Spaced Out


YEAH – that’s right – I’m getting spaced out……………no not from catnip (tee hee)……..but from working like a cat on fire with the Moon Trip plans!!!  Yep – Mom and I both.  Mom’s got eyestrain and I’ve got arthritic toes from working on the keyboard.  We’re a right sad pair.

We have at this point a total of 33 animals of various types (!) coming on the trip plus two humans.  BUT there’s plenty of time to join up (you have until this coming Monday!).   If you want a refresher on the details, you can find it BY CLICKING RIGHT HERE!

In the meantime, for fun yesterday I googled “cats in space” and came up with some totally hilarious stuff BUT also some rather creative stuff too…….I’m gonna share three of my favorites in a slideshow for your viewing entertainment!   But before I do, I want to show you one SPECIAL “poster” I received from our very good friend the beautiful and talented Layla from CatWisdom 101 whose cat Odin is coming on the trip with us.   Miss Layla is a really great artist in addition to being a really great writer and friend……….check out this poster she did:


Isn’t it totally PAWSOME???  I love it……..

Now for the slideshow………………!

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I’m so excited….can you tell?   Are you?

Feeling Moony

Sammy Space Cadet

65 responses »

  1. Miss Layla is indeed a very clever girl Sammy..what a beautiful poster she made..and those pics are hilarious too!! I am sure spaced out just thinking of 33 animals….assorted too hahahaha 🙂 have a great day Sammy and Whammy yourself some rest! hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Oh I’m sure you are distantly related! You know there’s a special Cat Scouts Troop just for Abys? There is! Guess what else – I got my VALENTINE from you! WOO WOO WOOOOOOOO! Thanks so much Sparkle…..a Hello Kitty valentine and lollipop – what a TREAT!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Layla is a wonderful artist isn’t she? We just LOVE her and she had such a wonderful blog post today about her love for her old kitty Merlin (who is my “mentor”) at age 19.

      Have a super snuggly day!
      Love, Sammy


  2. That poster is TOTALLY pawsome, what a talent! Miss Layla has made it with a little bit of vintage ad vibe and that’s so cool. The way she’s stylized here site name is really fun too with the silhouette of a kitty cat…LOVE, LOVE! I haven’t forgot about the trip, just busy busy….I must do today though.

    BTW your slideshow rocked, LOL that white cat looks so P.O.’d…you really make me laugh, good find! Let’s hug it out…..huuuuuggggg xk


    • She’s an amazing artist – you should check out her blog and shop. Isn’t that white cat in the slideshow hilarious? HAHAHA

      A HUG FEST? Yep – sign me up!!!


    • YES you sure did and I’ve got you loaded up into the HUGE spacesuit contest! Woot! Miss Layla’s poster is pawsome – wait until you see Odin in his spacesuit AND there’s another poster we’re using for our spacewalk on the second day!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. dood….yur poster iz rockin outta thiz werld N de slide show iz way fun two !! hope ewe haz figured out how ta cook bacon sew it stays on yur plate N does knot getted lost in space !! N hope ewe haza pound oh perch week oh end !! N hi ta stevie !


    • Good thought…..we are going to make sure that we have the “interior gravity” settings at NORMAL at all times – we don’t want to lose our bacon to outer space! I told Stevie you said hi….she said “….zzzzzzz…..” as she’s tucked in her heated house snoring away!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Oh my Oh My Oh my CAT! How pawsitively pawesome! I LOVE the poster! I need to get mum to do my costume… she keeps telling me she’s busy but really… You and I have given hr loads of notice… she better pull out her furless paw quick sharpish!


  5. Sammy this looks like a great trip and what an idea! Love the Poster and the slideshow is funny. The one with the bubble type helmets is a hoot
    I am zipping right over to check out where to get my ticket
    Timmy Tomcat


    • Hi Savvy! Well, even if you don’t enter any of the contests, you can sure come along anyway – just wear the spacesuit in a photo and send it to me – decorated or undecorated – contest or no contest – you don’t want to miss a Moon Trip!

      Hugs, Sam


  6. Sammy, Scouts Tiger, Dora & Trouble here. We were wondering if there was still space on the ship left for us. We saw on the scouts site that we can go with you?! Mom has been neglecting to read everything – we though it was just you going to the moon. We might even see mom’s brain floating in orbit somewhere after takeoff! MOL! She knows I’m kidding….We know we missed the contests but if there is still room for us, let us know. Thanks! ~Tiger


    • Hi Tiger! If you guys can get your photos to me (look on my blog there’s a link to where the artwork you need for your spacesuits is!!) TODAY – (shouldn’t take long to zap your heads into those suits!!) you can hop aboard and go with us when we take off on Thursday. The contests are tomorrow – so get your spacesuits to me TODAY ASAP and I can get you in the contests. If you don’t care about the contests but still want to go – just have your pix to me by Wednesday…..I’ll make sure you’re all aboard (and get credit for the surprise badge Denmaster did in Cat Scouts….I had NO IDEA about that!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


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