Silent Sunday With Photos


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Mom Took These Yesterday!


93 responses »

  1. Aaaaw Those awe beautiful Sammy. Mommy luvs da dogwood. And yous catmint looks much healfiew den ows dus. MOL Ows gets beat up by da heat. Now hoo is Stevie?? Is hims yous bwofuw fwum anuddew muddew or fawddew?? Hav a Pawsum Sunday!! 😀

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



    • Hi Dezi! Stevie is someone else’s cat who happens to like MY house and MY food better! He spends a lot of time over here – sleeping in our chairs and mooching a meal but we don’t really get along. If I go outside when Stevie’s out there he leaps on me….maybe wants to play but it scares me and sometimes he just comes up to me and pokes me in the face so Mom protects me! He’s a good guy though – if I see him outside I tell Mom he’s there so she can give him a handout. He visits a lot of the neighbors so we call him a “neighborhood cat” !! This winter my Mom and Dad bought Stevie an outdoor heated house to put on our front porch because he was out in the cold….he slept there every night!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • OMC Sammy dat’s so sad dat Stevie dusn’t weally hav a home like we du. Meez vewy purroud of you fuw sharin’ yous noms and mommys ‘fection wiff hims. sowwy yous don’t get along but meez glad yous mommy is der tu purrtect you. 🙂 Meez wuld be vewy sad ifin yous got huwt even ifin wus a accident. And dat wus vewy nice of yous mom and dad tu buy hims a wawm place tu sleep dis wintew. Meez knows dat hims wus gweatful. Hav a Pawsum Sunday!! Meez gotta go and tuck mommy intu bed now, is 5:30 a.m. and hers not been able tu sleep yet. MOL

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



        • Oh Dezi I hope your Mommy can get some sleep……..maybe if you snuggle up to her with Lexi she’ll feel super safe and go right off to sleepies!! Stevie seems to get a lot of “help from his friends” around here. He obviously isn’t too happy at home but he does like to visit everyone and he makes himself comfy here any time he wants to! We were happy to give him a warm house over the winter – where he lives they allow him to be TOTALLY outside all the time and that’s just DUMB when it’s freezing so the house helps him a lot (he won’t come inside our house!).

          Hugs and Happy Dreams


          • Meez gunna cuddle mommy and so will Lexi so hers can get sum sleep. Hers not felt so good dis week, and so its been hawd fuw her tu sleep.

            Dat’s just pawful ’bout Stevies’ home. Wees know lots of kittys like dat uz wees liiv in a backwatew awea. It makes mommy sad and angwy at da same time. But is purrawly good dat hims won’t come intu yous house ifin ya’ll don’t weally get along. Meez just vewy glad all da neighbows pitch in and help hims. Maybe sumday hims hoomans will be stuck out in da fweezin’ weddew. MOL
            Nite handsum and good day tu you and yous mom and dad.

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



          • I hope all of you ladies get some good snoozing time in today……..I’m sure with cuddles from you and your sister your Mom will drift off to dreamy land and get the rest she needs. We’re sad about Stevie’s situation too but everyone takes care of him and he seems to be super happy! We would try to adopt him but he’s mean to me and Mom doesn’t like that….he doesn’t know any better and I’ve been an “only cat” for 14 years so it’s kind of tough!!!

            Nite Nite Pretty Girls!
            Love, Sammy


          • Well Sammy a foo houws latew and wees got purrlenty of sleep. Wees also got a stowm. MOL Meez wiff yous mommy on dis one, wees don’t like dat hims mean tu you eevew, and hims seems vewy happy and looks well taken cawe of by da community and yous pawents so even tho’ hims has a bad home hims is well luved by evewpawdy else. 🙂 Hav a Pawwsum Sunday!! 😀

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



          • Oh I’m glad you all got some rest – too bad you had to wake up to a nasty storm! We have had sunshine all day long and it almost got to SEVENTY! Woo Hoo!!! I’ve had a great lazy day….

            Hugs, Sammy


          • Yep stowms awe pawful and scawe meez. But mommy’s got sumfin new tu fuw meez tu twy tu help keep meez calm. MOL Wees shall see. Glad yous had cleaw skies and sunshine. Enjoy da west of yous day!! 😀

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



          • Hi Dezi! Hope you don’t get any bad weather…….we’re supposed to have some the middle of this week…..and rain tomorrow – rain is fine if it’s QUIET – it’s thunder and lightning that I’m not crazy about!!!!

