Pre-Tease Monday


Yep – it’s Monday again – about the time that everyone gets their engines revved up for Tuesday Teaser………………well it will take me a while to “rev” because I had such a nice, relaxing weekend.   Hard to put yourself in “drive” when you’ve had yourself in “park” all weekend.   This was me MOST of the time – at least when I wasn’t out in the yard or on the front porch!


Oh Mom!  Did you have to do the flashy thing???

Oh Mom! Did you have to do the flashy thing???

At least it's not right in my face!!

At least it’s not right in my face!!

About tomorrow’s Teaser – I just selected it a little while ago and I think it might be a tough one.  I say MIGHT.   Most of us are so happy to be RID of the winter but this photo will bring it all back to you – trust me.  You can almost feel the chill.   But that’s your only hint.  Yep – that’s it!   Wonder who’s gonna get it FIRST tomorrow?   Me too……..but whoever does will get this little goodie:


And whoever guesses right but isn’t first will get this ALSO little goodie:


And you folks who really don’t know or couldn’t stand to look at the cold long enough to guess, get this little goodie:


See?  Goodies for EVERYONE!!!   Now get a good night’s sleep because when the Teaser goes “live” at 6AM Eastern Standard Time tomorrow you wanna be ready – don’t ya??  Hmmm?????







64 responses »

    • Mondays are tough…..even though my Mom has retired and doesn’t have to go off to work and abandon me on Monday, she STILL usually has lots of errands on Mondays so I’m alone anyway. Sigh. Guess that means more naps!! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. You are very relaxed this morning Sammy. Wish I could stay home today but it is off to dreaded w.o.r.k. pttttttt! I see your blogaversary is just around the corner, are you getting excited? You guys have a great Monday!
    Marty’s Mom


  2. Sammy you look like a ginger kitty living the dream my friend 🙂 I say park…handbrake on …and just relax….I can’t wait for the teaser ..I love the thrill of getting my glasses all polished up and having a darn good squiz as we say here 😉 have a great rest and we will see you on the flipside…atlas ready…full of hopes and dreams bwahahaa 🙂 hugs and lovies Fozziemum xx


  3. Can’t wait for the posting. As usual, you *know* I’m going to guess Earth… that’s as close I will come to it – snorts. We had a very relaxful weekend as well here at the Hotel Thompson. Too bad mommy had to go back to the worky place this morning. XOXO – Bacon


  4. Mondays are soooo hard and long, aren’t they Sammy? We are barely out of winter here, still in the 30s in the morning, so snow is still not a distant memory and we won’t be shell shocked when we see the teaser tomorrow, EVEN if we don’t guess right 🙂


    • Smart guys…..yep – Mom says I’m getting an EXTRA treat this morning evening though it’s not a regular bacon day….she’s in the mood for a bacon and egg sammich so that means I get some BAAAAAAAAAAAAACON!

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Oh man… I guess we need to start getting revved up too, Sammy. Our easy weekend has extended through today – all we’ve done is lay around and nap! Perhaps we should start studying cold places around the world in preparation for your teaser tomorrow…


  6. Wasn’t it the most pawsome weekend. It was 86 here with sun and low humidity. Today, the high was 56 degrees; it was dark, rainy and thundering. Mom still insisted on swimming since the pool is set at 94 degrees, and she found an hour without any rain. So we will see what we can do with the Teaser tomorrow. We have been right twice, but we will never be first ’cause Mom doesn’t get up early enough. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • It was just plain GORGEOUS this weekend but yesterday not so much and this morning definitely YUCKY – cold, rainy, gray, YUCK. I’m gonna be inside and since there’s no hope for a sun puddle, I’ll just have to do the “Mom’s lap” thing!!! Good luck with the teaser……haha

      Hugs, Sam


  7. We are going to tell Mom to set that alarm extra early tomorrow so we can take a guess too – if it involves winter and snow, maybe we will have a clue:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi Travis! One great thing about us cats is we have the ability to be comfy almost anywhere!!! It’s great isn’t it? We’re experts at finding the RIGHT spot at the RIGHT time.

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. “Might”??? Sammy, Pal, they are ALL tough ones. ALL of them. If we ever actually recognized one, we would be too stunned to even post.


    • Well Spitty, you just never know – one of these Teaser Tuesdays you’re gonna know FOR SURE where it is and maybe even be FIRST to know! It happens……some people are SHOCKED when they’re right!!! It’s fun!

      Hugs, Sammy


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