Bizzy Boy


Yep – that’s me……… very BIZZY BOY these days.  Contests, entries, joining clubs, I just never stop.  Sadly my Mom doesn’t seem to feel bad that I am just barely keeping my ginger head above water with all these commitments!  SHE seems to think she can go to doctors appointments, do laundry, work in the yard, shop and STILL keep my blog up to date.  HA!   Well, she does a pretty good job of it I suppose.

Anyway, there truly IS a lot going on this time of the year and will be bizzy (haha) until after the holidays.  Guess I’d better buckle up because I’m sure it will be a bumpy ride……right Mom????? 😉 😉

Let me tell you all that the Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest is going to be a BIGGIE.  We have a lot of entries so when you see the poll on October 29th you’ll have quite a time going through all the photos and choosing.  That’s why I’m going to let you vote for as many of the costumed contestants as you want to.  No limit.  AND the two entries that get the most votes will get prizes……….the rest of you will have my undying love and affection forever.  Pretty good deal right??


And, check this out everybody!   I was asked by Gracie at the TCC if I’d like to be the official model for the Tabby Cat Club Halloween costume contest – I sent my adorable photoshopped picture of me in my ghostie costume as an entry and was so incredibly adorable that I’m the official MODEL (check out this badge – cool huh???) and make my first appearance on the TCC page today.  WOO WOO WOO!


I’m expecting a lot of visitors to my Haunted House on Sam-O-Ween.  We’ll have snacks too but the MAIN EVENT will be I’ll announce who the two winners of my contest are too!

I started my blog talking about how busy I am but I think we’re ALL busy these days aren’t we?  So many parties to attend – so many contests to enter – it’s enough to make you quite dizzy!   Wait – I think I can possibly put a Sammy Whammy on time and slow it down a bit…………let me try……….ready?


Since I have my wizard wand warmed up I should try to get rid of that extra hand holding the wand right?????  HAHAHAHAHA



Pee……Essss    Me and my Mom want to send a BIG Sammy Hug to all anipals and their humans who are having a tough time now with illness.  There are so many.   Our hearts ache……

We just want you to know we love you and hope everyone feels better soon……….

68 responses »

  1. Sammy my man..i fear you have got so much going on it has turned your eyes into lollipops!! sloooooooooow down..pretend you are a Windows 8 program…that’ll slow you down 😉 you are a great Model for the tabby cat club!! and so many comps…and poor mum as Secretary to the Gingerbread man…as we say dwn under…flat out like a lizard drinking 🙂 we can’t wait…think we are caught up on all entries for all things for all people…whoa…send me a Whammy Sammy need one myself! we also send our love to all sick anipals and their peeps who are doing there best to get better..and Sammy loves to you and your poor Secretary mum ! hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum!!! It’s “all go” everywhere it seems…..everyone is doing something FUN for Halloween, then we move to Thanksgiving (here), then on to Christmas (Santa Paws)……after the new year maybe we can all sleep for a few weeks and rest up?????? Probably not…..something ELSE will be going on then!!! I’m happy to see your little koala badge saying everything is OK there still – we worry so!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • It sure is busy!! and Sammy we all look forward to a break..well sort of 😉 but then we have Australia day here in January..then before you know it Easter……and so on..glad we have the happy badge on today to! big hugs Fozziemum xxxx


        • It makes me VERY happy to see your HAPPY badge on the blog……you just know everybody, everywhere is worried about you and everyone else who is literally “in the line of fire”……!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Mollie! Tons of fun for ‘WEEN this year huh?! Sundae and I are looking forward to the Halloween Ball and all the other fun stuff going on EVERYWHERE……we’ll all be exhausted after October 31st but what a fun way to go!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. It is a busy time Sammy…we all have so many social commitments and sometimes our hoomins forget that we’re #1 priority…Congrats on your modeling job…You look super


  3. Well first I think the picture for your Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest is hauntingly cool! It is making me feel a little festive about Halloween! Congrats on being the model for the Tabby Cat’s Club Costume Contest. Boo! back at you, you look adorable! I hope your whammy to slow down time works because I don’t want October to end or the beautiful leaves to fall out of the trees! I don’t know how your Mom keeps up with all this blogging stuff! And last of all, I can see all the pictures today and all is working well this morning on my laptop cause CH played with a few wires, cursed, did a reset on the wifi, cursed again and we is back in bizness to do our computering 😀 BUT we are gonna need a new wifi thing he thinks. Ugh. Enjoy your Thursday Sam Cat!


