Pooped Friday


Alright – not THAT kind of pooped!!!!  Pooped as in tired……………….Mom’s doing all the work but I’m exhausted just watching her.   They aren’t even moving until probably mid-June but yet the activity is on an increase around here and I’m not too crazy about it……………

No it's not my Mom and Dad....these people have happy faces and my parents don't !!!  HAHAHAHA

No it’s not my Mom and Dad….these people have happy faces and my parents don’t !!! HAHAHAHA

There’s lots of information out there about how to move when you have a cat – as in how to make it EASY for the cat……I’m wondering if someone wrote a book about that subject for humans because I’m gonna get it for my Mom!!  HAHAHA    She’s like the energizer rabbit and in between packing and cleaning and fixing things up for the house to be shown to potential buyers, she’s on the computer FOR ME!!!   Trust me, if I could do my own computerizing I would – AND I EVEN HAVE THUMBS but that doesn’t mean I can do it all myself.  I need her……SO my mission is to slow her down.  What’s the hurry Mom?  Make sure you check those boxes before you tape them up!!!! 



Oh – and by the way – where’s DAD???  Shouldn’t HE be helping????   Oh I know – he’s busy isn’t he!!!!

Dad putting the plane away in the hangar after flying

Uh huh……..well he’s just being smart – staying out of the way I suppose!  

I can't wait to relax again...meanwhile I'm staying here - out of the way!

I can’t wait to relax again…meanwhile I’m staying here – out of the way!

Anyway, you might as well get used to the fact that over the next few months I will be letting off some steam about moving………..among other things………..think you can stand it?  Gosh I hope so…..I know all of YOU understand even if my Mom doesn’t quite GET IT!!!!


Sammy the Traumatized Cat

57 responses »

  1. If you want to vent about moving, go right ahead, Sammy! Back when we moved, I was only posting about my own life once a month (with other posts being book reviews and advice columns), and I didn’t have anywhere NEAR enough space!


    • Well Sparkle, my Mom was saying through this period of BUSY we might cut back on my daily blogs……maybe do Monday, Wed. and Friday or something……skip weekends……SOMETHING to give Mom a bit more time. You know how tough it is to keep up sometimes with comments and stuff…..BUT so far we’re getting along alright in that department. Who knows though once the house is being looked at by STRANGERS?!?!?!!?

      Hugs, Sam


  2. Oh that is so funny Sammy, Daddy hiding away,playing with his plane, whilst Mom is running around like a freak, chucking things in boxes Bawahhahhhahahah I’d take a long nap Sammy if I were you, till mid June Bawahhh\hhhahaw xxooxxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • I think you might be right Mollie – – – naps in quiet places (if I can find one that is) will be the order of the day for yours truly until this is all over with………sigh…………

      Hugs, Sam


    • Mom wanted to leave it that long BUTTTTT the realtor thought that might put off some of the humans coming to see the house – tripping over all the clutter you know…..well, at least there are lots of boxes around which I like!

      Hugs, sam


  3. Oh that’s a hard time. To storage all things in boxes is a donkey work. I think our dad’s are related. As my staff moved once, the whole family was busy to pack their whole life in boxes, while he started to respray his car :o)


    • HAHAHA….your Dad and my Dad might just be related!!! Sounds like something my Dad would do. Mom actually told him today to GO to the airport because she gets more done with him GONE than with him HERE! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, sam


  4. You have a pretty smart dad. 🙂 Don’t worry about the move. Let the humans stress for you. Just enjoy all the new trouble that you can get into while the house is turned upside down.


  5. Oh, we don’t mind you talking about all the preps for the move, Sammy! That’s what we’re here for, right? Too bad you aren’t “into planes” like your dad: you could hang out with him at the airport while your Mom is busy with all those boxes!
    Love, Sundae


  6. Your Mom keeps her house immaculate Sam, inside and out. We can see that from all her pictures. It’s going to sell quickly. And you can play on, in and with the boxes. It will all be good! Just keep Dad occupied doing other things.. 😀


  7. Sorry, been away for a bit and this news about you moving is, well, news to me! Happy packing and as a side note, since we just finished a move, check the grocery store for “egg boxes” if you’re in need of boxes. They’re awesome. 😉


    • Oh – not familiar with egg boxes but will check it out – thanks for the tip!!!!! This will be interesting for us…and Sam…and we’re hoping this house sells FAST so we can get this party moving QUICKLY!

      Nice to hear from you…………sending hugs………..Sam and me!


