Semi-Silent Sunday



Being a Pirate is exhausting……I’m resting up from Speedy’s Pawty today!

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It’s EXHAUSTING being me…….. 😀 😀

81 responses »

    • Hi Speedy! PAWSOME party Matey – simply pawsome. I ate a bunch, danced a bunch, and had a grand time. Perhaps I’ll return for a little post-party grog this morning??? I hope you enjoy my Mom’s book. I would have liked it more if she’d given Eddy the cat more “air time”…..he had too small a part in the book!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake! Please tell your Mom that any time she wants to kiss my paws, I can make them available. As for you, my head is yours as long as you promise to lick between my ears because that’s my “sweet spot” !!! 🙂

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • You too Sundae……I know it was pretty darn exciting around your house yesterday with all those people coming and going and having a good time……but it was a VERY LONG DAY for your Motor Mommy and Motor Man!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Well I may be resting but my parents are busy-ish. Mom’s about to head out to the tractor to mow and Dad’s gonna do trimming and caulking ’round the house outside. That means it will be QUIET inside which is perfect nap time!

      Happy Sunday in MissouREE!


  1. Sammy, you are truly a champion of the nap. We loved how many cute toesy photos were included in the serious. You better rest up for Tuesday. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We gingers do rock don’t we?! I like the name Ping…..I need to visit you to see you and your brothers!! Thanks for stopping by – it’s been a very nap-filled day for Sammy the Pirate!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie! Oh I love that word – it’s VERY Nellie-esque!!! Any time you want some easy, I’m your guy! (well, actually Easy is your guy for easy but you know what I mean!!)

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • Savvy we know the wonder of the good nap don’t we? Especially in a tent (actually I sort of abandoned my tent this summer but I’m thinking now that the weather is cooling off it’s TENT TIME!!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m been a big old ginger colored blob all day today…moving from one nap spot to the next….I guess maybe I’m a bit too old for all this heavy duty party stuff. Sure is fun though! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Oh CK I’ve got napping DOWN…after 13 years of practice I am an expert when it comes to napping. As for the territorial thing – NOPE – it sure wasn’t you that got me thinking about giving up my assignment – it was the misunderstanding with Kuruk and his ani-family who live in the Potrero Hill area and thought that I was INVADING them….they were already there and here I was intruding….but I think I’ve cleared that whole thing up. I offered them a chance to assist me in my position as Viceroy defending the Hill for King Spitty. So far so good….they’re on board….as for you and me? FRIENDS FOREVER CK – that’s a sealed deal!!!

      Kitty Hugs in Viceroyship, Sammy


    • It’s always something isn’t it Sushi? Seems like with as many friends as we have, someone is either blogaversarying, birthday partying, or just plain PARTYING for no reason these days. But it’s so much fun, who cares right???? 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Miss Ann…..I think after 13 years I’m getting the hang of looking “cute” as possible. It gets me lotsa treats and hugs from my Mom and that just HAS to be a “good thang” a Martha Stewart says.

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Monday, Sammy


    • Gosh Spitty…..please tell your Human that I am most flattered that I am found “Squeeable” at my age. Does a guy good……! I had a note from CK about my Viceroyship and offer to forfeit that territory in the name of peace to Kuruk and Company. I told her I thought things had been worked out and that there was PEACE IN THE POTRERO HILL area. Whew! Crisis averted my liege (what the heck is a liege anyway?).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m beginning to think I might be a tad too old to carry on with all this swashbuckling and sword swinging Texas. Perhaps I should just take a nap on the plank and watch the partying from afar?????? Happy Monday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Mum’s really been sneaky with her camera taking all those cute sleepy photo’s, I can almost see her tippy-toeing around for those awesome closeups. I just adore you Sammy and when you cover your eyes with your little paw, oh gee, I melt. xo


    • Hi Boomdeeadda!! Mom is pretty darn sneaky with the flashy box…..some of those she took from her lap even….her camera makes a sound when she turns it on and sometimes that wakes me up but SOMETIMES (obviously) I don’t hear it….usually because I’m snoring so loud. HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I agree. When cats cover their eyes up with their paws smile napping, it’s just too cute for words. Sammy’s toes seem to be VERY popular these days! Of course I’ve had almost 14 years to love them. 😉



    • We just can’t help but look adorable when we sleep – and it probably saves us from getting in trouble because our humans remember how INNOCENT we look when we’re sleeping….tee hee….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Mr. Jonathan….well, Nellie does a lot of teleporting in her tunnel but this was the first time she stopped by and visited me. It was a lot of fun and she’s known for her “world tours” (purrrrsonally I think she’s just escaping from her brother Kozmo). She’s a very good friend though and I’ve known her a long time – since I first started my bloggy in fact.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Marcy and Minnie! Thanks for stopping by….I know how busy you must be out there but we sure did think your story about the scary clouds and storm was REALLY good. You live in such a beautiful part of the country and we just love hearing about the ranch and the car restoration business – and mostly seeing the photos you take of it all. Take care of yourselves out there on the prairie!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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