Deserted on Thursday


Good Morning from one Mommy-less boy today.  Yep – she did it – she left me – AGAIN – but only for one day and she’s gonna go see my Auntie Carol and her two pups so I suppose I can forgive her.  Right?  That would be the BIG BOY thing to do…………..sigh.

Aunt Carol, and Cousins Mollye & Toby!

Toby is sitting on Aunt Carol’s shoulder and that’s Mollye the “lap dog” in Carol’s arms…..


Mom is going to be with her brother, my Uncle Mike…….and they’re going up to see Aunt Carol together just for a “brother/sister” day which I actually think is quite cool.  They’ll be back tonight so I’m just SURE Dad and I can behave ourselves unsnoopervised for the day right?

We’ll just play stuff like two guys would do without a Mom around to tell us to “be careful” or “don’t make a mess” or “don’t leave your toys lying around especially on the stairs”…… know – GUY STUFF!

This is my Mom and her little brother a VERY long time ago....(tee hee)

This is my Mom and her little brother a VERY long time ago….(tee hee)


And as for Mom, Mike and Carol – they couldn’t POSSIBLY get into any trouble today could they?  No…..they’re just going to hang out and talk and catch up with each other.  Sure.  There will be no “other cats” involved – just my cousins Toby and Mollye.   I guess when my Mom and Mike get back home they will smell like DOGGY…….but at least I know that smell……….and who could get upset with two cute Shih Tzu pups like Toby and Mollye – right??

Gotta love Miss Mollye's hairdo....braids???

Gotta love Miss Mollye’s hairdo….braids???

Who could resist this Toby puppy face?????

Who could resist this Toby puppy face?????

OK – I’ve just managed to get through writing this entire blog about all my angst at Mom leaving and her going to see her sister and being with doggies today instead of ME and know what?  It helped to “TALK IT OUT”….yep it sure did.  I’ve decided that I CAN survive without Mom’s lap today – in fact I hope she has a FABULOUS time………..FABULOUS……….



66 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy,i am sure your mummy will bring a treat and a doggie smell too from Mollye and Toby..looks like Toby is feeling better now? and anyway time alone with dad means he can help maybe work on some Cat scout badges..mano-a-cato 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Charlie!! I won’t be overjoyed if she comes home smelling like a woofie BUT I’m thinking if she has some kind of treat in hand when she arrives back home I will be more likely to forgive her!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! I think Dad and I will find SOMETHING to do today……it won’t involve warm laps of course for me but it probably will be fun – maybe we’ll work a bit more on my racecar for the big Cat Scouts race starting tomorrow!!

      Love, Sam


  2. I wonder what Toby and Mollye will think of the kitty cat smells on your mom when she gets there! Ha! A day away will make Mom miss you and appreciate you, S. Hang in there and have fun. While the cat’s away, the mice will….. Wait! What??

    Love and licks,


  3. dood….iz we heerin de werd dessert !!!! we wood like ta place R order for three cakes, 5 piez N 47 dozen donuts !!! THANX 🙂


  4. Oh, first she runs away and then she spend her day with dogs… wow! But only for one day a boys-day is absolutely great, you have your mom in the morning, then you have a funny day with dad and when you go to bed, your mom is on your side :o) btw: the picture is supercute, and my mom had the same hairstyle like yours as she was a puppy :o)


    • I know…..seems so unfair doesn’t it? However I suspect you’d feel the same if your staff visited with CATS all day right? HAHA….When Mom got home I had a good time sniffing her though – especially her jeans…HAHAHA Glad you liked that photo of my Mom and her brother – when Mom told Mike she’d used that photo he said “DID YOU HAVE TO????!!!!”………..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Sammy, we’ve been trying to teach our human to bring back treats every time she leaves the house for more than four hours. She has told us that is ridiculous ‘cuz she has to go to work and that’s lots more than four hours. Humans still have lots to learn.


    • Poor Cody and Dakota – alone again huh? Well I do hope they had some fun in NY… parents haven’t been there in YEARS but wanna go again one of these days. So your Mom’s going back next week? YIKES!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Yow me understandz ’bout bein pouty!!! Me can put a pout on as quick as ya can blink Sammy!! Me did do dat yesturday to Mum when she waz gettin reedy to go to da Chiropracktur…she waz so apaulogetick n told me she bring home more Chickin cat food fer me…it iz so cute how diz big purrson actz like a kidlet wif me…MOL….so me head buttered her n told her to go have a guud time….
    Mum came home for hourz later n she brought Chickin…so no complanetz frum me…
    Hope yer Mum comez home soon to ya….Mumz’ are so lubly.
    Lub n ~~head rubz~~ Nylablue xxxx


    • Oh I’m glad you got a chicken treat from your Mum after she deserted you Nylablue. My Mom brought “dog smells” on her clothes but that was about it! I’d MUCH prefer chicken!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Yow Sammy Mu nose bettur den to come home wifout sum chickin fer me!! Gotz her well trained.
        Mum comez home smellin like poochie when we goez to da Vet….she haz da handz all over da big onez…me makez her go wash handz befur she touchez me…altho me LUBZ poochiez me not want to *smell* like one!!! 😉
        Today is Caturday so it will bee BACON day fer ya in Tuna-Tuna fer me!!!! *high5’z* all ’round fer us!
        Lub frum Nylablue xxxxx


  7. Sammy, tell Mom Pam, that she was so adorable as was her pudgy little brother, Mike. Mom thinks it is so wonderful how the three of them can get together an visit. Mom’s seven-year-older sister passed away a few year’s ago, and she lived in California. Dad’s sister (also CA) passed away 20 years ago. Unfortunately, he and his seven-year-older brother aren’t very close. He too is in CA. Did we ever tell you that both are pawrents were born and raised in CA? Anyway, we are glad you and your dad had a good day and you filled your time writing the blog. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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