Teaser Tell All


Hello Teaser Fans!

Remember I started out my blog yesterday announcing the Teaser as one that I thought would be easier than last week’s “rub out” Teaser??? Well it actually WAS an easy one because bunches of you got PART of the answer right. Here’s the photo again:


Where was it snapped? Ireland – CORRECT!! But where in Ireland? I had several good guesses……BUT nobody guessed what town and actually I think that would have been fairly impossible unless someone had SEEN this cottage with their own eyeballs like my parents had in BUNRATTY FOLK PARK, BUNRATTY, IRELAND!! The Folk Park was this 47 acre park full of replica or in some cases actual historical cottages and outbuildings authentic to the past of Ireland. Lots of people wear costumes and “act” in the park and conduct business like feeding livestock kept on the grounds and harvesting cottage crops, etc. Very cool spot – and my parents started their wonderful trip to Ireland by seeing Bunratty Castle and this folk park on their tour.

As I said, lots of you guessed “Ireland” but the FIRST to guess that was our Teaser Tycoon, EASY !   So he definitely gets the First Right Guesser Award but ALL of you who guessed Ireland get the Sammy Hug…….CONCATULATIONS all of you who recognized the thatched roof and cottage style as Irish.  That it was lads and lassies – Aye – that it was me darlins’ !

The Much Coveted "First Right Guesser" Award....this week is EASY's!

The Much Coveted “First Right Guesser” Award….this week is EASY’s!

The "I Guessed RIGHT!" award......goes to all of you who guessed IRELAND!

The “I Guessed RIGHT!” award……goes to all of you who guessed IRELAND!

Congratulations Lads and Lassies!!! 

As all of you know, there are tons of things going on right now in Blogville – the latest one involves two dear, sweet cats named Rachel and Ray Charles who have started out their lives in very pitiful straits but who have been helped with their situation by a lot of really caring people.  I read about them on Savannah’s blog – you can read about them too and help to spread the word perhaps to help them find a home.  They will have a tough enough road ahead and a caring home should be the LEAST of their worries!   If you click on this badge that I got from Savannah’s blog, you can go visit her blog to get the story.


Also, Mollie is still having a great raffle to benefit Benny – to help him with his HUGE medical bills for his cancer treatments so make sure and visit Mollie too!

If you can’t keep up with all the activities going on around the blogosphere there are lots of great spots you can join to keep aware – I only talk about a FEW of them on my blog but there are TONS of them.  Cat Blogosphere and BlogPaws are only two BIG sites that have information on what’s going on.  I’m sure there are others but I belong to both of those.   In fact (tee hee, snicker) I’m going to be in the 2014 Cat Blogosphere Calendar for the month of December!!!  Just one of other kitties featured in that month of course but I’ll be there nonetheless – how cool is THAT???????

Well, I hope you all have a fabulous day – – – – – I think I will – – – – – right now I’m waiting for Mom to undertake the job of changing the sheets on her and Dad’s bed so I can enjoy playing in the new sheets and prevent her from putting the quilt back on.  Just another little FUN thing I do every Thursday to keep OLD MOM on her toesies!

Kitty Hugs, Your Teaser Dude, Sammy

56 responses »

    • Gosh Mollie, I never thought of that – – – some kind of special detector or maybe software his Staff has invented that allows him to know what the Teaser is every single week. Whatever it is, it sure does work doesn’t it? He’s amazing……totally…..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. I am sure Easy astral travels to the Teaser Headquarters of an evening and gets the heads up hahaaahaha one clever boy 🙂 I was so hoping it was Sammys own gingerbread house 🙂 and yes sweet Rachel and Ray Charles are on our bloggies with hopes of finding a lovely home…everything crossed 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. Ooooo you’re a model for a calender, how exciting. Whee are hoping with all our efforts Rachel and Ray Charles will soon have a furever castle to call their own! ^_^

    Nutty, Nacho, Buddy & Basil


    • Hi Gang…….Yes! I get to be in the CB calendar for next year. Can’t wait to see it. I’m with you – hopefully those poor little kitties will find a home…..Leo did – and everyone deserves to have a real forever home don’t they!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • That’s exactly what we did – landed at Shannon and stayed by Bunratty Castle on our first night and day following. We had a blast – it was a lot of fun having that medieval dinner at the castle and the folk park was fabulous. Sorry you didn’t get to see the Teaser and guess – you might have won that “First Right Guesser” badge that Easy seems to have a real penchant for winning!



    • Hi Clowie – I know what you mean – Easy certainly knows his geography doesn’t he? He’s the King of Google I think!!! He can pick up on the littlest thing and get every possible clue. A real “Master Detective” !

