…En support says back up all your widget stuff…oh well if all else fail read the instructions bwahaaaah 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx


        • Hi Fozziemum – you should just be able to see the demo then NOT ACTIVATE it – just go back to your regular theme and keep looking at others. Mom keeps threatening to change my theme and you know we DO change it temporarily for some holidays then just go right back to the old one. We are boring. HAHAHA

          Hugs, Sammy


          • Hahaahhah I did that and then thought oh that’s nice then gone hahaaahha..I am sure I have done it before and it has shown my actual page how it would look…I need a tech assistant hahahha 🙂 and you are NEVER boring my friend 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx


  2. Aw, how sad for Mabel’s human, but wonderful of Mollie & Alfie to help! We’ll be sure to stop by tomorrow. (It’s great of you & your mommy to spread the word!)
    Have a good Monday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Yes we think Mollie and Alfie’s Mom is BRAVE to do a big auction – it’s a whole lot of work but we wanted to help out if we could……..hope you have a SUNNY Monday – we have clouds! 😦

      Love, Sam


  3. I’m very happy that Mabel’s human has a new doggie to love. Now Mabel can live in the new doggie’s tummy, and her human won’t be so sad from missing her. That’s how I rescued Mom.

    Love and licks,


    • That’s a sweet thought Cupcake….I think Mabel already IS in the new doggy’s tummy – I saw her photo on the blog and she looks a LOT like Mabel!!! I know that your Mom is happy EVERY SINGLE DAY that you rescued her! 😉

      Hugs, Sam


  4. what a super shout-out for the auction ! I’m so ready for tomorrow, hope I’m faster than Leo&Biker-kevin tomorrow :O) I like the piggy earrings, do you think they would look good on my floppy ears?


    • Easy I think EVERYTHING looks good on your floppy ears – but I think a lobster hanging off each of them would be even better than kitty earrings!!!! HAHAHA I hope you’re FIRST tomorrow and that you recognize where the Teaser photo is from……..GOOD LUCK BUDDY!

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Aww…that news is sad Sammy but how nice of Mollie and Alfie to have an auction to help out.. There are so many wonderful people with pet blogs. Of course, you Sammy are among the top ones. I am looking forward to the teaser.



    • Hi Shoko!!!! The Teaser is loaded up and ready to go tomorrow morning……….remember you don’t have to be first to be a winner! I thought it was nice of Mollie and Alfie to have an auction for Miss Holly at Creekhikers – those things are so sad when they happen. Anyway, have a SUPER Monday!

      Hugs, Sam


    • The auction should be really great – I know a few of the items that people are donating!! As for the Teaser…..this one might not be TOOOOO hard for a change – my Guest Teaser got an interesting shot!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. The auction is a great idea Sammy. Sorry I’ve not been here for so long it’s been a strange week. My mum is going home next week so I’ll be getting some guy time with my dad! She’s has promised me I’ll get priority on the internet though-so I’m back! Woohooo! Looking forward to tomorrow!


    • Hi Bailey! I hope your Grandmom is feeling good and that you won’t miss your Mum when she goes home next week… and your Dad can do MANLY stuff on the boat while she’s gone…The auction on Mollie and Alfie’s blog should be really great – they said they got LOTS of donations!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. OH SQUEAL!!! Look at those piggies! Mom *has* to have those. Is it tomorrow yet? I’ve got to make a reminder to check for the auction and post a bid. Mom needs those ear rings… that way she can think about me forever being on her head – snorts. XOXO – Bacon


    • HAHAHAHA……..I had this feeling that when your Mom saw those earrings she’d like them!!! It’s why my Mom donated them…..hahaha…..the auction is tomorrow on Mollie and Alfie’s blog but not sure WHEN it will go “live” – it probably will last for several days too so people have time to bid/re-bid/overbid/underbid (haha). Anyway, I think if your Mom had those earrings she couldn’t help but think of you ALL DAY LONG especially since people are bound to notice she has pigs on her earlobes!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Caren! We all can only do so much…..the needs are so many and the funds are so few (!!)……….but we all do what we can and that’s the important thing. We hope a lot of money is raised too – we’d never heard of bloat before but it was sad that Mollie and Alfie’s friend passed away from it….

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. I will be looking at the auction tomorrow. I reminded mum that we have to see your teaser early tomorrow but she said she is going out. I am going to hide the car keys. If she finds them I will be late.


  9. Yow Sammy waz a guud Monday here cause da Sun found itz way to me patio!!
    So me had sum qualitee Condo time.
    Dat auckshun soundz like it will be furabuluss! Da itemz yer Mum doe-nated are bery cute…
    We try to bee here fer Teezer…iz Vet bizit so we shall see 😉
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • So glad you’re getting lots of sun and catio time Nylablue….I sometimes think those things make us feel better than medicine! Does our “minds” a lot of good to get fresh air!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. That is very sad about Mable Lou – our thoughts, purrs, and prayers go out to her family. We will definitely stop by for the auction tomorrow. And for the teaser!!


  11. Hey Sammy, my good ManCat! Wow–it’s been like, forEVer! My Human’s stoppy school stuff has subsided back to regular levels now–she has to work till mid July, but it is that easy-peasy no lesson planning and no grading kind of work 😉 so I think we’ll be around way more. We won’t be any better at the Tuesday Teasers though. But we WILL go visit the auction! XOXOXO


    • Spitty! My King! My Liege (is that spelled right?) It has been like forever….but I’ve forgiven you for that because I knew your human was up to her eyebrows in school stuff. I hope she’s paying you more attention now that she’s home a bit more?? Tuesday Teasers are getting to be a big deal (apparently) – I’m thinking of shaking things up by changing the time it goes live on Tuesday to a MYSTERY TIME……then people can’t be sitting on their computers at a certain time….(insert evil giggle here). Whatcha think pal?????

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Dat Mabel Lou suwe wus bootyful. Meez so sowwy fuw hers mommys loss but meez also vewy happy dat hers has saved anuddew life. Mabel Lou’s life and luv will liv on. 🙂

    Yous mommy donated sum bootyful jewelwy.

    Luv ya’



  13. Yow sammy me agreez dat gettin sum fresh air n Sun makez me feel betturin many wayz. Iz just lubly to see me birdie n chipmunk furendz. Me feelz happy in me Condo….maybee me shuud get Mum one 😉
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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