Drama and Trauma


Hi Peeps……Happy Fursday.

Since yesterday my blog had to be all about Teaser Tell All I couldn’t TELL ALL about what I was really up to the day before. Wanna know? Of course you do – especially after you saw the title of today’s bloggy right? WELL……..here’s where I was for HOURS and HOURS (not really – just one hour but it seemed like more!):

Animal Medical Center of Warrenton

Animal Medical Center of Warrenton

Why was I there????   Cuz it was time for my annual physical and shots (Yuck)

Here’s my doctor – I was VERY good for Dr. Rethman – I always am.  Mom was extremely proud of me!


Mom and I were chauffeured to our appointment by Dad.  When I’m in the car I have to sit on Mom’s lap with her arms around me and my face is hidden under her arm so I can’t see.  I don’t like to be reminded by the passing scenery that I’m going somewhere in the car because 100% of the time I’m IN the car, it’s because I’m on my way to the vet.  No matter how nice they are, I’m still not crazy about it – you know what I mean!

So anyway, when we got there Dad waited in the car and Mom and I went in.  There were some BIG dogs there and they barked at me so Ginger, the office manager, put me and Mom in a little room ALLLLLLL by ourselves where it was nice and quiet.  They had two emergencies that afternoon so we had to wait almost 20 minutes before we saw Dr. Rethman.  BUT guess what……Mom was holding me the whole time and I fell asleep on her shoulder – yep I sure did.  She didn’t know I had until she heard me snoring – that’s right – SNORING!  How embarrassing.

Dr. Rethman and the tech came into MY room (I think they should name it the Sammy Suite) and checked me out – and I do mean CHECKED ME OUT everywhere – and I just lay there and let them poke, prod, and move me this way and that……….THEN I got three shots!  Rabies and two other things that I don’t even WANT to know what they were for…….I was so good.  Not a squeak (or a snore).  Dr. Rethman said I was in excellent shape – that I weigh 14 and a half pounds just like last year, and that it’s hard to believe I’m 13 years old.  YAY!!!  Mom talked to him about my “wonky knee” and a couple of other things she’d observed (like that I sleep a lot more and I’m a little more “demanding” of her time and attention) and he said that was normal – especially for a senior.

SO – bottom line is I’m 100% healthy – no worries – I don’t have to see them until next year – hallelujah.  With some luck that means no car trips for a whole year.

So I'm celebrating!

So I’m celebrating!

My name is Sam

Thirteen I am

Healthy and wise

Love in my eyes

I’ve got extra toes

And a pink freckled nose

I like to catch bugs


I’m FAMOUS for my HUGS !

Happy Birthday  Miss Dianna!

I’m One Happy Spoiled Cat !

Happy Fursday – see you all tomorrow………….Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

An impawtant Peee Essss

Please visit Savannah (and Leo) today HERE on their “Thankful Thursday” post  to learn about another cat who is in need – she’s a beautiful lady cat in England who needs a home!

90 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! Yes – Mom, Dad and I are all quite happy that I’m in good shape for an old guy. Too bad my Dad isn’t as chipper as I am in HIS old age……HAHAHAHAHA (Mom made me say that!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m just glad it’s OVER WITH. For another year….hopefully….! May I say that Mommy and I think Animal Couriers offer to take little Miss Mary (Savannah and Leo’s UK friend) to her new home in the UK wherever it might be is a most generous and sweet thing to do. I hope she finds a home VERY soon…..

      Big Hugs, Sammy


  1. I’m glad your vet visit was uneventful, Sammy! You and Binga are almost the same age – she will be 13 next month – and she does not act her age at all! But maybe that is because she is psycho.