  4. Good morning, Sammy, you bizzy boy!
    Concats on being named the model for the TCC Halloween photo contest! May I have your pawtograph..??? 😉
    Motor Mommy has GOT to get busy on my costume….. time is really getting close, and she’s just not making any progress on that!
    Love, Sundae


  5. Sammy, you make an adorable ghost. We could never be afraid of you. Concats on being the official poster cat for the TCC Hall-o-ween costume contest. What a great honor. Hope your magic wand works. Mom says she could stand to have a slower pace as well. Try not to get so bizzy that you don’t have time for a nap or two. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My Mom says time is going by too quickly for her these days and now that I’m getting older I think the same thing…….We do want to have time to snuggle together in Mom’s recliner after all – so I just want to be careful that I don’t get TOOOOOOOO caught up in bloggy stuff….just enough to keep having FUN!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Oh boy, I sure hope that Sammy Whammy works….we could all use time slowing down a little! Especially with the holidays coming and all. You certainly are busier than most, Sammy! I’m looking forward to voting in the Halloween contest, and seeing your haunted house!


    • I’ll be reminding everyone constantly (you know how I am!!) about the contest and voting and stuff so never fear – and the haunted house I hope is fun….I know there are other blogville haunted houses happening and mine isn’t going to be all that fancy but it will be FUN I promise!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Gosh Ranger……Mollie and Alfie have sent in their “single” photos in BUT go ahead and send it to me…..maybe because they already have a chance to win, they’ll be their usual GENEROUS (tee hee) selves and let YOU have the prize if your group wins…..whatcha think about that???????? My Mom is sending YOUR Mom an email right now with my email address……WOOT WOOT – so happy you’re entering the contest!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Sam-O-Ween is my FAVORITE time of the year….Why? Not sure other than so many blog buddies seem to enjoy having parties and contest and stuff more than EVER this time of year. My costume contest will be grand – wait until you see all the entries in the polls!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. All those commitments AND you managed to make that graphic announcin’ your contest? Sammy… it’s BEAUTIFUL! Gosh, I wish my peep could do stuff like that. That’s one AMAZIN’ lookin’ graphic. Worth a million purrs, for sure!



  8. dood !! total lee rockin ya getted picked ta bee a purr model for TCC!!!!!! will they pay ya in bacon ~~~ N lookin forwerd ta see everee onez way awesum coztoomz !!!


  9. Hey Sammy. We know what you mean about the peeps being busy. Good thing your mom is still keeping up with your blog. That should be her priority! We love your pic that will be used over at the TCC. We still need to get some pics to you for your Halloween contest. The mom has been kinda lazy about this. See what we mean about priorities??


    • Hi Nellie! I got your photo for the contest – LOVE IT!!!!!!! Yes I think your Mommy is tons busier than mine in fact – we need to make sure they SLOW DOWN – one good way to do that is hop on their laps and look adorable so they can’t get back up again (hahahaha).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Wow Sammy your Mom is really busy. Our Mom still has not sent in our pickshures for your Sam-O-Ween pawty. She needs to get moving on it. She promised us that we could come to your pawty. If she misses the deadline she will never hear the end of it. Your Sammy Whammy pickshure skeered us. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  11. This certainly IS a busy time of year. Pop’s birthday is on Halloween. Thank Ceiling Cat TW isn’t having a big pawty for him this year. Last year she was crazy with the planning. My blog suffered. Yep, we have a lot on our plate this year too. So much that I flew up this a.m. and I never frow up.


    • Oh dearie me CK……I have to admit that when things aren’t going my way I hork. It accomplishes a couple of things…..gets that particular spot on the rug cleaned up nicely compared to the REST of the rug (!), and gets me some attention which sometimes I need more than usual! I do hope you’re feeling better though – perhaps a few extra naps are in order??

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Give your mom that extra hand Sammy. LOL. Cannot wait to see all the photos for the contest. Sounds like some fun coming up. Hugs and purrs for all the sick kitties Makes me sad too.
    Sue B


    • Hi Lee and Phodie…’s quite sad we have so many friends who are sick lately – I guess all of us together are trying to send them positive energy – maybe it will work? As for the computer password problem you have – try using the “SAD EYES” on your Lady – she might feel bad and give you that password!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. Wickedly cute, congratulations on being the poster cat at The Tabby Club. I zipped over there for a bit, my of my goodness ! There are a lot of kitties hanging out there (you were the cutest though).

    I don’t know if the ‘Sammy Wammy’ slowed the clock but my G&T tastes a little bit better, LOL cheers!


    • Hi Miss Boomdee….oh I’m glad the G&T got better when my Whammy made its’ way to you!! The TCC is a busy place isn’t it? I was quite excited to be the poster boy……my first professional “gig” as a model!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. *puurz loud like* Dat Sammy Whammy seemz to have helped me here!! Phankz…Mum sayz she just might PIZAP herself fer Sam-O-Ween!!! Go Mum Go!!!!
    Ya n Miss Pam haz bin so buzy it iz hard to keepz up….we waitin fer da Sam-O-Ween!!! n waitin n waitin…MOL!
    Lub Nylablue xxxxx


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