Friday Fun



Happy Friday!

Today is my friend Henry’s birthday party.  Are you going?  Everyone is you know……….we’re all going to help him celebrate turning SIX today.  I’m on my way now – I’ll see you there?

Click Here To Visit My Three Moggies and go to the PAWTY!

Click Here To Visit My Three Moggies and go to the PAWTY!


Something else that’s FUN is that our friend Mollie has put some NEW stuff in her shop – have you been there lately?   She and her Mom are always cookin’ up something new for cat, dogs and critters (including HUMAN critters) so make sure you visit the store on her blog just to keep up.  No doubt there’s something that you simply CANNOT do without !

Another FUN thing is that tomorrow is my friend Odin’s birthday – PAWTIES, PAWTIES, PAWTIES……make sure and wish him a happy third birthday tomorrow and I hear he’s having some giveaways to celebrate – wowzers!

And one more piece of news…….although maybe this isn’t in the FUN category – I guess my Mom would have to make THAT call – but day before yesterday she decided to start another blog.  Yep – sure did.  It’s going to be about writing – her writing and other people’s writing and who knows what else she’ll get up to over there but now she won’t be putting stuff on MY blog about HER writing!  Here’s where she is but trust me – it’s probably going to be BOOOOOOOOOOOOORING unless you’re a writer or want to write or wish you could write – know what I mean?????   I mean if you had two different blogs you could look at – which would you choose?  One about a fun-loving ginger kitty OR one about writing.  Easy-Peasy…..ME ME ME!

Just kidding Mom – I’m sure your blog will be very stimulating (tee hee)!


Yesterday on Savannah’s blog I read the good news that our friend Leo who’s currently residing at Savvy’s place while her parents are fostering him, is EATING A LITTLE BIT OF KIBBLE on his own!  That’s what we were all hoping for.  That’s a very good sign – let’s all hope he eats more and more and soon he won’t need that feeding tube.  She also told us how much money was raised by Mollie, Alfie, and their Mum’s FANTABULOUS auction and raffle and it was a LOT LOT LOT of money to help with Leo’s care.  YAY!

Leo would thank you if he could !!

Leo would thank you if he could !!


So, let’s all make this a HAPPY Friday OK?   We’re in the middle of a rather HOT spell here where I live – hopefully you will have a nice day wherever in the big wide world YOU are!

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

I’m going to be in the SHADE today!



Love and Kitty Hugs, Sammy



48 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! Yes I just was at Henry’s checking out the fabulous cakes – looks like a REAL contest going on over there. I love them all!! We also love all the new stuff you have in your shop…..I hope your Mum is feeling better – give her a SAMMY HUG for me will ya??????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • YIKES! A suicidal pigeon huh? Now THAT can be a bit disconcerting to say the least! Amazing he got up and flew away – gonna check FB out to see him. What a start to Henry’s birthday huh? Maybe he was trying to stop by and wish him HAPPY BIRD-DAY?????????????? HAHAHAHAHA

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  1. Hi , Sammy !
    Have BIG problems wiff my internet 😦
    My mom have told the company and they are working on it and hopefully they will fix it soon !!
    So that´s why I havent been commenting for a while , I can read blogs in mom´s Mjausung phone but it´s really hard to write comments shen you have as BIG paws as I have 🙂
    Sounds GREAT with all those PARTY´s and that Leo have been eating kibbles !
    Have a pawsome weekend 🙂


    • Hi Charlie! We haven’t seen you in AGES but I was just at your blog to say hello a few minutes ago. Sorry you’re having internet problems – we’ve had them before too. There are a lot of parties happening these last couple of months you’re right… much catnip and cakes and treats – it’s almost overwhelming. Yes, it’s wonderful that Leo has taken a few bites of food but I was just reading on Savannah’s blog this morning that he’s still not eating regularly and he NEEDS to so keep your big paws crossed!!!

      Thanks for visiting me Charlie…….I’ve missed you!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good news about Leo!
    And Motor Mommy has already visited your Mom’s new blog – she thinks it’s exciting and subscribed to it (whatever that means).
    Yes, it’s feeling like summertime out there – so I hear.
    Stay cool, Sammy. Happy Furiday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Sundae you should be very happy that you stay inside all the time – you don’t have to get cold paws and nose in the winter and hot paws and nose in the summer. Every day is comfortable and with all your lovely “spy spots” in your windows you’re one lucky girl!

      Love, Sammy 😉


  3. That’s a lot of news, Sammy! I’ll head over and wish Henry a happy birthday in a minute and I must pop in to Savannah’s – that’s great news about Leo! My biped is keen to check out your mom’s blog.
    Have a great weekend, Sammy!


