Memories of Nellie’s Visit!


Hi Peeps………………….as you know I was honored by Her Royal Highness Queen Nellie this past week with a visit from her beautiful self which was EVER so much fun – and then off she went with my girlcatfriend Sundae to Southern Virginia to spend the night and have some “girl time” before heading to Katie Isabella’s.  That Nellie – she’s a gal on the go!

But what I didn’t know is that she’d send me this as a memento of our lovely time together!


What a wonderful souvenir of my visit with Nellie……………it was such a pleasure having her here……….sigh.

Another great thing happened to me this week – my good friends at The Cat On My Head presented me with another award……..and I have a couple of forms of this but not THIS particular badge and I do think it’s quite pretty.  I also am so honored that my friends want me to have ANY kind of award whether I’ve already received it or not.  It’s just plain NICE isn’t it?   SMOOCHIES TO MISS JANET AND KITTIES!


So you see?  It’s been a rather spectacular week for me……..and this morning I start off with my bacon breakfast – so does life get any better than that?  Well I think it does….it’s always getting better.  AND this week I added a bunch of new followers – that means even more friends – yep – like I said, just when you think things couldn’t be better…..THEY ARE!

Happy Caturday to each and every one of you 😀 😀 😀



PEE ESSSS   If you haven’t checked out Mollie’s latest additions to her fab shop you MUST…….there’s a badge on my sidebar that will take you right there – – – – you can’t miss the badge – – – Mollie speeding down the highway in her pink car!!

56 responses »

  1. What a lovely mememto of Nellies visit Sammy! you both look like the cats that got the cream 😉 and a beautiful award too..and Bacon…happy Saturday indeed my sweet friend have a great one big hugs Fozziemum xx


  2. That Nellie is SOOOOOO polite!! What a great visitor to have and a great sport to boot! We got that award to from Kitties Blue :))) I am nagging for The Staff to blog about it soonest. Have a great weekend, Sammy xox


    • Hi Austin! Yes – Nellie is very polite to send thank you notes to all the spots she “landed” on her recent tour du jour. You and I were lucky dudes to be included weren’t we??? Happy Weekend……… 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Concatulations to your award. I’m always sad too when my visitors leave my crib. But Nellie has a teleport-tunnel, so she can visit you again and again. I need such a tunnel too, sadly we haven’t found one for my size – and it could be embarrassing to stuck between tele and port :o) Have a great caturday!


    • Hi Easy……Yes you do need a teleport device – I had hoped maybe that new tent you all got could be “retrofitted” for travel but I guess it just wasn’t QUITE right! Nellie sure gets around – that’s for sure. I have an old teleport tunnel that was just not trustworthy enough to use, hence I got that fancy hang-glider I have used in the past. Between that and borrowing the FBI jet, I’m “all set” for traveling.

      Happy Saturday!


        • Sounds like it could be a bit too dangerous to give it a try Easy. You’d need to have a LOT of beans to manage a trip that long…….. Perhaps you need to add “Transport Tunnel” to your Christmas Wish List? It’s never too soon to start the list you know!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Aw….isn’t that Nellie a sweetie?? She sent us a litle thank-you, too. Of course, Motor Mommy hasn’t let me write about it yet….
    Happy Caturday, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


    • Oh lucky you!!!! Nellie is not only tons of fun as a visitor but EVER so polite in thanking those she visits afterwards…..we love her to bits! Have fun catching up with the Queen….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Cody……I hope you have a wonderful Caturday too……we’re getting some rain – it’s yucky/hot/sticky outside so I’m glad to have my bacon breakfast INDOORS!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I sure did Miss Pix…..and thanks for the concats on my new/old award! Are you enjoying the kittens as much as my Mom has been????? Even I think they’re cute….even if they don’t have extra toesies……

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I agree……but for now, fun and games are back on the menu – our rain here has stopped the Mr. Sun’s out so I’ve asked Mommy very kindly to take me out for a stroll! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Happy Weekend!


    • Hi Layla! Sammy got his bacon treat this morning while David and I had bacon “and then some”…..we were in the throes of rain all morning and just now the sun came out. I think I’ll take my little guy out for a cruise on the wet grass…he’ll like that. Hope you and the gang are enjoying your weekend so far!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Hi Cupcake……….the bacon this morning was totally delightful! I tried to talk Mom into a BLT for lunch (aren’t I wicked?) but no dice. She said “too much bacon is not good for ANY of us” and I stuck my lip out but that got me nowhere. I happen to know that bacon will be on the menu tomorrow again though – and I heard the “pancake” word too.

      Enjoy your weekend Cupcake!
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  5. Oh and GUESS WHAT? We hadz a little excitement of our OWN this week – tell your dad the vacuum pump went out on our Cherokee! Woooo~ there went our allowance for the next 3 months, mommy sez. MOL!


  6. Sammy, that is a beautiful memento from Nellie and her visit with you. Glad you liked the award from us. We thought it was super pretty as well. Thanks for linking back. Hope your bacon was super yummy, Sam. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo


  7. Lubly card frum Nellie to ya Sammy!!! Izn’t Nellie da BOMB???
    Well dun on dat award…me got it to but me waz sick n Mum too….n we don’t nose who gave it to us!!! (bery embarrassin me can tell ya!!!) Ya deserve dat aeward cause ya ARE a loyal reader fer shure!!!
    Bacon on Caturday….all iz well wif da werld den!!!!!!!
    Lub ya n me n Mum will do our best to catch up here wif ya!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen xo


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