Mom’s Lap Monday


Yep – “Mom’s Lap Monday” or MLM ….  Why?  Well because that’s where I intend to spend as much of my day as my Mom will let me.  I am TRULY getting the most out of having my parents back from their trip – I’m playing “poor pitiful me” to the MAX…..and it’s working…..double bacon yesterday and Saturday for one thing but for another my Mom has been “available” to me for cuddles almost all weekend.  WOO HOO!

When we weren’t cuddling, we were working on loading up photos for my Sam-O-Ween costume contest AND visiting the Cat Scouts site to keep up with what’s going on there.  We’ve come to the conclusion that there are some badges that we will never earn…… “Fishery” – the only chance I have of getting THAT one would be if Mom bought me a pet goldfish I could watch!   Then there’s “Swimming” – I don’t DO water – period – even accidentally unless you could splashing in puddles and that does NOT count.  Sigh.  Oh well…..I can make my mark in other ways right?

Now, please remember that tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser (visible after 6AM Eastern Standard Time)……..AND, it’s a “GUEST TEASER” this week!!   Not only that but I have yet ANOTHER Guest Teaser for next week.  How fun is that?  So stay tuned!   Speaking of Teasers…..I thought it would be fun to run a few Teasers from the past by you…..just to remind you that Teasers are ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE……Enjoy!

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And that’s not ALL of them…………………..amazing isn’t it?  We’ve been around the world together on Tuesdays haven’t we?!   Did you remember where the photos were from?  I bet you remembered SOME of them!!!!


Have a Great MLM (if you can get away with it!)


Your Pal Sammy



71 responses »

  1. Oh Sammy the excitement is building hahaah what great teasers ..mostly epic fails for me haahaha we agree milk that sad kitty routine for all it’s worth!! a lap is a lap is a lap and made for snuggles 🙂 have fun with the cat scout badges and if you need any roo catching ones you know where to go! hugs Fozziemum xx


    • HA! Hmm….they don’t have a roo catching one but they do have a Mammal Study badge and I think I’ve got that one nailed down – remember when the possum came up on my front porch and sat in Stevie’s water bowl and ate her food? I was looking out the window and Mom got a photo of that and sent it in to the Scouts – I got that badge!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HA! Hmm….they don’t have a roo catching one but they do have a Mammal Study badge and I think I’ve got that one nailed down – remember when the possum came up on my front porch and sat in Stevie’s water bowl and ate her food? I was looking out the window and Mom got a photo of that and sent it in to the Scouts – I got that badge!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good Monday morning, Sammy! (MLM) I’ve got to get Motor Mommy to help me with my costume for your contest…what HAS she been doing anyway??!
    Thanks,”Doggy’s Style” for the clip – that show was always hilarious!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I hope you can get your Mom to work up a costume for you – there are a lot of entries already….this week I’m sure I’ll get some more……enjoy some SUN time today pretty lady!

      Love, Sam


  3. You deserve some lap-time after your mom and dad being away! I only wish Mamma would sit still long enough for me to get some lap-time. Great pictures – we love seeing different places of the world!


    • Poor Cocco…..every little piggy should get SOME lap-time. 😦 I’m glad you enjoyed the slideshow – so many Teasers of the past….and tomorrow we’ve got a real doozy of a Guest Teaser too!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Of course! I remember Prague and Heidelberg and Florida (without Horatio Caine) and the Festival in London and Regensburg with the Frog-guy ..Have a super great MLM Monday. I’m ready for TTT (tomorrows tuesday teaser)


    • Hi Easy! I knew you’d recognize a lot of those Teaser photos from the past…….and I can’t WAIT to see what you think about tomorrow’s Guest Teaser…’re so smart when it comes to figuring these things out!! We loved your poopy post today by the way. Very inspirational (I’ve visited my litterbox twice since reading it)…..TEE HEE HA HA HA GIGGLE

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. I knew you would have her wrapped around your ginger toesies! She just can’t say no to your ginger charms and sweet little fuzz face. We are heading to St. Louis today if the tree guy doesn’t show up. Enjoy your Monday lap time Sammy! Ima see the Arch today 😀


    • Have fun in St. Louis Miss Pix!! Maybe you should take a pic of that Arch and send it to my Mom??? A future Teaser??? On the other hand, you might like to have that tree guy show up so THAT can get done huh??? Well, whatever you do and wherever you go – I’m sending a special Sammy hug….why? CUZ !

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  6. Sammy get all the lap sitting in you can get. I don’t think we will get some of those badges either on Cat Scouts. My kitties are indoor kitties. It’s fun to go around the world with pictures. The only way I will see it. Have a wonderful day.
    Sue B


    • Hi Miss Ann… is lovely having my parents home again. I’m trying to come up with some innovative methods of earning those impossible to earn badges BUT I also know that I have limitations – it’s good to recognize that!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Cat! I’m sorry I scared you…..BOOOO! Halloween is my most favorite time of the year…..just WAIT until you see all the entries for my costume contest! They are magical! I’m loving time with my Mom since she got home….she’s my bestest friend.

