Teaser Tell All


Oh you all are so SMART!   I can’t seem to fool you – at least not ALL of you – on Tuesdays anymore!  You’re so sharp these days with google OR you’ve all traveled all over the world and seen everything because someone ALWAYS guesses the Teaser.

Don’t get me wrong……I’m HAPPY that you recognize what you’re seeing – and I’m also happy that so many of you guess right – it’s kinda cool don’t you think????   This week we had a NEW “First Right Guesser” who has NEVER won the big purple badge before……….that’s right – it was her very first win of the award.  Let me show you TWO photos of this week’s Teaser location because I only used the one of the dome – I didn’t use the other one because there were license plates visible on the cars AND some shop signs I thought might give it away…………..

This is, as many of you guessed, Belfast, Ireland’s beautiful City Hall.   Specifically, the photo you all saw was (this next bit is a quote from our Guest Teaser!!) ” the dome of Belfast’s City Hall which dominates Donegall Square and is bang in the city centre. It was built in 1888 when Belfast became a city. Made of Portland Stone, it was designed by Brumwell Thomas who had to sue the authorities to get his fees. Though he did get a knighthood in 1906 when it was completed.  Outside is a statue of Edward Harland of Harland and Wolff fame, and also  a memorial to those who died when the Titanic sank. The Titanic was built at the Harland and Woolf shipyards in Belfast.  Both my photos were taken from close by the Linen Hall Library which is one of the most wonderful libraries you could imagine.”

I want to thank my Guest Teaser, Isobel from Isobel and Cat blog (her blog is fabulous and her cat is a ginger like me only he’s WAY more handsome!!).  Isobel also has a lot of fabulous photos on her blog – she lives in “The Smoke” (London) and obviously loves her town.  If you haven’t visited her before, you should!

Now for the news you’ve all been waiting for – who is our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER????????   It was The Paris Cat!  If you haven’t visited this blog, you should – her cat Brucy rules but there are many interesting things to be found on this blog and please do drop by for a peek if you aren’t familiar with her.   This is for you Marija!   Congratulations on being FIRST RIGHT GUESSER for the very FIRST time!

The Much Coveted "First Right Guesser" Award

The Much Coveted “First Right Guesser” Award

Then in short order after her guess came in, there were others – Bad Cat Chris, My Three Moggies, Hailey Chronicles, Easy, Mollie and on and on and on…….SO many of you guessed Belfast!  You all get this!

The "I Guessed RIGHT!" award......!

The “I Guessed RIGHT!” award……!

And all of you who didn’t guess right – you’re still winners………………..everyone who comes here on Tuesday is a winner in my book because I honestly think you all enjoy taking a peek at the photos and taking a leap of faith and guessing!   BUT, you all get this:


So thanks again to Miss Isobel and congratulations again to The Paris Cat ! 

Next Tuesday we will have one of my Mom and Dad’s vacation photos for the Teaser………and you know they’ve been EVERYWHERE (although they have never been in Belfast!!!!)

So stay tuned. 



Maybe I’ll fool you next time??

73 responses »

  1. Well done Paris Cat.. me not even close hahahahah need a wooden spooners badge for those the furthest from the pic hahaha Sammy that is one I would take out all the time 🙂 we must go visit the guest teasers bloggie..have a great day sweet Sammy and You are a very very handsome Gingerbread man….that you can take to the bank 😉 hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Austin! One sure way of guessing correctly would be to submit it in the first place….you’re right about that!!! But isn’t this more fun? Not having any idea and agonizing over it? HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I’m so sorry your hooman was sick yesterday – I do hope she’s better today?????? You’re right though – next week will be here before you know it and you’ll have another chance to guess!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • She is a bit better but has a very sore ear and can’t hear very well which is furry annoying when whee are squeaking for veggies. The doctor person gave her ear drops which she says aren’t nice at all.



        • Oh dearie me…..well, we all know that having to take medicine or get a shot or even use icky drops is just NO FUN right? I’m sure she’ll appreciate some cuddles though – who wouldn’t feel better after that????!!!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hmm…wonder why Rumpy??? That makes me wonder though – I haven’t looked in my Reader in FOREVER – who knows whether all my buds are there or not – I’d better check! I get email notifications from the blogs I follow so I forget about the Reader! DUH!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Concatulations Paris Cat! I’m happy that the winner came from France this time too!!!! Allons enfants de la Patrie,Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Thanks for the staff-badge , the hug and a super funny tuesday, Sammy!


    • Hi Easy! Well, you made out pretty well even if you missed the First Right Guesser award this week….you got a BIG STICK to bring home and fly around your yard with which is lotsa fun AND you got to tease your staff with the special badge I made for you (hahahahahahahahahaha). I bet you’ll be at the ready NEXT Tuesday though!!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Wednesday!


  3. ooops, I’m a bad teaser player. Sorry, I missed it 😦 Congrads to all the winners!

    I’ve been so behind, my hubby turns 50 on Saturday and I’ve been planning a surprise. We have out of town guests staying here too, so I’ve been madly cleaning…O Boy. Can I still enjoy a Kitty Hug anyways?


    • Hi Boomdee! Wow – a BIG birthday – my Mom says she “sort of” remembers turning 50 but it was quite (quite) a while ago…hahaha…hope it turns out well and STAYS a surprise! Yes of course you can have a Kitty Hug…any time!

      }}}}}}}}}BOOMDEE HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}


    • Hi Miss Ann….well, don’t feel bad – lotsa folks didn’t recognize it and unless you’d SEEN it before, what’s to say it’s not the dome of the Capital building in DC or any other capital city??!! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Turns out that what I was thinkin’ was way off base. WAY off base. So way off it could have taken me right ’round the world and back. Wish me better luck for next time, okay? I will most likely need it.



  5. conga ratz two ewe Isobel, hope ya wuz abe bull ta haza “wee pint” bee fore ya leeved de city !!! sammy dood…eat sum ham samiches two day coz ya can !


    • Well, you and Spitty think you’ll never guess it unless it’s YOUR photo but don’t give up – you never know – one of these days you’ll hit the jackpot and everyone else will be asleep or out of town or temporarily blind and not see the Teaser which will give you plenty of time to study it and guess correctly! See? DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Yep – it’s true! Easy was held up on a walk with his pawrents and missed out seeing the Teaser before a bunch of other peeps this week. Like I said “you cruise, you lose” around here on Teaser day!! HAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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