    • HAHAHAHAHA…….Sparkle you made Mommy spurt coffee out her nose – what a funny sight THAT was. Anyway, I try to be kitten-ish from time to time myself – just to remind my humans how adorable I truly am.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Sparkle! Binga is not psycho, she’s a tortie ladycat and we are just a bit sensitive to the actions of others that we do not give permission to be so or like. And sometimes to soothe our sensitive selves we feel an uncontrollable desire to dominate/take/torment/whap someone or something. I’m sure as a ladycat of the Somali breed mew have certain characteristics that mew cannot control. Even if we can, er I mean could help being the way we are, we REFUSE. I mean would refuse, that is. 😽


    • Hi boys…..I’m happy to be healthy too – a little arthritis in my shoulder is NO PROBLEM for me. I can handle that for sure compared to what a lot of older pets have to go through. That may be in my future – who knows – but at least it’s NOT in my “present” !! Glad you liked my poem……

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Concatulations – your are an a++++ kitty! I’m so glad all Sammy-parts are in best condition. I dislike full waiting rooms – maybe you should eat beans before you have your next vet appointment?


    • Oh Easy you have the BEST ideas! Beans would have certainly cleared the room…….I wasn’t afraid of the dogs really – I just dug my nails into Mom’s shoulder when I heard them bark – but they wanted to check ME out that’s for sure….hee hee….The little room they put me in was so nice and peaceful I just went to sleep while we waited. I do like the beans idea – I’ll try that NEXT year!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


        • HA! Your Dad’s smart – blame everything on the “little woman”…….I do like the whole bean idea though so I’ve written it down on my personal calendar for NEXT year’s vet visit…..I like to leave an impression behind when I leave a room…….if you get my drift……… 😉 😉

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • Oh Easy I hope I don’t have to wait THAT long again – so does my Mom – she was holding me and her arms got a big tired holding me that long. HAHAHA Gosh – I only weigh 14-1/2 lbs. which is as much as some of the shopping bags she lugs around so what’s the big deal???!!! Right?????

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Soooo glad to hear you are all fine that side. The title of your post definitely got me worried. How sweet that you fell asleep and were so incredibly good at the vet. No way any of mine would have done that. Loved your poem and yes, you are most definitely famous for the best hugs in the world


    • Hi Miss Susan! Mom thought it was rather hilarious when she heard snoring in her eat while my head rested on her shoulder – it was my way of “escaping the situation” I think but it worked for me! I’m just glad it’s over with – and that I’m OK and don’t have to take pills or any of that stuff at least YET.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. MEWYAY! Pawesome job showing the vet and people at the Stabby Place that not all cats freak out and shred people to bits when they visit there. I think we cats get a bad rap when it comes to this, people just assume we cannot be as well behaved or friendly if we leave the premises of our home. I’ve purrsonally witnessed DOGS at my vet who were freaking out and had to wear a thing on their mouths so they wouldn’t bite or having to be carried in because they kept running the opposite way and howling. Talk about embarrassing, my doggie sister Dottie (who sadly went to the Bridge 8 years ago) used to hate going to the vet so much that once she got to the door of the office and it was opened for her to enter she would sniff the air, realize where she was and promptly sit right in the doorway and REFUSE to move! Grandma would tug the leash gently to signal her to rise and follow, but she stubbornly would not move. Now this was a 80 lb. Border Collie/Austrailian Shepard mix and a dog not easy to move! Smart as a whip, she would hold firm and it would take Grandma, the vet, and 2 vet techs to CARRY her through the door and in to the exam room- all grunting as they moved because my silly woofie sister would deliberately let her body go limp once they picked her up!
    There were times we saw the vet at the same time so there I would be in my carrier, with nowhere to hide or escape. MORTIFIED I would turn around in my carrier so I faced the opposite way, doing my best to pretend I was NOT with nor knew this crazy dog!
    Now can mew imagine one of the feline species EVER putting on such a circus of a show at the Stabby Place?! I think NOT! We cats are a SUPERIOR species over ALL others and though not 100% purrfect all the time, are 99.9% of it. Mewz visit is a PURRFECT example of a PURRFECT species also known as CATS!!!! *giggles and hugs Sammy, they then run off to the kitchen to order a special mid week/purrfect visit to the Stabby Place of a purrfect cat/treat of BACON from Sammy’s Mom*


  5. Wow, Sammy! You were so brave: you even fell asleep! That’s so cool that they gave you and your mom your own little room: Sammy Suite would be an excellent name for that! I’m happy you got a good check-up!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..whew! I was happy when it was over but at least I don’t have to visit that place for a whole year. Three shots was a bit much though – my “you know what” was sore yesterday!

