So Excited!


Happy Friday!  You know today is Monster Day here but I’m so excited I don’t even CARE about that………..nope – sure don’t.  Why am I so excited you might ask?????  Well, yesterday I found out that Saturday, THIS SATURDAY, August 31st is “International Bacon Day” !   Our friend Miss Caren at CAT CHAT told us about a blog called 365Days  of Bacon and sure enough – it’s TRUE.   Saturday is the BIG DAY!

Oh boy!  Me swimming in a pool of bacon!

Oh boy! Me swimming in a pool of bacon!

I have lots of piggies as friends of course but none of them are “bacon type piggies” if you know what I mean so I’m thinking all of us should celebrate don’t you???  Anyway, thinking about that will keep me occupied today while Mom does the Monster thing………

One really funny thing Mom did since we were talking about bacon is google “funny bacon things” and there were too many to show or list here but you should try googling that and see what pops up – you might be amazed (or horrified or maybe squirt your coffee out your nose???). 

I have to be careful though about being TOO excited about bacon because – well – Mom needs to be reminded that while I do adore a bit of bacon on weekends when she and my Dad have it with their breakfast, in the end she’s the most important thing to me – NOT bacon….really….honest…..I mean it!…….

I even made this poster JUST for her!

I even made this poster JUST for her!

I guess I’ll have to come up with something extra special tomorrow though since it is, after all, International Bacon Day.  Can’t let a BIG day like that go unnoticed or unrecognized now can I ?????



67 responses »

    • I know! Amazing isn’t it? Although Bacon the piggy probably feels like it’s HIS day since his name IS Bacon….but I can still celebrate because I love the OTHER Bacon (and Bacon the pig too).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Sundae! Well I guess I am a bit overboard when it comes to that delightful and delectable thing called bacon. I told Mom she’d better cook up EXTRA for tomorrow’s celebration!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Katie! Isn’t it mean that sometimes we can’t visit people we want to visit because of the crummy blogosphere and that Google+ thingie??? I was happy to hear about that blog though because there’s all kinds of interesting bacon stuff there. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY…..I told Mom I expect EXTRA bacon on International Bacon Day. It’s only fair – right??

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Oh phew, Sammy, you warned us! We must have missed Bacon Day but Cocco will be alerted to stay inside tomorrow at all costs 🙂 That said, I could sadly see Cocco eating a bit of bacon himself if it was in front of him (oh piggies…)!

    Have a great weekend!


    • Hi Miss Katie! I think Cocco is safe as he’s not an “eating piggy” just a CUTIE PIE PIGGY!!!!! But probably keeping him inside will give all the frogs a break anyway so maybe that’s not such a bad idea! Enjoy your Friday and if you have a bacon celebration make sure and stop by here too because my Mom’s gonna show off her piggy collection for Bacon Day!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Terrell Trio! I’m glad you’re gonna celebrate bacon day too…………..make sure and take a peek at my bloggy tomorrow because Mom’s gonna show off some of her little piggy collection in honor of Bacon Day!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy, did you forget to mark your calendar for the International Bacon Day Festival in Roanoke scheduled for tomorrow? We thought you had put it on your schedule so you could join us tomorrow. No matter how you celebrate it, have fun and enjoy. And, of course, don’t overeat! We’re going to check out that web-site. We love some good snorting-stuff-out-of-your-nose laughs. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Well I DID have that on my calendar but Mom says I can’t borrow the car to drive down to Roanoke! The nerve of her! So I kind of had to plan to celebrate it here after all. I do hope you can stop by though because my Mom is gonna show off her little piggy collection – she used to collect pigs and she’s got a lot of them. I hope you guys have a TERRIFIC Bacon Day – I’m sure I will!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • We’ll definitely come by and check out the piggies tomorrow. So rude that you can’t borrow the car. We bet you have a riding lawnmower as we’ve seen photos of how large your yard is. Do you think Mom Pam would let you borrow that for a quick trip? Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


        • HA! The riding lawnmower is so slow I think it would take me a month or so to get there! HAHAHAHAHAHA….I hope you all have a purrrfectly lovely BACON DAY though – I’ll be thinking about ya!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. When I read CH your post Sammy, as I usually do, he said he thinks we will be participating in that!!!! So we will get out today and buy some bacon so he can fry it up tomorrow, make a little gravy and some biscuits 😀 Thanks for spreading the news. Enjoy your Friday!


    • Oh good! I’m glad you and CH are gonna join in celebrating BACON tomorrow! I can’t wait……Mom got the THICK SLICE bacon stuff so I think I’ll be able to chomp on it more than usual! WOO HOO!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. “The Baconator”, hahaha….Thanks for the heads up on ‘Bacon Day’. As you know, I only eat Facon, but the Mr loves his Bacon and will always eat mine if it comes with my breaky in a restaurant. He’s an Xtreeme Baconator 😀


    • Hi Miss Layla and boys! International Bacon Day – what a great day that will be and it’s already on my weekend bacon-feasting day so it’s a DOUBLE load for yours truly! WOO HOOO! Hope you all have a wonderful and sunny weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. BACON DAY !!!!!! dood…..trooly N honest lee…how kewl iz thiz !!! heerez ta 94,093 slabs…. just for ewe…. N we hope ewe N yur familee haza grate labor day week oh end…haz fun 🙂


    • Hey Tabs! I was just checkin’ in on your bloggy and I see you went to Pareeeeee with Miss Gracie! I hope you had some fun – my parents love Pareeeeeee. Hope you all have a fantabulously wonderful International Bacon Day tomorrow and the rest of the labor day weekend is labor-free for you!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Well I didn’t know they had a bacon day. How exciting. I love bacon too. And a bacon blog. Wow! One of the fairs that were around here had bacon cotton candy. Can you imagine that? Have a great Friday.
    Sue B


    • We didn’t know about all that stuff either! Amazing huh? My Mom says bacon cotton candy sounds……”interesting”…….I’m not entirely sure that’s a good thing but I think she’s remembering good old fashioned cotton candy (which I think is made of pink cotton right?????? 😉 )! Have a fabulous weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I know you are Sparkle….and actually that’s a GOOD thing on many levels but do stop by tomorrow and visit my bloggy because my Mom’s got some pix of her piggy collection to share. A quadrillion years ago she used to collect piggies and she’s gonna show a FEW of them tomorrow. I say “few” because she’s got BOXES of them. Yep – taking up room in MY storage closet….imagine that!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Cupcake I think maybe your Mom just wanted to start the bacon celebration early!! I think maybe tomorrow she’s going to DOUBLE UP the bacon treats in honor of Bacon Day! At least I HOPE so!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh good! I hope everyone celebrates today with a bit of bacon for breakfast (or a BLT for lunch or dinner!!)…………I’m so happy I found out about this most special day – I’ll put it on ALL future calendars!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. BACON DAY!!!! Mes should comes to your house after Mommy and Daddy leaves for the market (at the unbaastly hour of 5:30 AM!!!!)


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