      Kitty Hugs, sammy


    • Hi Easy! Concatulations buddy…….I’m starting to think you might be psychic……Swami Easy……King of the Tease……Your Most Royal Highness of Google……HAHAHAHA

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Well I’m one of about a bazillion cats that will be in that calendar – BUT still, I was pretty excited that they took one of the three photos my Mom and I sent in!! Those old houses (and even the NEW ones!) that have thatched roofs are so neat looking aren’t they? Mom says that in that little cottage in the photo there was a lady cooking over a fire in the fireplace. All the houses in the folk park had people working or something inside in authentic costumes. Neato!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I’d be honored to give you my pawtograph fair Sundae……! I can’t remember now what day in December 2014 my photo will be – or what size (it might be toenail sized!) but at least I’m IN it and that’s way fun!

      Happy Sunny Wednesday
      Love, Sammy


  3. How fun about the calendar! You should definitely be in a calendar Sam! You are a star!!! There are soooo many things going on in Blogville right now that I can’t keep up 🙂 I am just trying to keep up with real life here in little old MO. Enjoy your Wednesday Sammy!


    • I know……we’re kind of overwhelmed here too – and we wish we could help out EVERYONE but – well – there’s just not enough time in the day!!!! I can’t wait to see myself in a calendar….HAHAHA…..I’m thinking it will be a TEENY photo because you can’t put a BIG one on just one day of the month but so what – I’ll be there PERIOD! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Well, as usual we were wrong, but we did say the U.K. as an alternate answer, so that was something at least. We think Ray and Rachel are so special. We sure hope they find the purrfect home very soon. It’s great that Ray is finally becoming more socialized. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I agree about Ray – especially being blind it’s great that he’s still able to become more socialized. I bet they DO find a great home…..they’re getting LOTS of help in that regard that’s for sure!



  5. dood….final lee !!!! we at leest wuz in de rite countree with thiz one !!! two far south, but de rite countree 🙂


  6. Me knows that Easy has a prodigious memory for places! And mes sure enjoyed my visit with him to give him his winning kiss in purrson!
    Mes is missing yous Sammy!


    • Hi Nellie…….Easy was so thrilled to get his Nellie kiss from you in purrrrrrson – what self respecting mancat wouldn’t be thrilled????? I hope you’re enjoying all your travel…..I bet Koz and JoJo and the doggies are missing you like crazy…..not to mention your Mommy and Dad! Who’s there to snoopervise the kitchen activity???!!!!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


  7. Awww… I missed the teaser yesterday. All the peep’s fault, of course.

    Ol’ peepers was gone for TWELVE HOURS while she gallivanted around at the provincial exhibition. She had been not be planning to do THAT again, any time soon. At least not for another year.



    • Well Nissy, obviously you need to get going on a new, improved peep-training program around your house! There’s way more of YOU all than peeps so I should think you could overpower them if you wanted to!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. If my mom-person would have let the computer on when she wen´t for work yesterday , me too could have guessed Ireland 🙂
    Me too is going to be in the CB Calender , me is going to be in July.
    I think that is furry cool too 🙂
    My mom have changed sheets in the bed over here too , so me too will have a lot of work with fur it down again 🙂


    • Hi Charlie! Oh I’m happy to hear you’ll be in the CB calendar too – you’re such a handsome dude, you’ll have all the girlie cats swooning when they see you gracing the month of July! It’s not easy being a handsome mancat though is it – WE know don’t we….tee hee

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Sheet Decorating!


  9. Darn it!!! Missed the teaser AGAIN!!!! But the help still wouldn’t have known it, even though Ireland is, like, next door practically!!! Duh!!!!

    Hey I’m in the 2014 calendar too, in November :)))) We might rub up against each other by mistake!! MOL Have a great day, Sammy x0x


    • YAY Austin! November and December boys huh? Cool for us. I can’t remember now what day I’m on….maybe the 12th or 14th….but who cares – I’m there! Concatulations to you too for “making the cut” – we handsome mancats of the universe need to strut our stuff right?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Hiya Sammy! Thanks so much for the shout out on behalf of Ray and Rachel. I am totally confident they are gonna be in their furrever castle before Turkey Day in the USA! How’s that for putting out the pawsitive energy! Paw hugs, Savvy


    • Good for you Savvy – staying pawsitive is the key and with everyone blogging about Rachel and Ray like they are, no doubt they will have a very happy forever home SOON. We’re hoping so anyway – bless their panther kitty hearts!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Shiver me Brogs (Irish shoes), I totally missed the teaser, I’m so behind :p. Good one, being as though it would have been most tricky for mere mortals (Easy is from another planet I think) 😀


  12. I need some tips on how to identify these pictures! I have been SO FAR OFF every time! For this one, my thought was “Colonial Williamsburg” – HA! I’m glad I didn’t post it, that would have been embarrassing…except that I just posted it, didn’t I? 😉


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