One Spoiled Cat


Yep – that’s me alright………….spoiled?  You betcha…………………..and loving every minute of it.   I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve definitely got Mom wrapped around my paw and Dad’s semi-wrapped (in many ways…hahaha), but no matter WHAT, I am truly “one spoiled cat”.

Spoiled?  Oh yeah!!!!

Spoiled? Oh yeah!!!!

I can stand at ANY of the doors in the house (including all closets and pantries) and just with the right squeaky sound emanating from my tabby tonsils Mom will come allow me access to said closed off area.  Yep – just like that.  Of course I keep her on her toes by occasionally just looking at her like “you thought I wanted to go IN there?  Nope, just wanted you to open the door!”………….sneaky huh?

Sam Standing at Front Door

OUT please!

I can be down in the basement after using my (ahem) FACILITIES down there and from the bottom of the basement steps can let loose a certain melodious sound and Mom knows I’m requesting her immediate assistance in the removal of whatever substance(s) I just finished depositing in the FACILITY down there.  How’s THAT for service??????

I can come up to Mom and Dad at the dinner table and NEVER say one word – or utter one single sound – or even give them “THE LOOK” and occasionally I will be rewarded with a tiny sliver of whatever it was that caught my attention from their dinner.  I would never stoop to outwardly BEG – oh no – but being one spoiled cat, I feel that I should at least be given the opportunity to see what’s on their plate.  What’s a “royal taster” for anyway?

So, yes, when you have perhaps wondered why my blog is called “One Spoiled Cat”……………and although you may have ASSUMED it was all about a spoiled cat – I’m here to tell you it is DEFINITELY all about me………..and I most certainly intend to be one spoiled cat for as many more years as I can – as far as I know, I’ve only used one of my NINE LIVES and this is it!!!

Awww...My Baby Picture!

Spoiled from the start – that’s me!

Happy Spoiled Thursday!


P.S.  I have a new friend named Dezi and she’d LOVE to meet all of you – stop by her blog HERE to say hello !  

She’s a service kitty who helps her Mom – what a pawsome job she has!!  

You can tell her Sammy sent you….. 😉


96 responses »

  1. Spoiled is the only “way to roll”, isn’t it, Sammy! We do have the life!
    Motor Mommy and I are going to head over to meet your new friend.
    Love, Sundae


    • Tee Hee……….yes they do like making me HAPPY – which reminds me, my Mom visited my Aunt Carol in W. Virginia yesterday and introduced her to Pharrell via a tour of the videos…..amazing how many countries have hopped about the HAPPY train….they watched a version of the song from Abu Dhabi, Paris, Kuwait….amazing stuff!

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Spoiled? Nah….just VERY deserving and you’ve done a great job of training your Mom and Dad!! We’ve got Mom trained….for some reason Dad’s are a bit harder but we’re working on him. So far Ellie is the only one who has him 100% wrapped around her paw.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Well Charlie you are spoiled – all cats deserve to be……….after all we work hard at being adorable all the time and that’s exhausting but we do it for our humans! The least they can do is spoiled us!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. Sammy, I am spoiled too. My merest glance is her command. If it weren’t so amusing it would be funny. Er, what I mean is if it weren’t so amusing it would be something for me to think over and “reform”. Heeee.


    • Katie I think you’re right – from what I read on your blog I believe you and I both have our humans well trained and are living the HIGH LIFE as we should…..yep – definitely!

      Hugs, Sam


  4. Sammy..spoiled is just the way it should be…indeed us peeps are here just for our kitties bidding 🙂 I mean how else would we fill a day??? we must pop over and meet this new kitty 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


  5. dood…nothing wrong with bee in spoiled…itz what kittehz due best…..we signed up ta ree ceeve dezi’s blog ….prette kewl bout bein a serviss kitteh …N speekin oh bacon….all most time for lunch…hope yur mom iz fryin up a pound for ewe 🙂

    heerz hopin ewe haza safe, happee N burd free Easturr ♥


    • Thanks for visiting my new friend Dezi – pretty pawsome being a service cat isn’t it? I’ve heard of woofies doing that but not cats…..but I’m not surprised because we are after all VERY SMART!!!!! Bacon? Did someone say BACON?