  8. Yow ya vent all ya want Sammy n Miss Pam!!!
    Mum wishez she lived close by cause she wuud come help!! She iz amazin at diz packin biz! She ferst declutterd n gave away 3 boxez of nickynackz n bookz to me Aunti Karen. She packed da few nickynackz we keeped. Den da art came off da wallz n rapped in sheetz n put in cartonz. Den da bookz, music stuff n all xtra bitz. All packed & she eben marked what waz in boxez n which room to bee put in 😉
    Den she cleened n we were packed in 2 weekz xcept fer me stuff n her clothez n food til da ackshuall move. A week befur we left she packed da rest of her stuff n lived outta a suitcase n eated off papurr platez n used one mug n one settin of cuttleree…..
    Da Hu’Mum iz a MASHEEN!!!
    Da mornin of da move she got reedy n packed last bitz n food in cartonz n when all da moverz showed up da upstairz lady took me n Mum n all me stuff to new place. Mum put me n bathroom wif eberyfing….Da move waz over in an hour n wiffin 3 hourz all art waz on walls n eberyfing in itz place….Me came out after 2 of da moverz left n hung out wif Aunti n Unckle who helped n it waz pawsum!!!
    Funny fing: when Mum waz helping me Aunti Judith pack last yeer at diz time Mum waz markin da cartonz n ritin stuff like “Heavy bookz…REELLY heavy bookz” n a Happy face. Fer Fragile she rote REELLY breakabke so don’t drop n a winky face!! Da moverz lubbed her commintz n dey were so nice to Aunti n Unckle when dey moved!!! Whew diz iz a book,,sowwy….just hope dere are sum ideaz yer pawentz can use in diz…..
    Lub Nylablue xxx


    • Thanks for sharing your story about moving Nylablue…..My Mom has moved tons of times before but never with ME. We’ve sort of decided that I’ll go to “camp” (kennel close by) for the day of moving – then Mom and Dad will come get me and take me to the NEW house!!!

      Hugs, Sam


  9. I am not surprised that your mom is starting to pack and prepare already, Sammy. She like to stay on top of things. You will do fine in the move. But for now, STAY OUT OF THE BOXES!

    Love and licks,


  10. Sammy, we can’t imagine what you’re going through. We’ve never moved. But the mom has moved before with cats that came before us and she tried to keep things calm. But you know how that goes! We hope things calm down for you.


  11. Gosh moving sounds pretty tough and scary, Whee just found out our hoomans are looking at new hutches to go and live in so whee might be moving soon which is exciting and scary at the same time!

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


    • Hi Lilith! Nice to meet a fellow “younger than springtime” cat! I’m sure I’ll be just dandy with the move – I’m sure my parents are more worried about me than I am about me!!! Isn’t that always the way??????

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sammy!
    Moving is not too bad. Me has moved a elebenty milliontimes! (actually, Nellie has moved 7 since 2000). Just makes sure that yous stays out of the boxes!


  13. Poor Sammy, but just think of how nice it’ll be when your mom and dad don’t have to do so much yard work……more time for YOU! What will happen to Stevie when you move? I’m worried. xoK


    • Our next door neighbors are going to take over the feeding of Stevie at THEIR house!!! Isn’t that cool? She already knows them (and their kids) so it will be fine for her. She knows this neighborhood and wouldn’t be safe in the new one.

      Thanks for caring……..we do too!
      Love, Sam and Mom


  14. Sammy I know how mummy feels..seems like yesterday…three years this August and the though of ever moving again..shudders….tell mum breathe……says me who didn’t breathe for months!! and peeps through our house at xmas drove me bonkers!!! so invasive …I send mum my best and just remember all the girls here coped really well..so you will be fine 🙂 hugs and love Fozziemum..pee ess mum will be on box alert everywhere….where to get more…the search is crazy!!! xxx


    • Dear Fozziemum……we’re so worried about Forrest the Quest seems like a silly thing to be worried about. I’m sure I’ll be fine with the move and all the hoopla…..and we’re hoping Forrest will recover quickly and fully!

      Hugs for all of you, Sam and Mom


      • Sammy a quest is still something fun and exciting…Forrest is well snoring his head off here so I think your qust may be more of a worry hahahah 🙂 he had no trouble with his dinner and is bright and alert…when not snoring 😉 You have fun my friend..maybe you will have to administer first aid and Forrest’s experience might give you the edge 😉 Hugs to you and mum Fozziemum xxxx


  15. Oh my goodness, I am behind on my reading so didn’t know about your big move yet! I love your beautiful house so couldn’t imagine it….but I certainly understand how a big house and yard can be A LOT of work. And at least you are not going too far. Sammy, I know your Mom will do everything she can to make it easier on you. We had one cat that moved with us 5 times! He was an easygoing guy but still, I think you will be OK, Sammy. Just focus on all of those fun boxes to play and sleep in!


    • Thanks for the encouraging words Miss Jan…..I’m going to try to be a “go with the flow” kind of guy for the next few months and I’m sure as long as I have my Mom lookin’ out for me I’ll be fine. I’ll miss this house and the yard but it’s time to MOVE ON!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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