Tuesday Teaser


Welcome To Tuesday Teaser,

otherwise known as

“eyestrain Tuesday” !!

Today I have a Guest Teaser…………..and three photos for you to agonize over.  THREE…..then for the Tell All there will be more photos from this interesting place AND I’ll let you know who the Guest was and where the Guest was located when these photos were snapped!

Ready?   Got all your equipment ready to examine these?   Got your google search warmed up to find this spot on Planet Earth?   OK…………..here goes!

TeaserApril15-2 TeaserApril15-1TeaserApril15-3

So, what do you think?   There may be lots of “right guessers” but there can only be one FIRST RIGHT GUESSER for the Teaser as you know…..then those of you who guess right but aren’t first win too……and last but not least those of you who don’t have the slightest idea or guess some location that is NOT right actually STILL win something!   One of these will be yours no matter what!

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Today is Tax Day in the USA………….the day that everyone either dreads or loves depending on whether you owe the government or they owe you……………but something ELSE is happening today and that’s my friend Kjelle Bus (otherwise known as Charlie Rascal) is having his fourth birthday!   So please stop by his birthday party and wish him a HAPPY HAPPY one!!   CLICK HERE


Have a PAWSOME day – and good luck with guessing on the Teaser………………..should be a challenge – at least I hope it is (and my guest teaser can sit there and giggle at the guesses!!!!).

Sammy the Teaser Dude

I tried to help my parents get their taxes done on time!!!  I was a BIG HELP (haha)

I tried to help my parents get their taxes done on time!!! I was a BIG HELP (haha)

81 responses »

    • Hi Flynn!!!! My Mom has been to El Yunque – many years ago……strange to be in the sun one minute and in the rain the next……tomorrow I’ll let you know if you were right with your guess!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! Well, who knows – maybe it is David’s Bridge….HAHAHA….good guess buddy. It’s an interesting place though isn’t it???? I bet you’d like to wander around those trees and ferns and leave messages for everyone. Tee Hee. Tomorrow I’ll tell you WHERE this is!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Here goes Sammy…is it Jurassic park bwahaha ..I have no clue …again..i need to get out more….and I must say good to see you helping out with the taxes 😉 ours don’t get done until end of June in Australia..a fun time for all..we must go wish sweet Charlie Happy birthday he was relaxing in readiness last night bwahah have a great day and I shall just go straight to the wrong answer badge ..do not pass go 🙂 Hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


    • Jurassic Park….HAHAHAHAHAHAHA….kinda looks like what we’d imagine Jurassic Park to be. Yes I’m trying to be helpful with the taxes but Mom says I’m no help because I keep stealing her pencil.

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy..put down that pencil….the girls always steal mine…yesterday it was Pickles waging war on a vanilla bean pod she stole from my bench….gave it a right smacky paw ……sheesh….Hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Cupcake! Gosh – did Harry Potter go to a magical looking forest like this one???? My Mom and Dad got a “mini-refund” this year and decided to go out to dinner. Purrhaps McDonalds…..after all I said “MINI” !!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Love the Jurrassic Park answers. My son said site B.Ha, ha, ha. My guess is “Costa Rica.” I have no idea either. Sure is beautiful. Sammy we had snow again. I think mother nature is confused.
    Sue B


    • WOW…….the Amazon or New York huh? Now that’s a spread if ever there was one!!! However, they are BOTH good guesses – if you have a chance stop by tomorrow and get the scoop on the Teaser!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Oh CK I’m so proud of you for tipping your furry little toe into the pond of Teaser Guessers and taking the leap of faith…………come see me tomorrow and see if Brazil or Peru is on the menu!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy, we sure are terrible at these Tuesday Teasers. Mom really needs to get out more so she can recognize these places. We are going to go on a whim and take a random guess… is it somewhere in South America? Maybe the Amazon.


  4. It looks like the White Mountains in my state of NH, where the Conway Scenic Railway runs, and the Ammonoosuc River. I’m sure it’s not, but it looks like it! LOL


  5. Better late than never Sammy. 20 mins thiz took for uz to load.. B@@@@dy wordpress… I know the mystery guess… BOL..But forgot where they went .. Does the initial begin wiff an L , if so I muzt win a prize Bawahhhahwhhaha xxxxxxx


  6. I follow the Retire Diary and Michael has hi-lighted many photo’s from China. So I’m going to guess China, maybe the Yangtze River? I think Sammy The Teaser Dude has made it really hard today 😀 You’re so nice to take time out of your busy busy day to help your parents do their taxes! You’re Pawsome!


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