      Love, Sammy


  6. So glad your vet visit was not that traumatic…you don’t sound traumatized since you fell asleep waiting!! You and my BJ are so good about watching your weight….she’s weighed the same thing within an oz. or 2 for the last 5 yrs…lots of us hoomans would like your secret!!! And BJ is also a senior but not quite as senior as you are!


    • Hi Miss June……Mom says she’d love to know how I stay slim and trim – especially since all I do is lie around and sleep most of the time!!! She’s running around here and there doing stuff and can’t lose an ounce. HAHAHA Anyway, please say hi to BJ for me…..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Pawesome news Sammy! Glad you’re good to go! Poor you not liking the car… I don’t mind it because I go quite often and I get fed ham through a little hole in my travel case! Maybe you should ask for extra bacon?! Hehe! Love you’re poem! =^.^=


    • Hi Bailey my sailing friend……….loved your photo this morning – that’s a beautiful town you’re visiting. Hope all’s well onboard Nocturne……and I do believe I’ll mention that idea of having bacon handy on my next car trip to my Mom……who knows…..it might help!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Glad you are healthy our sweet pal. Hope you got some extra treats when you got home, especially since you were such a good boy. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hmm….well Miss Pix my Mom says she’s got no problem maintaining HER weight as she ages (hahahahaha) but doesn’t want ME to do that…….so I’m hanging in there at 14 lbs. A far cry from when she adopted me and I weighed one pound. 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. I’ll tell You what I think
    i am so happy you’re healthy and happy xxxxxx
    Your vet looks like a nice human xxxx
    🙂 xxx
    snuggle with Your mom xxxxxx
    Lots of love from me ‘and i looove Your poem
    you poetic little soul xo C


    • Hi Miss Cat! I’m glad you like my poem and believe me, my Mom, Dad AND myself are happy I’m doing well for my age. I have kitty friends who are a LOT older and still “kickin’ it” and I intend to be around for a looooooooooooong time. I’ve been doing a lot of Mommy-snuggling the past two days believe me. I think I exhausted BOTH of us at the vet! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Whew! I was padding the floor when Mom said Miss Pam said today was about a vet visit….pawsome news you are good to go another year. Luvluvluv ya Sammyamd thanks so much for the shout out about Leo’s Project post today for Mary


  11. We had to stop taking our cat Poka into the vets because she has athiritus. The opposite of your mom holding you in the car while you hid, is just like when my step dad had to hold Poka so my mom could drive. Poka doesn’t like the outdoors, although she has stepped outside not too many times in her life. Once she hits that “unfimiliar feeling”, she runs straight back inside. When we took her to the vet last year and my step dad hold our cat, she mowed like crazy cuz she was so scared. Poka isint like you Sammy when she went to the vets. She cried really loud with her meow. She was SO scared, and when I was in the vets room one time, I hid in the corner and I could hear her hissing. What a bad thing! At least the vets gave her a shot in her neck and it was over in a few minutes.


  12. Wowzers! Sammy! Purrhaps mes should takes some lessons from yous!!
    But then, mes would not be the Cat From Hell! My yucky eye is a bit better. Mes did not has to goes to the vet. Mommy stopped in to sees them when she was in town at the market and the vet said to keeps rinsing out my eye and that has been working! Excuse me, me needs to merrrow at the brat Jo-Jo


    • Hi Nellie! I’m glad your yucky eye is improving…..I wonder if you’re allergic to Jo-Jo??? (tee hee). How is the little booger anyway? I hope you’re teaching her how to torture Kozmo – it’s up to you to do that you know!

