Moanless Monday


Hi Everyone! No moaning from me today – I know a lot of humans who moan on Monday but we stay-at-home ani-pals don’t mind Mondays much. Besides, so many swell things are going on, why not SMILE to start the week right?

First of all, I wanna thank all of you who have already sent in your Sam-O-Ween costume photos – I can already tell that this is gonna be a TOUGH competition.   And thankfully I’m not going to have to pick the winner because YOU will be voting in a poll for the winner NOT ME.   It’s not too soon to get your photos to me though – Mom’s started the poll with the entries we have so far – that makes the whole thing easy to load up when we get ready for the voting.


I also received a way cool and cute award yesterday from my friend Nylablue – this one is certainly “tailor-made” for me and comes with no rules and no requirements – but it’s so way cute I think ALL of you should help yourself to it if you’d like to display it – – – – ESPECIALLY all of you who love bacon like I do !!!!   THANK YOU NYLABLUE – you’re the best!


I’m wondering if I should petition the Cat Scouts to see if they might consider instituting a “BACON EATERS BADGE” to be awarded to all Cat Scouts who demonstrate a true love and devotion to this delectable delight??!!!!

Speaking of Cat Scouts, even more of you have joined lately and we’re connecting there not just in my Group (Warrenton Wilcats) but just as Friends!  It’s fun and I’m working on more badges already – one in Basketry in particular.  Woo Hoo…….

Something else I keep forgetting to do (although this is MY blog and not my Mom’s) is give her a nice “plug” for her mystery novel which is available on the sidebar in either Kindle format (for a cheap $2.99) or from Amazon as a paperback.  Yep – Mom had a great book signing LAST weekend where she sold bunches of copies but I you’d like to get your very own, just pop in on Kindle to download it OR order from Amazon.   I hope it’s OK to say that even though I’m afraid I can’t read I understand from lotsa people who do that it’s a really great mystery book – takes place in a small town (like MY town) with a female private investigator (like my Mom wishes she’d been when she was younger) who gets involved in several interesting mysteries all starting with a simple little background investigation for the owner of a big horse farm that leads to a MURDER investigation!   WOW……the little town is loaded with interesting characters too – just like my town is – and there’s even a touch of romance (yuck) which my Mom says is always good to write into a good mystery plot.

Tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday so I’ll see you here at the usual time……… purrrrrpared (which happens to be the Cat Scouts motto!!!!) ……………I know you will!





69 responses »

    • Hi Cupcake! Well, I’m not sure Mom’s “up” for a sequel even though she PLANNED to do one. Seems her world is a bit busier now that I’m such an internet star (hahahaha….cough cough…..).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Yay Bacon award Sammy! well done Nylablue 🙂 we have the puter back on tracks so I think maybe your Sammy Whammy with extra Hammy found it’s way here! great scout outfit and can’t wait for teaser Tuesday..first I have many catch ups…grrrr have a great day Sammy 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. Pingback: Pigoween Partners? Four Eligible Bachelors! | Hutch A Good Life

  3. OH ooooo, you are surrounded by goul’s and you don’t even look scared at all. I keep seeing an advertisement for a show called ‘The Walking Dead’ Yikes, who can watch that stuff?..I freak out over the zombies.


  4. Hey, Sammy! That award was made for you! Congrats!!

    We’ll try to get our Halloween pictures sent sometime this week. It should be a fun competition…though we don’t expect to win or anything like that.


  5. Hi Sam, Have you checked Cat Scouts for a private message from Mauricio. He sent it last night. It is super important. He is so happy you are as enthusiastic as he is. While he is lobbying to get a napping merit badge, you should be lobbying for that bacon one. Nylablue is the best! Always so thoughtful. We are glad she’s our honorary sisfur. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi!!! Yes I got Mauricio’s message and sent one back – we’re UP for a new troop……I’ve got people who have joined Warrenton Wildcats but I gather lots of us are joining LOTS of different troops not just the ones we signed on with. I’m UP for anything – Scouting is so much fun!!!! Napping should be a badge for sure so why not bacon? I may try to get that one going too…..say – we have RAIN today – wonderful, wet RAIN…..maybe it will save Fall??? Hope so!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Guess what? My picture is on the way to you, it needs only some “correction” ( you know, the mouse brain thingy). Concatulation to the bacon award, bet that’s very unique :o) I will sort all my catalogs now, hope I’m ready till tomorrow :o)


    • Hi Easy! I got your great entry for the Sam-O-Ween contest….well done dude – I think you look just GRAND!!!

      I just loaded up the Teaser post – hope you’re ready……………it’s a toughie!


  7. Yow Sammy me iz so glad yer Mum gave ye da Award befur Sam-O-Ween…me waz burstin wif eggcitemint finkin ’bout it~~~~We just wanted to honor ya fer all da partiez ya do n bein a Kitteh Scout n bein an all round SWEET Mankat!!!!
    Have a pawsum day, just like ya iz!!!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen =^..^=


  8. Many exciting things happening now and soon, I think we can’t really moan =^.^=
    And this Bacon award, Sammy… If I am the nip guru, you must be the bacon guru 😉
    By the way, are you still accepting guest teasers? I was looking at my human’s pictures the other day and I found one that I think could do a great teaser!
    Have a great Monday!


    • Hi Texas! I’ll always take a Teaser photo guy – send it on in with some details as to where/what and I’ll happily put it on the Teaser Schedule!!!!! Especially if it’s a “toughie” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I know Austin……amazing huh? I need to go check and see if you’re in your uniform for your photo on Scouting yet – – – a for badges – you’ll be able to get some quickly – some are a bit tough though!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. dood…we haz yur book ewe rited N itz next in de “ta reed” line up….we hope by chapturr three…. sum kinda menshunz oh bacon….. ore ham samiches iz made !! 🙂


    • You know what? Mom didn’t put the word bacon in that book in spite of my begging, pleading, and even some whining. Amazing huh? You’d think my whine would be hard to resist!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Ann…..Halloween is the BEST! Just wait until the poll goes up and you see everyone’s entries – we’ve got some SCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARY ones!! Mom’s book is fun – it’s tough for people to find time to read these days with all that’s going on in the world I agree.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi CK! Photoshopped costumes is the only way to fly as far as I’m concerned. Mom would get very tired of trying to wrestle me into a REAL costume that’s for sure! There are a lot of pawties happening this Halloween and if you get photoshopped into an embarrassing costume for one party – you can probably use it to enter others!! Like MINE for instance……tee hee. Have fun at your other party this weekend CK.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Oh Sammy

    You just reminded me, I saw a VERY suspicious looking Halloween costume enter the house the other day, and I’m sure it was my size, I’m very worried! 🙂

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂


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