Teaser Tell All


Hi Everybody – welcome to my Teaser Tell All !  Today you’ll find out in video form where yesterday’s Teaser photos were taken.  A beautiful spot wouldn’t you say?



And I know a lot of you thought that was our Weimaraner buddy “Easy” there in the photo so you thought FRANCE……since that’s where Easy lives with his staff but guess what – it ISN’T France – wanna know where it is and who our Guest Teaser was?  Just watch this!

Michelle from My Three Moggies was on a short vacation in Seville, Spain with her husband and they had dinner with Leo from Doggy’s Style and they were the stars of the Video Tell All !!!  SURPRISE!!!!

We had ONE “First Right Guesser” – only one person said the town AND the country in their answer and that was the lovely:



This is yours Mollie…………..woo woo woo

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….


Yep – Miss Mollie guessed that the photos were from Seville, Spain.  We had only one Big Sammy Hug winner too because only one person guessed “SPAIN” and who was that you might ask??????



This is yours Savvy……….woo woo woo



A very special thank you to Michelle for doing our Guest Teaser this week – what fun it was and getting to see Leo was super fun too………Leo’s lucky enough to live in the beautiful city of Seville in Spain where the photos were taken and I just have to wonder if our buddy Doggy has cruised that area in his walks with Leo???   By the way, in case you’re wondering specifically where in Seville the photos were taken, Michelle said it was an area called Alcazar.  Isn’t that fountain amazing???   Easy if we find out that weimaraner in the photo is a girl, we’ll get her phone number for you!!!!!!

Have a super special Wednesday all………..my Mom’s gone all day today to visit my Auntie Carol who is having her birthday today.

My Sister Carol The Author!

Mom’s Sister Carol The Author!

Also having a birthday today is Texas’ little sister Kitshka so make sure and stop over to wish her a happy BIG NUMBER ONE birthday today!



Kitty Hugs, Sammy

Pee Ess………special Sammy Hugs for my friends Benny and Leo……”JUST BECAUSE”


59 responses »

    • Hi Austin! Wasn’t it nice of Shell to do that video for us? And we got to check out that famous boy Doggy and his human Mr. Leo too!! Mollie gets her very first “First Right Guesser” badge…..it’s a BIG DAY in blogville huh??

      Happy Wednesday Austin,
      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  1. Concats to the winners! (Motor Mommy & I are going to watch the video later after Motor Man wakes up – we don’t want the sound to wake him).
    Hope your Mommy has a great time with her sister – Happy Birthday, Auntie Carol!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Mom had fun and just got home a little while ago so she’s super tired from the drive – some of it was through bad weather. Anyway, she had a grand time and that’s the important thing. Have a good night with your Motor Mom and Dad!

      Love, Sam


  2. concatulations to the winner…I had no idea, of course. I know you’ll miss your Mommy while she’s gone today…perhaps she’ll bring you a little taste of birthday cake!


  3. Congratulations Mollie!!!!! And I thought Doggy was right with Lisboa hahahaha
    But I’ve got the booby price: it was a Weimaraner in the picture :o) Have a great wednesday – it’s so cool, to meet some one of Blogville for real!


        • I still say that weimie in the photo in Seville is a girl and she’s looking for YOU YOU YOU!!! I bet Doggy could arrange a meet-up….. 😉 As for confusing kilts with leather pants – I suspect kilts are a lot “breezier” than pants are…tee hee

          Kitty hugs, Sam


          • Ohhhhhhh I bet a Weimenco would be something to see – those long silver gray legs flying all over the place! WOO WOO…………..I bet Doggy could keep an eye open for that “girl Weimie” from the Teaser…..just let him know you’re interested. I see romance in your future!

            Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • HA…..Mom said the same thing about HEARING our friends although she’d heard Michelle from the last Guest Teaser…..we love Leo’s Spanish accent too…..and he’s tons of fun!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. OMC!! Thank you Sammy, I will wear your badge proudly…but…ummmm…I am not sure I earned it…cuz I did say either Spain or Portugal…..so thank you very much for giving me benefit of doubt and making my answer Spain!! Mom has that next on her bucket list. Paw hugs Savvy


  5. Happy!! Happy!!! Joy!!! Joy!!!
    What a Domination Day it is!!!
    Mes shall sings your Aunt the birthday song!!!
    *•.¸¸♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♫♪ ¸¸.•*
    ¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♫♪
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Sammy’s Auntie Carol!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♫♪
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♫♪


    • Oh Nellie my Mom opened up this comment while she was at her sister’s house just to show her how WordPress works and when Mom and Auntie Carol saw your song it made them both SO HAPPY! Mom told Auntie Carol that you are FAMOUS for your birthday song!!!!! Thank you for totally making Auntie Carol’s birthday SUPER special. You’re the BEST!

      Love and kisses, Sammy


    • Thanks for the birthday wishes Layla….I was showing my sister all the comments on Sam’s blog while I was visiting her in W. Virginia for her birthday and she loved that so many people wished her a happy birthday – so THANK YOU!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Well… that might just have been my worst guess ever. I didn’t even get the right continent! MOUSES!!!



  7. …and it was in Seville, too! And you know how I have a brother named, Seville. ‘Course, he was named after the orange and not the place. But still… MOUSES TIMES TWO!


  8. We’ve never been to Spain, but the human’s have been to Oklahoma. MOL. Very lovely place in the photos. Happy birthday to your mom’s sister Carol. Sorry you are home alone today Sammy. So are we! More about that on our Friday post. Love, purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Gee – my Mom has never been to Oklahoma OR Spain!!! I got my new bowl and nip pillows today gang – WOO WOO I love them!!! Big Hugs to all of you especially your Mom who did the painting on the bowl and made the pillows. I love them!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. dood…we guessed…at de moggies… then for getted ta post R wrong answer heer …sew we will just say a happe day ta yur aunt N we hope her birthday iz fun filled N her eatz lotz oh cake N mice creem N flounder 🙂 !! ~~~~~~~


    • Thanks dudes…………my Auntie Carol had a great time with my Mom today. Thanks for the birthday wishes cuz Mom showed them all to Auntie C while she was visiting her today! Way cool!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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