

I’m convinced that our snow is on the way out – yep – indeed…… got all the way up to 45 degrees today and lo and behold there were some patches of green showing through the snow!  That’s a sure sign that the snow – at long last – is melting!!!   Let’s hear it for THE BIG MELT!    Boy oh boy are we ready.  Especially me.  I love to eat my greens you know and it’s been ages!

Mom and Dad got the house cleaned yesterday and right in the middle of Mom doing laundry I began screeching asking politely if she’d stop what she was doing and TAKE ME OUT.

Sam Standing at Front Door


I wanted to examine the yard to see what progress we were making with THE BIG MELT.   My Mom’s great – she DID stop what she was doing and took me out.  I paced up and down our sidewalk looking for just one blade of grass – JUST ONE – poking out of the snow.  I was excited when I found a few – nothing to write home about – just a few – I want to graze like a sheep out there and I get THREE blades of grass?


Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait for a little while longer…………we’re sneaking up on Spring……….it’s getting closer I can feel it………’s just a matter of time before:

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Bet you’ll be glad when Spring is here!

No more complaints from the unusual

four-eared Sammy sheep!

76 responses »

    • Sparkle I hold out hope that as this white menace aka snow melts, there IS grass under there….maybe not bright green stuff but SOMETHING that’s edible! SPRING WHERE ARE YOU??

      Hugs, Sam


    • Oh Cupcake I’m sorry I scared you!!! I didn’t think about that but I admit it looks kinda weird doesn’t it. Just pretend it’s a HAT and not extra ears – that might help! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. How great that Miss Spring visited you. Your pair of extra-ears look great, I would wear them on a bacon-day, so you are the first who hears when your mom opens the package :o) Have a great caturday!


    • I’m a man of many extras huh? HAHAHA Mom tried me with that cat grass but I didn’t like it. I’m a VERY particular kind of guy…gotta be the real outdoor grass stuff for me! You might like the cat grass though. Believe me, if I could come down and mow your lawn I would…I do love grass!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Pix! My Mom has played that song by Pharrell Williams about elebenty-gabillion times – she really loves it. No wonder it made you HAPPY….it made her HAPPY too!! That little friend behind me is De-Do….I’ve done a couple of blogs about him before. Mom and Dad heard about little De-Do on their honeymoon in Paris at Notre Dame Cathedral. Story was that when the workmen were installing all the gargoyles that decorate the cathedral on the outside one of the nuns thought they looked evil so she brought up the little statue of De-Do which she thought would balance the scary gargoyles with his “happy” face. Some years later a little boy found his way to the roof of the Cathedral and almost fell OFF the roof but thanks to De-Do’s little toes sticking out over the edge, his shirt was caught and he was saved! Mom loved the story – she found the status of little De-Do in a garden store but these days if you google “De-Do” you’ll see lots of places have little De-Do…..the story about him is supposedly TRUE (so says the Notre Dame guides anyway!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Yous makes the cutest sheeps ever!!! And we is seeing some melting. Yesterday was just like spring. Mes even went and sat on the deck for a minute in the sun to smell the fresh air, but alas, the grass is still covered with snow.


    • Nellie I’m glad you got some fresh air – I’m also glad there’s some melting happening – today is a BIG melt day here – it’s 66 right now! WOW! Sending hugs……and a special eye kiss too! 😉

      Hugs, Sam


    • Today is the first sign of Spring we’ve had…..right now it’s 66 outside – unbelievable….especially since 30s are coming back next week. I’ll take ONE DAY over NOTHING though!!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. Wow, we think you could get in the Guinness book of world records. We are quite sure you are the only four-eared Sammy sheep in existence, not just in VA. We are supposed to have four nice days, and the snow is melting. It is supposed to be 72 on Tuesday before dropping back to highs in the 40s and 50s. We’ll take whatever we can get. Hope we have good weather for the Quest, which willHave a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo be just as we are changing over to Spring.


    • Hi Kitties Blue! Isn’t this weather FAB? It’s 66 here now and I’m happy to see all this white stuff melting away (although the yard is one big muddy mess!!)……I’m afraid the four ears is freaking some folks out so I’m telling everyone I have a hat on – with ears! HAHAHA I hope we have good weather for the Quest too WHEREVER it will be!! Woo Hoo!

      Happy Weekend……..
      Hugs, Sammy


  4. EEowww we neber seen a 4 eared Sammy sheep befur butt we must say we lub him!!! 😉
    We got to 24 F…..big furry deel 😦
    We iz nott amused! Butt we iz happy fer ya n Miss Pam…
    Much lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxoxo


    • Hi Nylablue! How are you feeling dear girl? I hope that you get a bit of Spring soon too – today we’ll have another “gift” of Spring in the 60s. I think this isn’t here to stay though….. 😦

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. You are a lucky boy to have that pretty, big yard and such a nice Peep to take you outside to enjoy it. My Human does the best she can–she bought me a nice container of kitty grass. It’s nommy.


    • I’ve never tried that kitty grass…….I know that some kitties LOVE the stuff and I’m glad you do – I love to graze outside and while my yard is big, I only “use” about ten square feet of it! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I think you’re on to something Sammy Sheep. You’re baaaaasking in sun? Here kinda too. Well it wasn’t sunny but it got about 32 F so that’s good. The slide show was fun, I love seeing you enjoying all that grass. Fingers crossed that spring is closing in 😀 xoK


  7. I’m glad to hear it’s looking promising down there! You’ll probably get spring before we do, but if it’s coming for you I know we’ll get it eventually too!


  8. Yow Sammy me iz doin purrty guud!! Lazin in da Sun puddle by da bedroom window n eatin guud….
    It iz still around 24 Fairenhite here so me not goin out!! At leest dere iz Sun n Mum gott up on time do feed me; all iz well iwf me werld 🙂
    Much lub Nylablue xxx


    • Well to be honest, you really have to LOOK for green among the browns but there ARE some greens…..and I’m not talking moss (although we have that too!!). You’ll see your greens – I promise – hang in there – Spring truly WILL arrive……in its’ own time!

      Hugs, sam


  9. I’m glad your snow is finally melting. Snow is not a problem here in the southeast corner of Texas where I live. We are still having cooler than usual weather but plenty of green. In fact most of my neighbours have already cut their yard for the first time this season.


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