            Hugs, Sammy


          • Yep we’s ‘posed tu get sum of dat tu wiff sum townadoes. And like yous, meez dusn’t like da noise of da fundewstowms eevew. Da wain pounds down on da woof and meez can heaw it fwu da vent-a-hood ovew da stove. It sounds soooo loud it sumtimes scawes me tu. But mommy has sumfin new hers gunna twy tu keep meez calm. MOL Wees will see ifin it wowks. Hope yous stay safe. 🙂

            Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥



    • YES! Hoping for some of that today……….all we need now is for some grass to magically grow in all those bare spots in the backyard. My Dad is having a FIT about that…….he planted grass seed but – well – not everything WANTS to grow in our yard. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Mom was upset about the azaleas until she really thought about how hungry those deer must have been to come so close to the house in the winter to eat them!! The bushes will recover….and the deer won’t eat the foliage again (until next Winter!!!!). Meanwhile we do have SOME blooms so it wasn’t a total loss!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Beautiful, Sammy!! Your mom will have to take pictures of all these in a couple of months and share with us, so we can all see how much everything has grown! Motor Mommy particularly likes the picture of the fern and Stevie in the chair. (Next time, be sure your Mom gets YOU in one of the pics, ‘k?!)
    Love, Sundae


    • Those pots are way cool aren’t they? Mom has another one inside the house with a big palm tree in it. Mom and Dad love our front porch for reading, sipping a brewski or wine and reading……I love it because the concrete heats up in the sun and it’s nice to lie on it or roll around on it!!! Ice cream??? Oh now THAT would be nommy!!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss June……….it’s about time Spring really made a RELIABLE appearance….it toyed with me for days and days and now I think (think) we’re getting the real thing! Hope all is well with you…

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. So funny.. Stevie has you guys figured out as softies. Her very own cushioned chair! Cracking up.. 😀 Love all your purple petunies!!!! It looks beautiful there and I am sure that fernie loves the front porch.. and Stevie’s company!


    • Yep Stevie really does have a nice spot to hang his hat when he’s visiting us! We didn’t see him much yesterday – it was a beautiful day so he was “out and about” but of course showed up for dinner. LOL

      Hugs, sammy


  4. Oh Pam those flowerpots are lovely…we still have no flowers here…it is like a wasteland of mud & a few shoots of grass…I am going hunting for flowers this week!!! LOL
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xoxo


    • Well you’ve had a really TOUGH winter with snow that simply would not STOP (or melt!)…….perhaps if things are really finally warming up you can get out and get some flowers – that will cheer BOTH of you girls up I’m sure!

      Hugs, Pam


  5. So pretty, Sammy. Mom loves petunias but doesn’t have very good luck with them, not sure what she does wrong. She has the best results with wax begonias.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Oh begonias are gorgeous too!!! There’s a nice petunia called “WAVE” which really is nice and Mom’s bought those for several years. They grow and grow and flower and flower without getting “leggy”……I also love all the colors!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Layla, I really was looking forward to having a new garden space (and inside house space!) to decorate but this yard is nice with all the separate gardening spots. I’m afraid I’ve gotten out of the habit of working so hard in the gardens though – this year I may try harder. The deck boxes take care of themselves as do the potted plants on the porch – it’s out in the yard that I have a tough time with. The deer and critters eat almost everything no matter WHAT I do!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Your garden looks lovely. Mum planted what she thought was catnip seeds in the border for me, but she bought catmint by mistake. I love nip but the mint does nothing for me. The butterflies love it though.


    • YES! Mom knew this wasn’t the kind of stuff that we kitties love BUT I enjoy (as do my Mom and Dad) visits by butterflies so this is working out GREAT! In my youth I used to chase butterflies – now I just watch them.

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. You know what, Sammy? We TOTALLY understand why your peeps decided NOT to move–who could leave that beautiful place????


    • Well, I’m glad you think it’s a pretty place – I do too – I used to roam around the whole yard in my youth – these days I stick to close by the house but it IS a nice house and yard. I would have missed it as it is the only place I’ve ever lived. Glad you think it’s pretty Spitty!!

      Hugs, Sam


  8. Sammy I love your house and garden…got a spare room my sweet friend 🙂 I will help with the gardening I promise 😉 hugs and loves Fozziemum..pee ess my petunias are still kicking and the pansies are looking sweet too..just need to do some yard work 🙂 xxxx


      • ha ha it’s funny, typist likes the garden when she first plants it and they are all small and evenly placed. She gets annoyed when they grow she thinks it looks untidy!


        • I kind of understand that…..when things are little, they’re “under control” – when they start to grow and weeds pop up then all of a sudden it’s WORK keeping up with it!!! HAHA

          Hugs, Sam


          • HAHAHA…..well, my Mom’s going to have her weeding hands full if it ever stops raining here – we’ve had two days of SOLID rain – I think the total so far is FOUR or FIVE inches…..and more coming. That means the weeds are growing like – well – WEEDS!!

            Hugs, Sam


  9. Very lovely. Yesterday was so beautiful. Mom hasn’t planted any annuals yet, just some herbs. One of the squirrels has been eating some of the various basil plants. That’s a first! We bet Stevie is super happy that you all are staying put. She certain looks comfy on the porch. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • A squirrel that likes basil huh? Purrrrhaps he’s a Squirrel Chef and knows the value of a good herb????? HAHAHAHA Stevie is happy we’re staying here I’m sure – she gets her regular handouts and it would have taken her a while to “train” someone new living in this house! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


  10. Yow Sammy if onlee da wind wuud settle down! Waz anothe chilli day here. Mum said no flowerz at da storez she went to so we haz nuffin butt pebblez in da garden!!
    Long stoopid Winter now followed by a chilli cold Spring…we are NOTT amused!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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