      Hugs, Sam


  6. OMC Sammy dat’s why meez gettin’ so many new furiends. Fank you. 🙂

    You’s are purrlenty spoiled alwite. MOL Meez dus da same fing wiff da pawdee box. Meez can’t stand fur it tu be da least bit, ‘used’. MOL Meez can open most of da doors and cabinets wound here meez self, so mommy sumtimes hears fings and has tu come wunnin’ cuz meez intu whatevew. MOL Meez luvs all you’s fotos and you’s wus a vewy cute little tommy boy.

    (P.S.) mommy sez hers got way past busy yesfuwday and nevew got back tu you’s mommy, but hers will tuday.) 🙂

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses 😀



    • Hi Dezi! My Mom was visiting her sister all day yesterday in W. Virginia so she wasn’t home to answer blog comments or email so no worries about that!! She read your Mommy’s mail this morning and wrote back though – finally! You are pretty smart figuring out how to open cabinets and doors…..nothing keeps us from doing what we want to do does it?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy
      Pee Ess……I’m glad some of my friends visited you!!!!


      • MOL Yep Sammy we’s kitty’s are vewy smawt. And we’s hav easy cabinets tu open. MOL Pawt of meez duties is tu bwing mommy cwackews or uddew small food items ifin she’s needs dem, and deys in da cabinets lots of times so sis Lexi taught meez how tu get dem open. 🙂

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 😀



  7. ahem…and all of that Sammy, well deserved I say, very well deserved and you should never expect anything less…I certainly don’t…I wear my Princess title with pride! Oh and I already follow Dezi, I am just a lousy visitor until the ‘rents stop this foolish consulting job in Mid May…sheesh


    • Well Savvy that consulting job is keeping you and Kid Sage in treats and toys so that’s a GOOD thing even if you have to sacrifice blog-hopping for a bit!!! It’s always great to hear from you though…….and I’m so happy that things are doing pretty darn well in the “training the Kid” project!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Maybe whee need some tips on how to get these hoomans trained. Just how do you do it.

    Whee will pop over and say hi to Dezi right now, its always good to make more furfriends

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


  9. Well, Mom always says being spoiled is the same as being loved:) Phantom has a trick he pulls. He goes to the back door and rings the bell as if he needs to go out. BUT when Mom or Dad get up to let him out, he goes to the cookie cabinet – which is what he really wanted all along:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  10. LOL, you make me laugh Sammy. That’s quite diabolical really to have mommy going to doors and then walking away…hehehe. I had to read that part to Mr B. because Petals sometimes does these things and we get confused and say things at her like, “what, what? We don’t know what you need” But as you so comically point out, it not about what kitties NEED at all, it’s more about what they want. I think sometimes kitties Want us moms to look silly….you tricky little goofs. xoxo


  11. Yow Sammy ya iz nott ‘spoiled’l ya iz pampurred!!! 😉
    Dat’z what me Mum tellz me!!!
    Me haz me Mum as trained az yer Mum to cleen da litter n open da doorz n when to put me out in Condo n feedin timez…she iz da purrfect sirvant…er me meenz Hu’Mum 😉
    Lub Nylablue n (worn out) Mum too ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Nylablue I hope you might have had some condo time today? It was too cold for me to be outside for long but I did go out for about five minutes with my Mom just a little while ago. I just wanted a bit of fresh air but it was CHILLY!!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  12. Same here Sammy….da Sun came out so me waz out in Condo fer 1/2 hours wif blankiez rapped around me Condo…
    It waz lubly to bee out in da Sun butt da wind iz chilli here too!!!
    At leest we got to bee out fer a bit rite Sammy??
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  13. Tried to go out today (Caturday) butt cold NORTH wind so me went out n came rite back in 😦
    FLOUNDER diz weather iz pawfull…..
    Happy Eastur to ya n Miss Pam n Dad too!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xoxoxo


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