    • Oh Cody, please tell your Mom that MY Mom is happy about it too….she’s thinking this is a GOOD thing for her to be doing and it might just get her to finish that dingy-danged-long-put-off-sequel…..besides, I’m in the sequel and I need to be a star like “Eddy” was!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. So much news and pawties, what is a cat to do? Mommy says she is really excited about your mom Pam’s new blog. If you had some meowmates like we do, she’d never have time for it! And great news about Leo…we hadn’t heard that yet. Mom’s still trying to catch up after returning from abandoning us. Have a pawsome weekend and keep cool. We are hoping it is not going to be another of those scorching summers. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Yes there are a lot of pawties to go to – LA DE DA – and the cake decorating contest on My Three Moggies is fun to at least see even if you don’t vote! I’m sure it makes a lot of difference in what our humans can do depending on how many of US there are to take care of…….and no doubt if we DID have a house full of cats Mom would be playing with all of THEM instead of having time to do a second blog. Well, we’ll see how long she keeps it up (or if she ever does get that sequel finished……….FINALLY!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Layla………you do such a great job with both of yours – I hope I can turn my writing blog into something worthwhile (!!) – I’m still kind of mulling over what precisely I intend to do with it after I tell my tale. LOL Thanks for the encouragement though and we’ll be coming over for Odin’s “do” tomorrow!

      Hugs, Pam


  5. Well Sammy, as you know I am a kitty of letterz, so I will be popping over to your mom’s other blog and dragging the boring old human with me! She likes to read, but needs to use her finger to follow the words! 😉 hehe!! Ahem! 😉

    We are all cheering that Leo is doing better 🙂


    • Hi Austin….it was good news about Leo right? Today we hear he’s NOT eating again but you know what? Maybe he’s kind of forgotten HOW! That feeding tube thing has been in for a while…..Glad you’ll be forcing bringing your human with you when you visit my Mom’s other blog. Although MINE has just GOT to be more interesting than THAT one! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. June IS the month for parties! I’m having a birthday on the 24th – PLUS it is Cat World Domination Day! My human’s job this weekend is designing a graphic for both!


    • Oh Sparkle that’s way cool and I’ll be sure and visit on your BD. I remember last year’s Cat World Domination Day badge and I can’t wait to see this year’s!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. haza total lee awesum fryday N manee flounders ta ewe sammy…we liked yur birthday cake ya made for henry…..just enuff mice ~~~~~~ N hay, enjoy yur week oh end…see ya bak on monday 🙂


    • I know – lots of pawties happening huh? I’m sure we’ll have another big load of them in June – WOOOOOPS – June is HERE as of tomorrow! Time flies huh? And July is when your next holiday on Nocturne will be right? I’m sure you’re excited already!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Isn’t it great that Leo at least TRIED a bit of food on his own? He’s still got the feeding tube though – he has to consistently eat on his own before that will come out apparently. Have a SUPER weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Boomdee!! Mom says thanks on the new blog wishes……and I’m glad you think I’m adorable on my porch – I do love my porch…’s cooler than out in that sun!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. We’re popping over to the new Blog now. Then we’ll zoom over and say Happy Birthday to Odin, check on Mollie’s shop to see if she’s added anything else since Wednesday and…….. so little time, so many blogs to visit.
    Bye Sammy……………


    • Hi Zena! You’re right – we could probably spend ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day visiting our friends but we DO have other things that need “doing” don’t we?!?! Happy Weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Gang! Glad you popped over to visit Henry – he sure got a lot of swell birthday cakes didn’t he? Nothing like celebrating a special occasion with a buddy huh? Happy Weekend!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  9. Yow Sammy we did go to Three Moogiez fer Sir Henry’s Birfday!!!
    We also want to give a ‘meow out’ to Odin fer hiz 3rd Birfday also.
    Izn’t it pawsum Leo iz nommin a bit of kibble on hiz own??? Pawz crossed he iz eatin more soon!!!
    Me Mum iz a writer too so maybee me shuud send her over to yer Mum?? Me seez….Mum iz shy to write anyfing on da Web it seemz…
    Happy Caturday Sammy me furend..,,
    Lub frum Nylablue n her Mum xo


    • I’m glad you stopped by to wish both Henry and Odin a happy birthday. They’re both such great guys! Yes, it’s grand that Leo ate a bit of food but he needs to do that ALL the time – I’m sure he’d love getting that feeding tube removed!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Yow Pam n Sammy…me made Mum sit down n type fer me last nite!! We were fallin beehind again n dat IZ NOT ON!!!!!
        We hopez Odin had a pawsum Birfday.
        Poor Leo…me wishez he wuud just eat already….well eat MORE…Mum iz wrackin her teeny brain for ideaz…keepz her occupied, MOL.
        Paw Patz Nylablue xo


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