      Kisses and Hugs back at you……………always, Sammy


    • Oh Ranger! I’m sorry to hear that – what are they gonna do about that “LITTLE PROBLEM” you have????? Can’t they do sumthin’ ???? You most certainly CAN have a hug…..you’re my pal and I don’t like any of my pals to hurt. 😦

      }}}}}}}}}}}}}SPECIAL HUG FOR RANGER{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{


    • Hi Nissy…..I agree – when it’s over IT’S OVER and going home even in the dreaded car wasn’t so bad because I knew I was headed home. My knee is (they think) related to being polydactyl. I’m kind of “bow-legged” (Mom thinks it’s cute and part of my purrrsonality) because of my extra toesies OR just the way I grew inside my Mom before I was hatched! Anyway, it’s no biggie but one “knee” (which Mom calls my elbow) on my front leg is weak and sometimes it hurts to go UP (not down) stairs. You and I have “wonky knees” in common I suppose in a way……the doc has said it shouldn’t cause me any issues and it never has except now I’m older I have a bit more arthritis in THAT elbow (!) than any others. One of those lovely little things about getting older!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  13. dood….
    sorree ya had ta go two de vet
    it wuz knot fun.. on that we can bet
    N pleez rememburr when yur bones be achin
    tell yur mom ….ya need sum mor bacon


    • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh I’ve gotta put that in my blog tomorrow……yet another good reason for MORE BACON right tabbies????? Thanks guys – you’re “DA BESTEST” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Poor Bowie…..well, it’s a necessary evil to keep us at our best and ensure we are around to keep our humans on the straight and narrow for years to come!! Please tell Bowie I’ll be thinking about him and we all expect a FULL REPORT on his visit to the doc too!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Yes it is good news and I’m quite sure the entire experience from start to finish was more traumatic for ME than it was for Sam….especially since he was apparently “comfortable” enough at the vet to fall asleep on my shoulder and SNORE! 😀



  14. Yay, so glad you got a clean bill of health! We all hate going to the doctor too….just one of those things in life that we have to put up with! Glad it wasn’t too stressful for you (none of us could fall asleep in the doctor’s office…lol)!


    • Mom’s still getting a chuckle out of me nodding off on her shoulder. I’ve never done that before – maybe because the visit was scheduled during one of my best nap times – 3PM?? HAHAHA Not sure WHY but obviously I felt comfy in Mom’s arms and snored my head off.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hey guys….I’m glad you liked my poem AND I was happy to read on your bloggy that you’re going to have THREE WHOLE WEEKS of “Mommy time” coming soon! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  15. Great news Sammy a lively healthy snappy senior kitty…pensioner puss if you will! the shots are never nice but keep you safe so very important! we don’t have rabies here thankfully but still all the other kitty things that need shots.
    Another year of great health and happiness you sweet ginger man 🙂
    Big hugs Fozziemum x


    • Thanks so much Fozziemum! I’m happy that I’m healthy because I see that so many other animal buddies are having BIG problems that cost so very much to take care of…..and it’s kinda scary so I’m hoping that I stay healthy FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER. I hope all of your furries do too!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • I agree Sammy! I hope the same for our furries…as it is so hard when they are not well 😦
        So many unwell little ones breaks your heart..when the guests are gone I will be catching up on everything and sharing the stories…I am behind the times unlike the well organised furry family members!
        Hugs to you Sammy from Fozziemum and the gang xx


        • Thanks for the bugs – hugs are like recharging of the batteries for me – and as many hugs as I like to hand out, I can use a few in return!!! Since your gang is HUGE, I’m feeling TRULY charged up today! YAY! Thanks a bunch……..let’s hope that all of us stay healthy – seems none of us can really afford to be sick these days with medical costs. YIKES.

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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