      Love you!
      Sammy (aka Mr. Magic Toes)


  7. Our mom is so lame. She didn’t read the part about fast-forwarding the Golden Girl’s video, and she watched the entire thing trying to figure out the significance. Duh! Well, Sam, glad you got double bacon and you are having oodles of lap time. Mom cannot sit down without having one of us in her lap. She’s thinking about doing a post showing just one day of lap activity. Mauricio says, “hi.” He’ll see you over at Cat Scouts. Have a great week. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I bet at your house there’s a lot of lap activity – with the volume of felinicity available, surely there’s a lap full of cat fur by day’s end!!! I was just at Cat Scouts to see what’s going on. Things are really popping over there. I’ve got my Dad working up plans for my cardwood car…..the only thing Mom’s worried about there is how on EARTH is she gonna get me to SIT IN IT long enough to take my photo! HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Nellie I’m so sorry that your Mommy is sick….I thought you’d have put a Nellie Whammy on her by now making her ALLLLLLL better. Good thing your Daddy’s lap is available for you and Jo-Jo. I said HI to Kozmo in Scouts today – I think you would look absolutely SEXY in the girlcat scout uniform if you ever decide to join…..hee hee

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sam


  8. dood !!! we due rememburr all oh theeze pick sures N we rememburr wear everee one bee taken at…trooly…N if ya said…oh kay. pick sure…4…N we wood say…out side 🙂

    hope yur mom and dad hada grate time N bringed bak buckitz N buckitz oh bacon 🙂


    • Would you believe my parents didn’t bring back one single bit of bacon? Not one? I know….ridiculous isn’t it? Nor did they bring me a lobster and they were surrounded by lobsters…..the nerve!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Actually Cupcake I think I might be able to get a fishery badge with a fish stuffie….I’ll have to check….otherwise I wouldn’t mind staring at a big tuna in my bowl!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. Well the one that I knew for sure was in there and a few of the ones I came close on…but many are still as mysterious now as they were then…Teasers are tough, but that’s what makes them so much fun…You know Gizmo has a fish now…Sammy you could have one too I’m sure…


  10. Sammy, I have a toy fishie that I could send you so you can get your Fishery badge. I used it to get mine. (It doesn’t have to be a live fishie! Maybe you could eat some tuna…that should get you the badge too.) And I’ll never get that Swimming badge either. I don’t do water…it’s only good for drinking.



    • Hi Wally! You’re a REAL pal offering me your fishie but Mom has promised that she’s gonna get me one. I have about a bazillion toys but not ONE fish – imagine that!! I saw that photo of you with your fish – it was fabulous…..As for the swimming badge….well, like you….it’s not likely!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy, I think you and I might have to wing it with some of those badges. even though I go outside, I don’t really do water! You know what I mean? MOL And any butterfly I see either doesn’t stay long enough, or if it does stay long enough, then it’s bye bye butterfly!! xox


    • I know what you mean Austin….it’s gonna be tough for some of those badges…..I only go outside with one of my human with me OR if it’s dark outside on a leash/harness…but one day I was outside and sitting UNDER the butterfly bush on the side of the yard so Mom snapped me there and Scouts accepted it for the butterfly merit badge! I have seen several kitty scouts who have earned badges just my looking at stuff on the computer – maybe you could get your human to pull up a butterfly shot on her computer and snap you looking at it??? As for water – I’m worried about THAT one. YUCK.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Tee Hee! Nope – although I think everyone thought I’d use some of Mom’s pix from Maine for my teaser this week…..these are from a “Guest Teaser” and I’ll tell everyone WHO and WHERE tomorrow on the Teaser Tell All!! Pretty place though isn’t it???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  12. Yow Sammy dat iz guud ya got duuble bacon n lotz of snuggle lap time! Me had not such a guud day n Mum made her lap available to me n she iz snugglin wif me as me typez..she iz takin such guud care of me..aren’t Hu’Mumz GRRRRREAT???
    Lub Nylablue xxxxxxx


    • Nylablue you are SUCH a lucky girl to have your Mum – she adores you (like all of us do!) and takes SUCH good care of you. I’m sorry you’re not feeling too great but that’s TOTALLY understandable considering all the nasty things going on with your little self!! We keep you in our purrrrayers ALLLLL the time though!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Gosh that’s a great idea BUT I somehow don’t think the DenMaster would let me…..I might ask though!! I also thought a “Lap Nap” badge would be one I could DEFINITELY get…..hahahahahaha

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Mollie my girl – you tell me – is today’s Teaser easy or not?? I think not but then again that’s just ME! It’s a Guest Teaser too……tomorrow you’ll find out WHERE and WHO!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  13. I hope you had a fab time being all snuggly with the humans and I hope you get your fishy! 🙂

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂


    • Hi Snoopy!! I really am a TRUE snuggle buddy……can’t help myself…..especially as my achy-breaky body gets older and older – snuggling feels nice! I hope I get my fishy too…..I want that merit badge!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  14. We’d so be all over our mom’s lap too, after studiously ignoring her for the proper interval to let her KNOW she’s been chastised! (Pee Ess, thank you so much for your patience as our mo works on deadline again. We know we’ve been scarce lately but she’s managing to carve out a bit more time for us now!)


    • Hi guys – I bet you DO wish your Mom’s lap were a bit more available BUT if she’s busy – she’s busy – and that’s that! Purrrrhaps soon she’ll be able to get her head (and lap) above water and you can MOVE IN????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. Hey Sammy – I found your blog! Raz here (and my sisfurs and woofie brofur).
    I used some of my nip fishies for the Fishery Management badge. You can also use things on TV. No way I can get stroller and probably not swimming either.

    Your Cat Scout Buddy,
    Raz (and The Florida Furkids)


    • Hi Raz!!!!! I’m so happy you found me! I’ll have to visit your bloggy too now that I know you have one….WOO HOO….Scouts and bloggers together forever! I’m sad about GJ and really so many other cat and dog friends who are sick right now – seems certain times of the year we have so many friends that need our purrrrrayers. I didn’t know you lived in Florida – my Mom used to live in Clearwater (YEARS ago)….I’m a Virginia Cat though and haven’t been anywhere but here in my whole 13 years. Anyway, thanks for visiting me here – see you at Scouts buddy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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